What's great (and not so great) about where you live?


Sep 11, 2006
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So we all live in very different places, tell us all about yours (I can't imagine what living in India would be like for example, we should discuss these things more often).

Devon. Good stuff:

I love the variety of the place - we have Exeter and Plymouth for commerce, nightlife etc., two national parks (Dartmoor is eerie, bleak and awesome, Exmoor is stunning), lots of outdoorsy stuff to do and the nation's favourite tourist destinations on the doorstep. While Exeter and the surrounding areas are relatively modern and cosmopolitan, the more remote parts of the county are like going back in time 50 years. Like Princetown 1500ft up on Dartmoor, home of the infamous Broadmoor prison - that place is weird as hell.

I like the pace of life here. People are laid back and friendly, they have time for you. People seem to be a lot happier than they are in the south east. There is lots and lots of space here and you can drive for miles in parts without seeing anyone else at all.

I like the climate. It's a lot milder than the rest of the UK, it's been springtime since the middle of February and you can go for a walk in a t-shirt in the daytime at the moment. It doesn't get so stiflingly hot in the summer either.

It's heaven for motorcycling, there are endless miles upon miles of challenging, windy, hilly roads which are almost devoid of traffic (outside of tourist season anyway) and police. The scenery is stunning too, I can be up on the top of Dartmoor inside 30 miles or the North Devon or North Cornwall coasts within 70.

It's still English. There are very very few ethnic minorities here, so there's been no place for "the great multicultural experiment". More importantly, the immigrants we do have are a wholesale part of the community, they don't form ghettos. Everyone gets along.

There is very little crime here. I often don't even bother taking my keys out of the bike when I go in to pay for petrol or to the newsagents, it's not gonna go missing. You won't get any trouble down here.

Bad stuff:

The road infrastructure, although fantastic for enjoying on Sundays, is a nightmare if you actually want to get anywhere. So much of Devon is so remote not necessarily because of distance but just because there are no decent or direct roads there. And the main A roads are like the treacherous (yet fun) rural backroads elsewhere. Most of the minor roads are just single-track lanes. Also not nice when the weather's bad, especially as they don't grit 80% of the road network.

Living in a rural area, I'm basically stranded at home if I'm without my bike. There's a total dependency on transport, also bad if you want to get pissed and people come from far and wide too. It's a 20 mile round trip to the nearest supermarket, takeaway or petrol station - and I live near the city, not in one of the remote parts at all.

The job situation is shit. There are very few decent jobs down here, the average wage is something like 14k. I'm very lucky to have a good job (although I could still earn more elsewhere), if I lost my job I would probably have to move or take something way below what I'm doing now. People here tend to stay in the same job for years, not like London at all.

To compound the above, the cost of living is very high here. A one bedroom flat in Exeter will rent for between 525 and 700 a month, excluding bills. Second home buyers push the prices up elsewhere so locals cannot afford them.

In the more remote areas, there's a lot of ignorance and, er, inbreeding. It really can be like going back in time.

Generally though, it's fab. Tell me about where you live, bonus points if it's somewhere strange and interesting.
El Cerrito. Nothing really special about the city... smallish, no clubs or venues, nobody I really care about lives here. Everything's within walking distance, friends are close by (but still in richmond) the city's clean, at least. I live next door literally to a park, so I have places to wander to when necessary. There's the plaza but it's not that interesting other than the bookstore. It's right by richmond, which is where most friends live, and I can bus to Pinole which is where the girlfriendish lives, and I can bart to berkeley or san francisco. Meh.
I didn't know you lived in El Cerrito. You're pretty close by. Why do we never hang out?
Bury: The town is nice, lots of good shops, and my friends live locally. But the prices for public transport are a joke, there are quite a lot of scallies around there are too many houses on our estate. I'd much rather live somewhere like Holcombe village, on the edge of Holcombe Hill. It's quieter their and the houses are nice, but you do get some arseholes speeding along the road there.
Let me think...nothing!

Put it this way: if you carpet bombed Wolves, would anyone really be able to tell the difference?

On the plus side, I live on the outskirts of Wolverhampton that actually leads onto the greener side, so I could either step to my right and become tangled in the grey urban sprawl, or I can step to the left where it's green fields until Telford - which is quite nice - then Shrewsbury which is lovely and then Wales after that. Living in the greener outskirt is much, much nicer than the grubby parts nearer the city and I'm thankful that my little village in Perton is actually quite nice if you avoid the middle bit late at night when the hoppers come out.

Still, I loathe the West Midlands. I get relief everyday by attending college in Stafford which is a really nice town, but to get there I have to go via Wolverhampton so the happiness wears off as soon as I step off the train.

I need to get into Falmouth Uni desperately. Now that's a town. Love it down there.

Some of my worst familly memories involve trips to Telford and Stafford
It's very flat here, but we get all the weather, every day.

Some of my worst familly memories involve trips to Telford and Stafford

Haha, really? Well, the space I venture around in Stafford is dead nice. The walk from the train station to the art building is through a lovely park and over a river, and then the art faculty is pretty mindblowing as it's new, and then I go into the main town for lunch which I also quite enjoy. Really, I've seen about 5 minutes of Stafford as all these things are bunched up but my experience has been postive. Same with Telford - going there for a days shopping, to the cinema or just for a laugh is something to look forward to when spending every other weekend doing these things in Wolverhampton!




Not so great:



I live near zombie turtle. Ohio is just as cool as you all might imagine.
Mims, Florida


Rural. Not a lot of traffic or crime.

Convenience. 45 mins from Daytona Beach, Orlando, and Cocoa Beach.


NASA. Provides lots of jobs and spectacular shuttle launches. I'm about 15 miles from the launch pad.

Good sized property. Houses in my neighborhood are not extremely close and everyone has decent sized yards.


Rural. Not much to do. My town has three traffic lights, a McDonalds, and a Walgreens. The town right below us has more stuff to do but is still pretty boring. If I ever want to do something I go to either of the three above listed cities.

No public transportation / ability to bike or walk anywhere.
it's cold right now and i hate the whole get up and drive to work thing in the cold.
Canton. And don't worry, I'm more afraid of you than you are of me.
Sydney is a pretty cool place with weird-ass weather, weird-ass public transport, and some kickass beaches.
Austin, Texas, United States of America


It's Austin.


It's in Texas.
Good: The place I work at and get paid by is here?


1. Its in the bible belt. I've told two people that I am an atheist and I have seriously regretted it.
2. The Southern Accent
3. Shit education. Everyone I've met who was born and raised here has speech problems. I've met two people who think Popeye (the cartoon character) is pronounced "Pai Pai". I've encountered dozens of stutterers, whom I have concluded must be the result of all the inbreeding the south is known for. And in general, people have really stupid ideas about things.
4. There is nothing to do here. Its a "College" town with 2 bars, no night life, and the nearest place with any form of entertainment is at least a 40 minute drive away.
5. The best food that can be found here is at a bar.
6. It has Louisiana Tech in it. So when theres a football game, pretty much everything shuts down.
7. "Downtown" has like 30 buildings, all of which look like shit, and im pretty sure nobody ever goes into them for anything.
8. I live in a 4 bedroom apt with 4 other people, and while two of them are good friends, the other two I hate.
9. Weekends have even less shit to do, since all the college kids who live here hate it, and go home for weekends, so the entire town is pretty much cleared out.
10. The company I work for has no idea what its doing. It makes me uneasy, despite me liking my job.
11. 90% of the cars here are one of three things. A mustang, a pickup, or a car that is so muddy you cant even tell what it is.
12. It gets hot as balls here.
13. The only kind of terrain here is swamp.
14. Hurricanes.
15. Did I mention the rednecks yet?
Best part
IDK honestly.
I'm in ****in Texas dude. The red state from hell.
Buffalo, NY (suburb)

-low crime rate, in my area at least
-all 4 seasons, lots of variety
-close to the Canadian border, Niagara Falls---Toronto
-relatively safe weather, barely any tornados, no hurricanes, no major fires
-family like area, people know each other
-great food
-lots of waterways

-really high taxes
-cold during the winter
-ugly women, compared to like Cali or Texas
-easy to get fat here, too many restaurants
-bad winter storms
There's weather in the internets?

No, that is just generic Kansas. Here where I live, it's a college town, and there are a half a dozen bars within walking distance, it's a small town with a great campus.

What's not so good is the fact that there's virtually nothing notable.
North Bergen, New Jersey


Right next to new york city
Not as bad as the surrounding towns (Jersey City in particular which is a really nasty place to live)
Full of little spanish places with some pretty awesome food


People here are dumb as ****
Mayor is a scumbag
School is immensely overcrowded
There is nothing to do here. Ever.
There are about 40 pretty girls in this town.
Probably 20.

Edit: Its probably like 10 or 15.
Franklinville, New Jersey

Rural, quiet area
30 minutes away from Ocean City.
20 minutes from Philadelphia.

There's a skating rink where all the middle schoolers hang out and do drugs.
There's nothing here at all to do.
It's filled with incredibly rich people or people straight out of a trailer park.
All of south jersey has funny accents that's kind of hard to describe but only comes out on certain words.
And just like everywhere else in Jersey, no one knows how to drive and can't use a freaking turn signal.
Welcome to my world, you hairy bitch. What happened?

Entry level job happened. I'm probably leaving as soon as we release our first game. Why the hell would anyone want to start a studio in ****ing louisiana?

When I move out, I'll stop by and pick you up on my way to Cali/Seattle.
Soulsbyville, California

Good snowboarding is close by, epic snowboarding is still within a day trip.
LOTS of lakes, rivers, and streams for swimmin'.
Bike trails all over the place, some quite good.
Yosemite National Park and Big Trees State Park are within a day trip.
Bona fide wilderness areas nearby (no vehicles ever, period. Even the government has to pack their crap in on donkeys or llamas). Makes for excellent camping, but you can't throw a cat without finding a good spot to pitch a tent.
Variety of climate (~110*F peaks in summer, 20*F lows in winter).

Poison Oak is rampant here. It doesn't disappear until you get over about 4000' in elevation, making some bike trails sketchy.
Overall, crime is low, but weed and methamphetamine use are alive and well here. When you go exploring in unknown territory, there is a nonzero chance that you'll come across a lab or a farm.
The cuisine is (kind of) limited. We just got a couple of sketchy sushi places and one sketchy Indian place. Otherwise there's the standard Italian, American, Mexican, and Chinese fare.
Finding a good job is not easy. Consequently, many young kids get the F outta town as soon as they can.
No social life - if you're single, this is hell.
If you're into skateboarding, you have to be pretty creative to enjoy the local streets. I'd give our local skatepark a C-. If you've ridden elsewhere, this place is a let down. If this is all you've known, you're good to go.

For the record, I love it here.
Entry level job happened. I'm probably leaving as soon as we release our first game. Why the hell would anyone want to start a studio in ****ing louisiana?

When I move out, I'll stop by and pick you up on my way to Cali/Seattle.
Quit teasing jerk, I won't make it out of here for awhile. Besides this is the only place for my entry job as well..we have a lot of graphic design/ print shops here in dallas. Hundreds actually. No way I'd leave with the economy like this :eek:.

What I meant though, was what happened when you told those nice people you hated Jesus and life and flowers and everything???
Brighton, UK.

- People are generally friendly, less 'heads down, don't make eye contact' apathetic to your existence.
- Plenty of things to do, with an economy geared towards serving the 30,000 students that attend the two universities.
- Quite open, tolerent people and groups.
- Not overly huge.
- Festivals of some kind every second week.

- Brighton has the same amount of utter arseholes as any other British city. Except, arseholes just generally gravitate here from elsewhere at certain times of the year, so we have more in fact.
- At the weekend, everything goes as generic and expensive as in London to make the weekend Londoners comfortable. You can say goodbye to any cultural pros as a result, as the town roughs up.
- Brighton doesn't try too hard to not be a seaside town when it comes to tourism... yet, it's utter shit as a family resort (stony beach / ridiculously overpriced pier) and generally just poorly laid out and inaccessible.
- It just looks ugly. From the trifle-like Pavillion, to the husk of the west pier, to the falling-apart-at-the-seams high-rise blocks thrown randomly into the street plan.
- Every facebook and flickr account has at least once picture of one of the landmarks mentioned above, under the pretence that they're eerily beautiful and that their photographic skills are immense. Just say no.
- The gay scene is quite unsettlingly sleazy ("or so I've been told" ho-ho) and, probably for commercial reasons, seems to be about as stereotypically 'Fuh-laming' as possible. Similarly, there's this whole circus aspect to going out in Brighton. People go to some clubs to just gawk at the gays, or prove how incredibly open minded they are because two girls kissing didn't visibly make them gag.
- Not enough jobs for anyone who is telesales-phobic.
- Hell, I'm sure that the average person is just uglier in Brighton.
Quit teasing jerk, I won't make it out of here for awhile. Besides this is the only place for my entry job as well..we have a lot of graphic design/ print shops here in dallas. Hundreds actually. No way I'd leave with the economy like this :eek:.

What I meant though, was what happened when you told those nice people you hated Jesus and life and flowers and everything???

Oh, well in one situation I got literally shoved out of a store by an acquaintance of mine who worked there. He invited me to go to church with him, I said "nah, thanks though" and he asked why not. Stupid me replied honestly. Then the usual religious debate occurred where I threw a bunch of logic at him and he responds with threats and physical violence.

Second one was with a girl who bitched at me for a long time and just followed me around annoying the **** out of me. Most of what she was saying was just general insults, and not even really anything to do with atheism, but as soon as I said I was an atheist she hated my guts.

Thank god (lol) im not a angry person, and it takes A LOT to piss me off to the point that I'll hit someone, because I think many people in my situation would have had a run in with police and had some jailtime. Every girl i've met has been really religious too, so sucks for Krynn. He aint gettin some for a long time.
Kansas City, MO


Good place to live overall, got pretty much everything. Got the spread-out northern portion vs. downtown southern portion for a nice balance (some of downtown is still pretty crummy, though... and it's a pain in the ass finding parking). Pleasantly average socially I think (got yer nuts and cool people). Right in the middle of the country geographic-wise so a good jumping-off point! Also means we get all 4 seasons in their extremes (100 degree summers vs. sub-zero winters)... I consider that a good thing but it could be bad to some. :p


We're not considered cool by the rest of the world and usually get lumped in with the hicks of the rest of the state. Not a strong vacation spot in terms of sightseeing/stuff to do.
what's great:

it's ****in california.

i like the weather.

what's not great:

it's ****in california.

i hate the weather.
Glasgow, Scotland

Big city, lots of nightlife, always something to do
Awesome 18 screen cinema, also an Imax
Loads of excellent restaurants
Good city centre when you feel like shopping
Generally nice Georgian architecture in the centre and west end (I'm between the two)
Three big Universities plus a half dozen colleges and whatever means there are about 170,000 students. STI heaven!!
At least it isn't Edinburgh...

No beaches
Shitty weather
The accent
The neds/chavs/scallies
The 'Old Firm' fighting
Gosford (about an hour and half north of Sydney).

Great beaches, waterfront area for water skiing or boating. Everything is pretty close by (in the middle of two of the biggest cities in NSW so going out to do stuff isn't really a problem if you have transport. All round good weather when it's not 40c in the summer.

Homeless people, drugs. Council is filled with old people who don't like new development. Finding a job can be tough and so you will probably have to travel to the city.
Amsterdam, The netherlands

- Heiniken
- Drugs
- Everything is within a 10 minute walk
- Its really beautiful on the canals
- Great summers
- A **** load of hot chicks, like they've multiplied by 2 over the past 3 or 4 years... or ive just lowered my standards ; D
- Epic clubs
- Alot of parks
- Friendly people, no assholes, ive seen 2 proper fights in the past 20 years
- Tons of art
- bikes>cars
- friendly police (after going out and getting properly drunk i get a nice coffee at the police station before walking home : D)

- Rain
- too many hot chicks

Austin, Texas, United States of America


It's Austin.


It's in Texas.

I am from there also (temporarily).

-Has some nice parks
-Some cool (weird) local businesses
-Live music, which I regret not taking advantage of more

-Crazy bums and/or hippies
-Gets really hot in the summer

I am also from Houston which has nothing good. It's dirty and humid and it smells bad.

Next year I will probably either be in California or Illinois or Pennsylvania. I don't know where yet.
Polva, Estonia

Ah, the nature! Woods everywhere!
Lowest crime rate in Estonia
City is divided into middle and high class estates, both are beautiful.
3 schools for so little city

Very, VERY much drunk tards.
Some apartments are very ugly. Soviet-ugly.
Closest university is in Tartu, 120 km here.
Almost 25% of this city's population is Russian. Border only 70 km, that's why.