What's better, HL2 or Halo 2, or Doom 3?

Alix Mcdean said:
Not flaming or anything, but...

Dude, please get real.

Looks great on near minimum? Waht? Looks pretty much like blocks and some small shading here and there.
Post your system specs, please. The first time I went through this game I still had an FX5200, & it still looks just as good compared to my 6600GT(though substantial FPS improvement :cheers: )

"HL2 havving a easy to follow story? LOL, you're the first I met who's actualy said that."I know it's hard to understand in one sense, but it's easy to understand in another. Here, I'll post it(though I'm not really supposed to):

Gman wakes Gordon & puts him in a train heading to City 17. He goes to Dr. Kleiner's lab to teleport to Eli's, but the teleport has a malfunction. He goes through the sewers & then by airboat to get to Black Mesa East. While there, the Combine wants revenge on Gordon so they attack Black Mesa East & Alyx sends Gordon through Ravenholm in spite of his safety. When Gordon gets past Ravenholm, he learns the news of how Eli was captured, & Gordon goes along the coast buy Dune Buggy to get to Nova Prospekt. Gordon wipes out Nova Prospekt & earlier he finds out Mossman is working for Breen & is a threat to Gordon, though Mossman takes Eli to the citadel by teleporter. In frustration, Alyx tries to catch up but the teleporter sends Gordon & Alyx into a void for an entire week. The Combine takes notice & so do the Rebels of City 17, & so a Civil War is started in City 17. Gordon & Alyx eventually become part of this war. Gordon travels through the city all the way to the Citadel, & delivers him to Dr. Breen. Breen tries to escape to the Combine homeworld as well as attempt to kill Gordon, but he & Alyx stop the teleporter. After this what happens is unknown.

"Too short, yea thats very true. BORING? Dude, anything but that, seriously."

When I meant what part of the game was boring, I meant Point Insertion, "A Red Letter Day", & Dark Energy. Those were the only parts of the game IMO which were boring, too much story & not enough action.

Vorac1ous said:
When I meant what part of the game was boring, I meant Point Insertion, "A Red Letter Day", & Dark Energy. Those were the only parts of the game IMO which were boring, too much story & not enough action.

Hmm.....those were my favorite parts. I really like story development in games. If anything, HL2 needed MORE areas like those.

To each his own I suppose.
I just been thinking, Farcry was not included in the list. I have to say Farcry i think is far superior to Halo 2 and Doom 3, superb storyline and Graphics.
well i got to say that doom3 is much better than halflife2 and halo2
in doom3 it had awsome monsters then in half life2 the only ones i liked were the striders and the other zombies but in doom3 i liked all of the monsters the and doom3 looked way better then halflife2 i vote doom3
i only have hl2................................

and i also had doom 1 i think..............
Half-Life 2 was insane.
Doom 3 was great
Waiting on Halo2 PC.

Half-Life 2 was best.
Sniper said:
I just been thinking, Farcry was not included in the list. I have to say Farcry i think is far superior to Halo 2 and Doom 3, superb storyline and Graphics.
Because Far Cry wasn't even noticed about until a few months before it's release, & even though it's an excellent next-gen game it just wasn't popular at all, unfortunately. This year HL2, Doom3, & Halo2 were the elite.
I'm definately going for Half-Life 2. It was so amazing! It was a completely ownage experience, compared to the others. Yep, Doom 3 is collecting dust while I play Half-Life 2 and the mods every day.
Dont flame my for this but for me its a dead tie of Halo 2 and Half-life 2.

i LOVE the story of halo :angel: but the gameplay of HL2 just rocks.... :smoking:
Sniper said:
I just been thinking, Farcry was not included in the list. I have to say Farcry i think is far superior to Halo 2 and Doom 3, superb storyline and Graphics.
hahahahahaha it was
FAR from superb
That may be your opinion, but compared to some storylines such as the one in doom3 its great.
HL2 was better than Doom 3, however HL2 was shorter than Doom 3 so I spent more time on Doom 3 single player because it took longer to complete. Both are well worth playing through once, but become very dull when played a second or third time. I'm only playing HL2 now because of its mods, I stopped playing Doom 3 after I completed it.
will people stop comparing HL2 to halo 2 damnit, halo 2 is a shit game and just the fact that shitloads of people happen to like it's shitty, slow and primitive multiplayer component doesn't make it otherwise.
on the other hand HL2 is a masterpiece, if only the first time through.

haven't played doom3, maybe will if someone gets the idea that the game is the same scene over and over again out of my head.
I thought Doom 3 was very repetetive and unoriginal myself.
Same with Halo2. Not much new for people who have played a lot of FPS games.

I think the only reason the Halo games are that popular is because they were really hyped and console owners didn't have much in the way of FPS.

HL2 is the clear winner, it has awesome graphics (though graphics don't make a good game, look at Doom3), excellent storyline and the community/company support is great - there are a lot of great Mods in the works so the game will last a lot longer.
Doom 3 ROCKS Half-Life 2 SUCKS Doom 3 ROCKS Half-Life 2 SUCKS

Chris_D EDIT: Etc. etc. etc. Removed a load of text repeating the same thing.

Banned, btw.
You could have easily put that into one sentence Foebane, and with a warning level of 8, i'd be careful.
Your question is invalid. Watermelons growing on trees the the better of all three.
How about Duke Nukem3D?
btw, isn´t this the DN3d forum, erh- wait a minute- forget it
LOL i have all three of these games..they are all very good games.
haven't played doom3, maybe will if someone gets the idea that the game is the same scene over and over again out of my head.

Before I played Doom 3 I had low expectations after hearing everyone calling it boring and repetetive. I got it for Christmas and it was much better than I expected. It's worth playing after you've completed HL2.
I'd say that HL2 is the best overall but I've never been able to honestly work out & say why! :| I think in terms of gameplay the likes of Far Cry & even Halo (The original game on PC) both beat HL2 hands down. The problem with HL2 is that it offers very little in the way of challenge & as such the combat/gameplay suffers greatly. HL2 is a great to play through but it's not a great game to play (If that makes any sense at all to anyone!!).
I hate Doom 3 Why? becuase it scares the living shit out of me :eek:
yeah zombiehead doom3 is better tan half lif 2 and farcry is also better and has more originate monsters. ;) but in haf life 2 i like the barnacle or what it is called i dont remember those plants tat hang on teh ceilings u know
I think that all 3 kick ass and we should be grateful that we can even be having this repetitive argument. I remember a time when goldeneye on the N64 was the greatest FPS. We now have plenty of choices and they all rock! As for the post, I think that Doom 3 can be repetitive, but i recently began to play it again and found it to be more enjoyable than HL2. It's one of those games where if you're into it, it kicks ass. (and good system specs don't hurt either) But, for overall gameplay and replayability I choose Half Life. As for Halo.... I'm a PS2 fan... go GTA San Andreas!
yeah goldeney was cool when u played chineese man u were very small :) i think doom 3 is good atmospere becouse u dont see monster but monster see u. farcry is stupid when u die often in water tunnel becouse u have to fill big hall again with water and when u drive to hideout of bad doctor with jeep u die often
Half-Life 2 has more freedom than halo 2. if or when they release it on computer, it wouldn't have a console. even doom 3 has a console.
That give you a little more freedom.
Not played Doom 3, but I have both Half Life 2 and Halo 2. I definately had the most fun playing Halo 2, but Half Life 2 is a technically better game.
[answer to orifinal question]

Half-Life 2 is in fact better than the others, incase you were hoping for an honest answer. :)

...at least in the opinion of most gamers who have played all 3.
I started a similiar thread a while back (You may remember :D) where I was cast to the flames by most people for even suggesting that HL2 wasn't the best FPS out there.

Anyway, For the most part I'd say that HL2 was the best FPS but I honestly couldn't say why! That is, in terms of gameplay (Which at least to myself is usually the most important aspect of any game) I don't think it comes close to a lot of other FPS's & I put this down to the fact that it's so easy & un-challenging for the most part which makes it quite dull to play in that respect.

So here's is a challenge - Instead of everyone just saying 'HL2 is the best end of story'. How about honestly trying to say why?
i beat hl2 and halo 2, and played the demo for doom 3. while doom gets the atmosphere award,(scared the shit outta me), hl2 was the best overall. halo 2 really wasnt as fun as halo 1, and the end sucked
Shadow112090 said:
i beat hl2 and halo 2, and played the demo for doom 3. while doom gets the atmosphere award,(scared the shit outta me), hl2 was the best overall.
Can you say why though? I can't!
dogboy73 said:
Can you say why though? I can't!

Because Doom 3 relied heavily on its atmosphere, and let the gameplay suffer. Pick up a PDA, unlock a door (repeat forever)

Trying to describe what makes HL2 a better game is both easy and difficult. Here's what I mean:
HL2 has:
-great AI
-more realistic graphics (debatable...I guess)
-WAY more realistic NPC's
-strong narrative
-fully integrated, significant, and influential physics
-great multiplayer
Doom 3 has:
-Real time lighting
-lots of normal maps
-lots of different enemies
Halo 2 has:
-xbox (I haven't played it)

These reasons alone are enough for me to pick HL2 over Doom 3. However, there's a certain intangible feeling I get when I play HL2. And you know what? It never gets old. I'll start a game and know exactly what part I'm at just by the surroundings. I'll be completely immersed. It might be just a combination of the subtle background audio and sublime atmosphere, but even that doesn't really describe what it's like to play it.
There's a sense of importance that's lacking in other games; I think it's that urgency, the idea that everyone is depending on me, the player, that helps fuel my desire to keep going.

When I remember these games, what truly shines in them will start to isolate itself in memories. For HL2, every moment was memorable, from the frantic chases down the river in "Water Hazard," to the twilight beach ascent on the overrun prison before "Nova Prospekt," to the final assault on the citadel in "Follow Freeman." For Doom 3, I will remember corridors, more corridors, some bad guys, and then Hell. None of the characters were developed, and the dark atmosphere comes across more annoying than scary. Everything in the game just felt like a mediocre excuse to place lots of scary looking bad guys all over the place and call it a game. Hell, even Far Cry did it better than Doom 3, even with its aweful story.

Good enough reasons?
JCampbell said:
Good enough reasons?
It's a start.

I still say Far Cry is best FPS because gameplay is still the most important aspect of a game for me (Funnily enough) & FC's gameplay is far superior to HL2's mainly because it's much more challenging & a lot less linear. HL2 does everything else better but gameplay suffers because it's so easy & un-challenging it's almost a joke! We need an extra difficulty level in HL2. One where you actually have to bother taking cover once in a while even if your not up against Striders & gunships! One where you have to fight instead of just stand there & fire! I still think Halo has the best combat system of any game. It's spot on.
Half-life 2 : Amazing Single Player
Doom 3 : Fun first few minutes
Halo 2 : Decent Single Player, Awesome Multiplayer
dogboy73 said:
So here's is a challenge - Instead of everyone just saying 'HL2 is the best end of story'. How about honestly trying to say why?
I thought i already did?

I just had the most fun playing HL2.
dogboy73 said:
It's a start.

I still say Far Cry is best FPS because gameplay is still the most important aspect of a game for me (Funnily enough) & FC's gameplay is far superior to HL2's mainly because it's much more challenging & a lot less linear. HL2 does everything else better but gameplay suffers because it's so easy & un-challenging it's almost a joke! We need an extra difficulty level in HL2. One where you actually have to bother taking cover once in a while even if your not up against Striders & gunships! One where you have to fight instead of just stand there & fire! I still think Halo has the best combat system of any game. It's spot on.
Try the Das Roboss single-player mini-mod. Its great. No enhancements to the A.I and it really shows off the A.I well. Really well.
dogboy73 said:
It's a start.

I still say Far Cry is best FPS because gameplay is still the most important aspect of a game for me (Funnily enough) & FC's gameplay is far superior to HL2's mainly because it's much more challenging & a lot less linear. HL2 does everything else better but gameplay suffers because it's so easy & un-challenging it's almost a joke! We need an extra difficulty level in HL2. One where you actually have to bother taking cover once in a while even if your not up against Striders & gunships! One where you have to fight instead of just stand there & fire! I still think Halo has the best combat system of any game. It's spot on.

You're kidding right? I like a challenge in any game, but Far Cry was ridiculously difficult in some areas and full of glitches in others. I found myself constantly using them to my advantage because I didn't want to restart an area for the 50th time. Take the last level...on medium difficulty (the middle on the list, I think) I was able to lure the "amazing AI" (more like amazingly armored) towards the airlock, and hide behind a corner, gunning them down the entire time because they weren't "programmed" to come across a certain invisible line. What about the rocket launching mercs who would fire at the ground if I was close enough to them?

I enjoyed Far Cry, but became increasingly despondent and weary at the constant outdoor environments, unpolished AI, and severe fps drops (even with extremely low settings enabled...I still don't understand it). Plus the ending was just too much. I can honestly say I did more eye-rolling in that game than during an entire episode of Letterman.

I honestly think that HL2's AI only comes across as easy to a really experienced fps player. Now, I've played a few shooters in my time, and I still found HL2 to be adequately difficult on hard. It was just the right mix, with some occasional more challenging parts. But, if one was an avid CS or CS: S player constantly defeating WAY smarter human opponents, then I can see how it would seem easy. I wonder how "fatal1ty" or whatever his name is would feel about these games.
Your stand there and shoot analogy is also incorrect. I remember times when I would constantly be taking cover. Perhaps less health scattered around would have been a better solution. It's a step above the original game's AI, where you would empty and entire clip into them, watch them drop a grenade at their feet, and then come running after you and set off their own trip mine. It sure was funny to watch though.
JCampbell said:
You're kidding right? I like a challenge in any game, but Far Cry was ridiculously difficult in some areas and full of glitches in others.
HL2 is also privy to those glitches. I guess these problems come of more advanced A.I. Gone are the days when enemies/monsters would just amble towards you without a care in the world (Unless they are programmed to of course). There's also a lot more for the A.I. to contend with now especially in HL2 & it doesn't always come up smelling of roses. Take the Nova Prospekt turret battle. I was able to render the A.I. completely inefective here by blocking one end of the prison block with objects! Try it & watch what happens. It's laughable. This kind of thing occurs throughout the game largely becuase you have the ability to manipulate objects with the gravity gun. It's fascinating & fun to do this but it can be used to such an extent that it destroys most of the challenges the game throws at you. The manhacks are a prime example - A real challenge when all you have is a crowbar & some guns but once you get the gravity gun they become little more than an annoyance as you pluck them from the air & smash then into the floor! (Repaet untill entire wave of manhacks has been smashed. Yawn!)

I honestly think that HL2's AI only comes across as easy to a really experienced fps player.
I've been playing FPS's since they were invented. From as far back as Doom I've played more than I care to remember so maybe your right. But, For reasons I've mentioned above, I dont think that it's HL2's A.I. that can be solely blamed for HL2's lack of challenge & solid gameplay mechanics.