What's great (and not so great) about where you live?

Oh, well in one situation I got literally shoved out of a store by an acquaintance of mine who worked there. He invited me to go to church with him, I said "nah, thanks though" and he asked why not. Stupid me replied honestly. Then the usual religious debate occurred where I threw a bunch of logic at him and he responds with threats and physical violence.

Second one was with a girl who bitched at me for a long time and just followed me around annoying the **** out of me. Most of what she was saying was just general insults, and not even really anything to do with atheism, but as soon as I said I was an atheist she hated my guts.

Thank god (lol) im not a angry person, and it takes A LOT to piss me off to the point that I'll hit someone, because I think many people in my situation would have had a run in with police and had some jailtime. Every girl i've met has been really religious too, so sucks for Krynn. He aint gettin some for a long time.
Internet dating time maybe?
There is lots of religious crazies runnin around out here but I don't believe I've been threatened with physical violence. I have been kicked out of people's houses before and my family pretty much disowns me (except parents). But what do I care?
you know the religious are the same

No matter time nor place

They don't understand that us atheists

Are going to make some mistakes

So to you other atheists all across the land

There's no need to argue

The religious just don't understand

(pronounced Aberdeen/?bɚˈdiːn/ ; Scots: Aiberdeen, Scottish Gaelic: Obar Dheathain) Scotland's third most populous city and one of Scotland's 32 local government council areas. It has an official population estimate of 202,370.


1. Kick's everyone's ass in Britain in Bloom, we've been disqualified to give other punier cities a chance.

2. In line with the above it mostly doesn't look like a typical urban turd that's only lived in because fear and inconvenience of living alone is greater then the depression of living in a dumpy town.

3. Just the right size, with most of the amenities conveniently located in the city centre where they belong.

4. I can actually see some stars since there isn't a completely overwhelming cover of light pollution at night.

5. Not the greatest night clubs and bars but that just means locals try harder.

6. Traffic jams at the most can lengthen a journey 10 minutes to 30 rather then an hour + like in a big capital city I who's name I wont mention.

7. Surrounded by low hills, so you can actually see beyond the city from many locations.

8. The Silver City, the apparent highest radiation levels in British city aside (from the granite...) I do like the architecture and granite finish to the buildings.

9. The surrounding countryside is pretty darn pleasant.

10. Close to Royal Deeside, Cairngorm national park, and all the outdoor goodies those entail.

11. Quiet

12. Even for a green city where your never more then 15 minutes from some genuine countryside theres still plenty of parks.

13. The Winter Gardens are epic, great place to go on a date if your really stuck for ideas.

14. The climate and weather are just right in my books, likewise theres none of that flood or natural disaster business, were lucky if we even get a thunderstorm in a year.

15. At the mouth of two rivers there's plenty of chance to get some beach action, you want city side beach?, we got it, you want a wild beach thats so long you'll get bored of walking it before it runs out?, we got that north of us to.

16. The people are just right, folk keep to themselves but they don't look like they've sucked a lemon all day, and are polite and friendly usually if approached.

17. Must have a Chinatown hidden somewhere, there's always a Chinese resturaunt or takeaway kicking about, generally the resturaunts we have of any variety are good and varied.

18. None of that ghettoization of minorities here, all ethnicities on show but as far as I am aware no tensions.

19. We have chavs but they seem restricted to small pockets orbitting the city and they seem hesitant (or incapable) of reaching the city center in large numbers and being a problem.

20. Home.

1. Too small, sometimes I want to be in awe at the choked in sky scraper dominated steel jungle of a big city.

2. Too quiet, sometimes I am enchanted by the sounds and lights of a big city.

3. Not the greatest nightclubs and bars going, sure the locals try harder but I still want some decent ****ing venues.

4. Allot of stuff, gigs, sporting events, conventions, museum exhibits are further down south, so basically to see any of the really good events I haver to plan day trips.

5. Allot of flights are connecting ones because the airport isn't Heathrow.

6. The local authorities are corrupt turds and the local business leaders are just as smelly.

7. The local newspaper is a complete shit-rag, even for a local.

8. Sometimes I wish some local people cared more for our city and its spirit then me, I aint even one of those community minded busybodies but even I get perplexed at the attitude some folk take to things.

9. We still have to watch London based media bitch and cry about being unprepared for highly "shocking" winter weather and throw in some climate change doom flavouring even as I look out the window and watch our council trucks fitted with snow ploughs and gritters clearing the front street, even as the side streets people are surviving by driving carefully.

10. We still have to watch local based media to, that is to say Gaelic language television...its a dead language...just let it die. :/

11. Seems to have the habit of attracting American business jerks who are so god-damn American in their greed the Americans don't even want them so they come over here to rape the locality.

Edit: Rep, Devon sounds nice.

Edit II: I've considered a vacation to Cali, is it worth it?, it looks like its got it all.







(Maine Coon Cats)




Maine lobster. Soooo good.


Portland is an awesome city.


Awesome people. That's my friend Bryan.


Local bands like Honey Clouds and the music community as a whole. Portland is one of the best places to start playing music. So many friendly people and a lot of venues willing to give you a chance and collaborate on things.
I had another Idea for Aberdeen pro's and cons.

Belmont street during the day:

Belmont street at Night:

Party centre of town on Saturday evening, open air market by Sunday morn.

Edit: In fact scrap the pro or cons, they are good at either time. :V
One thing I forgot to mention about Bury and Manchester are the brilliant bands that come from here: Elbow, The Smiths, The Inspiral Carpets, Joy Division, New Order, Happy Mondays, Cherry Ghost, The Blue Mondays, Doves, The Courteeners, Ian Brown, Richard Ashcroft, David Gray (wobblyhead man as I call him!), Badly Drawn Boy, Buzzcocks, Tim Burgess (of The Charlatans), The Chemical Brothers, Stephen Fretwell, I Am Kloot, Johnny Marr, Oasis, Starsailor and the Stone Roses. Beat that!
One thing I forgot to mention about Bury and Manchester are the brilliant bands that come from here: Elbow, The Smiths, The Inspiral Carpets, Joy Division, New Order, Happy Mondays, Cherry Ghost, The Blue Mondays, Doves, The Courteeners, Ian Brown, Richard Ashcroft, David Gray (wobblyhead man as I call him!), Badly Drawn Boy, Buzzcocks, Tim Burgess (of The Charlatans), The Chemical Brothers, Stephen Fretwell, I Am Kloot, Johnny Marr, Oasis, Starsailor and the Stone Roses. Beat that!

We all heard it, Iron Kat is going to be managing the UK forum regular'ss gig-trips.
  • The best people you could ever meet ever live here (i.e. My friends)
  • I live here :)
  • Apparently its pretty
  • Beautiful lakes, rivers and lough's
  • Great potatoes and bread

  • Rains all the time
  • Chavs ):
  • Nothing to do (i.e. no ice rinks, or bowling alleys or anything fun)
  • All the southern Irish people come to Enniskillen to do their shopping ):
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

-Beautiful scenery in and around.
-Trailer Park Boys
-Sister city Halifax has a number of universities and with that comes university chicks.
-Plenty of parks.

-High crime rate
-Piss poor road conditions
-Fog and rain
Ottawa, Ontario


  • Good fusion of urban settings and greenery.
  • Artificial whitewater set
  • Awesome concerts and festivals
  • Sweet music scene
  • The Canal (longest skating rink in the world)
  • Close to Quebec (booze)
  • Poutine and Beavertails


  • Full of Politicians.
  • Not very large for a capital city.
London, Ontario, Canada


  • Parks everywhere. There's an enormous one south of downtown, a park in the middle of downtown, another park two blocks north of that, a huge park three blocks to the west, and an even bigger park to the north of that, which is a 3 minute walk from my apartment in addition to having a swimming pool, splashpad, and the Thames River running along it and through most of the parks.
  • Bike baths through every park.
  • LOTS of green space. It's beautiful.
  • Except for the east end, the whole city consists of gently rolling hills. It's really pretty.
  • Varied weather. The winters are cold and great for skiing, tobogganing, snowball fights, and Christmas cheer. The summers are nice and warm, and great for swimming and general outdoor shenanigans.
  • Lots of thunderstorms, the most of any Canadian city. Note: May be a con to some.
  • Bus routes interconnect and go to pretty much every corner of the city.
  • People are generally nice and open. I haven't seen any streetfights in a long time.
  • It's a drug town. It's really not that hard to get a hookup. And most people are pretty nice about it too.


  • Buses are expensive and the schedules are poorly synchronised, in addition to some routes not being available on weekends and no routes available between midnight and 5am.
  • Downtown is dirty and boring, but slowly getting better. All the malls are in or near suburbs, which draws businesses and people out of the core.
  • Nothing much in terms of culture. We're pretty much a college city - the University of Western Ontario's enrollment rate is around 10% of the city's population, including part-time students. So in the summer, the city tends to die, and in the winter, everyone is busy with schoolwork.
  • Few provided forms of entertainment. We have movie theatres, clubs, bars... Yep.
  • Not a whole lot of good job opportunities.
  • The population is something like 74% Christian.
  • Urban sprawl.
  • The summers and winters are nice, but spring and fall are disgustingly wet and cold.
  • Shitty roads. As in "The third-busiest intersection in the city collapsed two winters ago due to water damage and there are lots of potholes" shitty.
  • Shitty streetlight timings. It's almost as if nobody has changed the timings in thirty years. A lot of intersections that aren't busy at all, often including rush hour traffic, will give one direction 5 minutes of green (note: not an exaggeration), and the other direction 15 seconds (also not an exaggeration).
  • Ass-backwards city council (possibly on account of the Christian demographic).