What your sig means to you

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No-live 2 said:
Well if it only happens once they cant fail at it can they?

unless they call the paramedics..

and they revive him/her
How bout this?





lower, 4-wide:

It's hard to make alphabet letters when you have 4X4 pixels to work with.

EDIT: I fully support your interesting, if not retina-gouging, sig project. And don't ask me about making an upper-case B for you :P
MuToiD_MaN said:
It's hard to make alphabet letters when you have 4X4 pixels to work with.

i might stick with yours... ill do it tomoro, its 11:30pm , feeling a bit drowsy..lol :rolling:
DE3000 said:
But if it happends only once how can they be good at it? :|

o you think they can only do it once.

some old people are so talented that they can die many many times before they are fininished
Kore, Its easier to make a line and color it in instead of typing in the color.
Teh pink bunny is gonna kick your ass.

What bunny? all i see is parenthesis backslash quote slash parenthesis [enter] parenthesis uparrow period uparrow parenthesis [enter] parenthesis quote parenthesis parenthesis quote parenthesis o....and its pink
MarcoPollo said:
What bunny? all i see is parenthesis backslash quote slash parenthesis [enter] parenthesis uparrow period uparrow parenthesis [enter] parenthesis quote parenthesis parenthesis quote parenthesis o....and its pink

It's still gonna pwn your ass.
Thats what they all say...well actually your the first one to say that...but ur ****ing tr0n
MarcoPollo said:
Thats what they all say...well actually your the first one to say that...but ur ****ing tr0n
****ing straight I am. :imu:
MarcoPollo said:
Tr0n, will you let me lay my eggs in your heart and cerebellum?
I'm afraid that has happened already by Ikerous.
DAMN! anyways what was this thread about before we hijacked it with our slash rambilings?
MarcoPollo said:
DAMN! anyways what was this thread about before we hijacked it with our slash rambilings?
What...something means to you...or something.

/me shrugs
Tr0n said:
Same bullshit as always...and yours?

I threw up from heat exhaustion and it got on my friend's Xbox.....it was actually a way to get revenge on microsoft.
MarcoPollo said:
I threw up from heat exhaustion and it got on my friend's Xbox.....it was actually a way to get revenge on microsoft.
Fun for the whole family.
HAHAHAHA my friend emily just sent me an email saying how she is becoming a vegan and she sent me a link about how bunnies are always getting kiled or some shit like that so i sent her to www.savetoby.com

I think she is gonna torch my house
MarcoPollo said:
HAHAHAHA my friend emily just sent me an email saying how she is becoming a vegan and she sent me a link about how bunnies are always getting kiled or some shit like that so i sent her to www.savetoby.com

I think she is gonna torch my house
Now that deserves a pwned.
this whole page is made of tr0n and marcopollo's posts........
I always piss her off by telling her I beat my cat and that i just bought like 5 pounds of meat.
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