What's better, HL2 or Halo 2, or Doom 3?


Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Personaly, l think Halo 2 was very, very disapointing.
VOTE HL2!!!!!
Dude, you're asking on HALFLIFE2.NET - What do you think the answer will be? Doom 3, of course.
OK...I'll be the first...there were 100's of threads like this out there. This is no exception. This just turns into a "+ my post count!" thread.

But anyway, I thought Half-life2 ;)
I'm asking people who have all three, maybe have accounts in all three of them!!
Why would you ask this on a HL2 forum? HL2 all the way!!!!! :p
I've only seen Halo 2 - never played it. I really like Doom 3 as well as Half Life 2. Better? The first time I played both games, Doom 3 I found much more intense, but the real test is how much I still play them. I'm on HL2 all the time, and Doom 3 is collecting dust. I wouldn't go so far as to say any of them stink, HL2 just has such good graphics and replay value.
HL2 is more fun. you get sick of doom 3, and you need a better PC to run it.
I have HL2 and Doom 3, and have friend with Halo 2. seems pretty crap to me...
You can edit your post if you want to add something more, and double-posting (As far as I know, don't remember for this perticular forum) is usually a no-no.
Half-Life 2= Creative Story, Nice Graphics, Good Gameplay, Overall classic
Doom 3= Scares the hell out of you, Shows off nice shadows, Scary yet good FPS with decent story
Halo 2= Console Gamer, College LAN Parties, Massive Multiplayer, decent story and fun for awhile
the sensible mans way of analysing all the games in context with each other:

The only real thing the games have in common is that there all in the FPS genre, everything else is a result of a set of targets for each individual game, rubbishing or praising one game is simply a matter of opinion, yes, some technology in certain games excel, but its circumstantial to the hardware and software the game is targeted to be using.

there really isnt any kind of comparison I can draw up without bias, because I liked HL2 more , because I just happen to be into that sort of thing.. theres no real way of comparing outside of that because everyone has an opinion. So there's no real point in comparing them in the first place. People should just be happy with what they have been waiting for, weither it be all, or just one of the games.
I've finished all three and I can say with relative objectivity that HL2 is FAR superior to Halo 2 and especially Doom 3.

Although I enjoyed all of them.
I think I've told my story many times on my feelings on HL2 versus DOOM 3. To put it simply, I was hyped about D3, and was supremely let down. I was NOT hyped about HL2, (which is weird because I am an absolute HL1 fanatic) and I was very much impressed by HL2. So much so, it's easily my favorite FPS of all time...

As for Halo 2, I liked it better when it was called Unreal Tournament. ;)
Halo 2 loses to everything and especially HL2 and DOOM 3 Halo 2 suxx big time compared to HL2!
I've beat all three games, and as someone that is very open minded to all sorts of games regardless of platform, I have to give it to Half-life 2. I just finally rented Halo 2 for my Xbox, popped it in, and was entertained for awhile, it was fun I admit. Yet it lacked the "umph" Hl2 had. I mean, in halo 2 you started the game in the ship and it immediately got me into lots of firefights with the Covenant, which wasn't bad. But it wasn't anything, well, "new" it was your typical FPS. It didn't really hit me in the chest with the type of originality or just plan style as HL2 did. I mean, when GMAN said "Wake up Mr. Freeman, although I don’t want to impose you were sleeping on the job" or something like that and when he said "Wake up, and smell the ashes" it was a pure genius line delivered by great acting from GMAN. I just didn't get anything as astounding from Halo 2. Each level you were dropped off in this place, and you basically advanced into another section, fought off the Covenant, advanced to ANOTHER area using the exact same texture palette as the previous section, then repeated. And I basically had to endure that for about 10 hours.

my $0.02
Halo 2 felt too much like an expansion. Doom 3 was WAY too linear and dull. Half-Life 2 had alot of variety and was probably the most challenging even though it was still pretty easy.
Best "Pure fun" game: Halo 2
Best creepy storyline: Doom3

Best overall game: HL2
This thread seriosuly needs to be closed.

Danimal gets all his posts from posting that the thread needs to be closed lol
I've never played Halo 2 so I cannot judge it. However I've played through Doom 3 once, Half-life 2 3+ times. Its not that I wouldn't play through doom 3 again, just haven't had the urge to like I have with hl2. I will say though that it got to the point in D3 where I would automatically backtrack to where the inevitable imp would spawn or jump out of the wall, nothing that predictable in hl2.
this is just my opinion, but hl2 was a major dissappointment (my first impression was on a gf2 but when i got my 9800xt it wasnt much better) i thought it was bullshit compared to that 600mb gameplay promo shown off a year ago (and no not the hyrda being cut pissed me off, nor the OICW or any of that, it was the freedom in gameplay that was in the promo that didnt seem to exist in the actual game), 99% of you will disagree, i respect that, i think doom3 was awesome, halo 2 is a pretty damn good game, but i add farcry to the list of games, and i vote for that, i love that game :D
Not another one of these threads... :bonce:
I vote HL2, that's why I'm in these forums not planetdoom's forums... :|
Only problem is,I only have HL2......so I have no choice but to choose......HL2,but I am a huge HALO2 fan......
seweet... yet another one :D

if you put a poll on, then you can be like the 5000 other people on this forum site that posted "Which one is better? hl2 doom 3 h2...etc" threads. :thumbs:

HL2! "Really? :O"
Played all three... Halo 2 is actually a lot of fun in massive parties (well... parties with 16 people) all determined to kick the crap out of each other with tanks and swords and stuff. But it dosn't hold a candle to HL2.

Doom 3 was just zombies and demons and heretics and stuff. In the dark. Killing people. Waargggh!

Hl2 pwns because of storyline + physics + ubersexyness + - and ultimately - moddablitly. Garry's Mod is making it ubersexy - more so than now - and i have no doubt in my mind that a slew of beautiful, beautiful mods will come out soon.
*walks in line with the rest of the sheep*

Hl2 has so much replayablity.

Halo 2 is great online.

Doom 3 I strained my eyes on.
Dude, please. All these games were aiming for different factors of gaming. I'll just make you happy & give my opinion anyway:

Doom3-(IMO is the winner)
--Long(27 levels)
--Excellent engine, looks great even on near-minium requirements
--Incredibly shocking\Somewhat scary
--Went to back to the basics of FPS(which is what I like)
--Enemies are repetive in attack\dumb
--Weapons feel kind of unbalanced
--High system requirements
--MP isn't worth a crap, but good strategy yet based too much on sole shooting skill\how many times you can grab the Rocket Launcher

--Easy to follow story
--Quite a few games in one package depending on what version you bought
--Shows off Source capabilites well\easy to mod
--Engine can dumb down the settings based on your system, meaning optimal FPS is always there
--Physics done well w\ Gravity Gun
--Constant level loading, personally making myself get bored in-game
--AI\NPC coding isn't worth a crap
--MP portion was released weeks after the initial release, and isn't very good(this is HL2 DM ofcourse I'm talking about)
--Vehicles were pretty bad, not realistic in any sense(for example the camber looked way off & turbo was implemented bad)
--Textures & some specific graphics sucked
--Too short(14 chapters, 3 of which are VERY boring & you don't have a gun\shoot anything)

--Dual-wielding weapons is kick-ass
--MP is very strategical & generally excellent, better than both HL2 & Doom3
--Engine improved on since the original
--Vehicles were well done
--Enemies still too dumb\annoying
--Too short(13 total levels)
--Map design makes me feel like I'm traveling in circles
--Missions aren't all that difficult to complete
--Too many scenes with NPC teammates
--Too many cutscenes which take you out of the action of the game
--Had to implement a new character you can play as to keep the game as long as it is
--Bosses are too easy IMO, especially the first one(when you're playing as the Arbiter for the first time)
Not flaming or anything, but...

Dude, please get real.

Vorac1ous said:
Dude, please.
--Excellent engine, looks great even on near-minium requirements

--Easy to follow story

--Too short(14 chapters, 3 of which are VERY boring & you don't have a gun\shoot anything)

Looks great on near minimum? Waht? Looks pretty much like blocks and some small shading here and there.

HL2 havving a easy to follow story? LOL, you're the first I met who's actualy said that.

Too short, yea thats very true. BORING? Dude, anything but that, seriously.

Puhleez D:

i didnt play doom 3, but halo 2 was dissipointing. the controls and gameplay seemed too different, and the end sucked
The fighting in HL2 is too dull and too easy

*runs away*
Echoing a thought already expressed, this IS a HL2 forum. But, I do have all three, beaten all three, and I have to say (obviously) HL2. Doom was scary at first but got old, Halo wasn't as revolutionary as I thought it would be, and HL2 was fun, interesting, and involving.
I say that HL2 and Doom 3, from the viewpoint of the single player, are very very close in running. At the time of release though. In terms of overall worth of a $50 game purchase, however, Half-Life 2 is going to prove itself much more worthy in the end just because of the aspect of community. There are like a million billion independent mods people are working on, single-player and multi-player. Doom 3, forgive me for exaggerating, has flashlight mods.
I own all 3, and in my opinion they are all great, i play Doom 3 single player as i only decided to get that recently, hl2 ive had since release but havnt completed it yet as i had to reformat my computer and aint had the patience to update it again yet, will do soon though, Halo 2 is a great sequel to a great original and is great fun over xbox live. Anyway, my point is they are all great :E