What your sig means to you

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roll on floor laughing while laughing my ass off what the **** barbeque
MarcoPollo said:
roll on floor laughing while laughing my ass off what the **** barbeque
What the **** oh my god laugh out loud.
/me trys to kill all infected people while wearing a biohazard suit thing
/ kills 15357 with blunt object and consentally rapes him...its good to be a 19 yr old sexing a 13 yr old!
*******************Above area is Quarantined********************


Yes read it, it's safe for your viewing pleasure.
oh god my eyes!!!! I read it....now what.....eyes turn to jello...shit i was craving jello too! wesome!

edit: wtf?

15357 said:
edit: i'm 13? never knew.........
MarcoPollo said:
oh god my eyes!!!! I read it....now what.....eyes turn to jello...shit i was craving jello too! wesome!

edit: wtf?

never mind.........

i didn't read carefully.
Waaay off-topic.

Get back on topic or this thread is closed.
This thread is my roaming space...I feel so FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE like a matress. We own the other team.
Everyone can thank MarcoPollo for causing this.

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