What's better, HL2 or Halo 2, or Doom 3?

dogboy73 said:
I've been playing FPS's since they were invented. From as far back as Doom I've played more than I care to remember so maybe your right. But, For reasons I've mentioned above, I dont think that it's HL2's A.I. that can be solely blamed for HL2's lack of challenge & solid gameplay mechanics.
I totally agree. After i posted earlier i went and played the Das Roboss levels and they were alot more fun and challenging than the majority of HL2. Some of the coolest SP levels i've ever played. It wasn't HL2's A.I that was the problem, it was that there were no levels made that really showed off the A.I. Take Halo 2 or Far Cry. In Far Cry they have a whole jungle to use to their advantage. In Halo 2, every single room is filled with boxes or something wall or crevice for the A.I to hide behind.

Also i've noticed that it depends upon the kind of player you are. If you're like me, and you run and gun, you'll own the A.I in HL2. But if you're slow and creep around corners to sneak up on the enemy, they can do some serious to you. That's what my brother did when he was playing it and he died alot.
Yah, HL2 wasn't made for stealth players.

That made me sad.

The problem with introducing physics into the game is that you'll get masses of people who will complain that if you stack enough boxes up you still can't climb walls and stuff. It's a game, it's got to work, rar. Stupid Doom.
HL2 was so easy compared to FarCry. HL2 on "Hard" was no where near as difficult as FarCry was on "Easy". The problem is Gordon can take far too many hits, and medkits & HEV re-chargers are found everywhere. Gordon can take about 30 bullets before hes dead which is far too many. Not to mention the overpowered weapons such as the blue gravity gun in the final chapters and the Ant Lions in Nova Prospekt.

However FarCry was so difficult it became extremely frustrating with its check point system, the tough mosters, unplayable framerates, lack of medkits, underpowered weapons, lack of bullets for the sniper rifle, and most of the time 2-5 hits will kill you from being at full health.
HL2 cause it's so much fun, and there will be a flow of mods starting in a few months that won't end till HL3.
Edit: I only have 2 complaints about the Combine soldiers
They don't use enough grenades
They have too little health.
ríomhaire said:
Edit: I only have 2 complaints about the Combine soldiers
They don't use enough grenades
They have too little health.

It was also unrealistic how Alyx could beat them with just a pistol and no armour
It was also unrealistic how Alyx could beat them with just a pistol and no armour
Well when your not looking she flashes them, and then shoots em. See Combine don't get to see to many naked chicks soo...
Yeah you get the point.
grannyjone said:
The problem is Gordon can take far too many hits, and medkits & HEV re-chargers are found everywhere. Gordon can take about 30 bullets before hes dead which is far too many.
Exactly. Thats why you rarely need to bother with cover. Just stand there & pick off your enemies while they are filling you with lead! It's ridiculous.

However FarCry was so difficult it became extremely frustrating with its check point system, the tough mosters, unplayable framerates, lack of medkits, underpowered weapons, lack of bullets for the sniper rifle, and most of the time 2-5 hits will kill you from being at full health.
With the exception of your mention of 'unplayable framerates' (which wasn't a problem for me on my mammoth system! :p) I'd agree with everything your saying & I think that's why Far Cry is so good - check point system. I felt this created tension because you have to survive to move on. I prefer this system as opposed to saving every other step when your in a difficult area. That just takes away all the tension because you know you can just go back to the instant before you died & try again. Tough monsters - A good thing surely? What do we want? Endless cannon fodder? Lack of medkits - Again a good thing. You have to use cover & avoid getting hit to much or your in trouble. Thats how it should be! In HL2 your never more than a stones throw from a medkit! Underpowered weapons - A single shot to the head can take out enemy soldiers. Hitting them ellswhere requires a few more hits. Same with most of the monsters as well. I thought the weapons in Far Cry where pretty well balanced (Apart from the MP5 which felt like a pea shooter sometimes!). Being able to carry only 4 weapons at a time made things more interesting as well. It also made it easier to select weapons. Brilliant system. 2-5 to kill you at full health - Again, using the terrain & cover is essential making for much more engaging & rewarding gameplay.
I used the alt fire on the pulse rifle at a group of combine soldiers & elites. It kills them all in one hit when all were at full health. When one of the Combine Elites used the same weapon at one of Freeman's allies in "Follow Freeman", it just bounced off him and didn't even kill him in one hit! Do the combine soldiers/elites have less hitpoints than Freeman's human allies?
dogboy73 said:
check point system. I felt this created tension because you have to survive to move on. I prefer this system as opposed to saving every other step when your in a difficult area. That just takes away all the tension because you know you can just go back to the instant before you died & try again.

I agree that this system has its advantages, however there was some points in the game where the check points were extremely far from each other, and I had to go back a very long way when I died which could become frustrating. At some points of the game they needed to be closer together.

dogboy73 said:
Tough monsters - A good thing surely? What do we want? Endless cannon fodder?

Some were over the top, such as those big Rocket-firing trigens, they could take so long to kill it was often better to try and run past them & run away until they stop chasing
I fully agree about HL2 being way too easy. This really has detracted from my enjoyment of, what is otherwise, a great game.

Put simply, the combat is boring and unsatisfying - almost a chore at times.

I'm not going to say that Halo 2 is the better game (they're too different to compare like for like) - but the combat is certainly streets ahead (in every possible respect)

(other than online, easy shooters are becoming an unwelcome trend for the pc. Far Cry on realistic is probably the toughest i've played in a while - and even that posed little challenge)
I hated the brutes from Halo 2. The didn't seem Covanent and they where just enemies with loads of health with big guns. That's crapy.
This is totally off topic, but, am i the only one who thinks headcrabs are cute?!!? All my friends think i'm crazy, and they think it looks atrocious.
I haven't played Halo 2, or Doom 3, mainly because my system would probably give me an error message saying 'I CAN'T LOAD THIS, YOU MORON!' and then flip me off. I have a hard enough time getting HL2 to run.

Rusty100 said:
This is totally off topic, but, am i the only one who thinks headcrabs are cute?!!? All my friends think i'm crazy, and they think it looks atrocious.

I think they're adorable. ^_^ But not the poison ones, they're too much like spiders. *shudder* >.>
They all suck! Tetris is cearly the best game evar!!!

My vote goes to Half-Life 2. Doom 3 was bland and boring, and I haven't played Halo 2 yet.
I've actually just started my "gaming carreer", and I began it with playing Doom 3. I thought at the time it was the best game ever (but offcourse I didn't have anything to compare it with). After that I played HL2, and I was totally blown away. I almost didn't want to play any more games just so I could keep the memory of Gordon Freeman and the rest fresh in my memory. (I did play Halo and Star Wars republic commando though)

I think that HL2 will be the best game ever according to me, until HL3 comes. Doesn't matter how many other games I play, there can be nothing like HL2

so, the conclusion, HL2 is better than Doom 3. Don't know bout Halo 2, but from what I've seen, it looks exactly like the original, and that is never good.
Ok, thought of something else.

So you're an unstoppable human death machine, who never talks. hmm, are we getting echoes of Master Chef here? Well, at least you don't leave cliff hanger endings while acting tough. Uh... success is where you find it. The proof is in sales.

Anyone check the sales figures yet :p?

(I realise the proof is not in sales, but i figured it prooved what impressed most without actually playing it)
grannyjone said:
(In reference to Far Cry's Rocket Trigens) Some were over the top, such as those big Rocket-firing trigens, they could take so long to kill it was often better to try and run past them & run away until they stop chasing
Eaxactly & in most cases you could do this. Running the gauntlet of rocket firing trigens was intense at times. Especially the level where you had to run through a forest of Trigens armed only with an M16 & about 10 rounds!! Crazy level. Really intense & seemingly impossible at first. It required a different strategy to make it through which was cool.
Halo 2 was pathetic. It sucked.

Half Life 2 is revolutionary.

Doom3 had so much potential but failed.
dogboy73 said:
Eaxactly & in most cases you could do this. Running the gauntlet of rocket firing trigens was intense at times. Especially the level where you had to run through a forest of Trigens armed only with an M16 & about 10 rounds!! Crazy level. Really intense & seemingly impossible at first. It required a different strategy to make it through which was cool.

There was no strategy to that map. All you had to do was jump off the cliff into the water and run like hell to the crashed helicopter.