What's the actual date for release next week?

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Sorry if this has been posted already..

But has there been any information released about a more specific date for the CS:S release, rather than "next week"? Just curious!

they didnt gave an exact date as far as i know :s
no date gabe said details will b released via steams website nxt week , n just to keep checking
Source is done, Hl2 rc is turned in, I don't see why they wouldn't keep thier word. Remember, Valve wants to pre-sell as many copies of hl2 via steam as possible and to do this they will release cs source early. That way more proceeds go to the creators of HL2 (valve) and less money goes to the money hungry publishers of the game (viviendi) So pre-purchase the game off of steam everyone so all our hard earned money goes to the hard workers over at valve...............And yeah there is not a set date just next week.
Thanks for the info guys, as limited as it is right now. I was originally going to buy the CE dvd.. but f* that if I get all this great stuff early :)
pixartist said:
sunday 10th when we are lucky

Sunday is the beginning of the next week. Stupid american kids think a week is mon - sun when its really sun - sat
wheezy360 said:
Thanks for the info guys, as limited as it is right now. I was originally going to buy the CE dvd.. but f* that if I get all this great stuff early :)

It's just CS:S ;)
Peks said:
Sunday is the beginning of the next week. Stupid american kids think a week is mon - sun when its really sun - sat
LOL i am from germany and in germany a week goes from monday till sunday ^^
Peks said:
Sunday is the beginning of the next week. Stupid american kids think a week is mon - sun when its really sun - sat
Talk about a generalization. A bad one at that.?

I don't know ANYONE who thinks that, regardless of age.

I finally have enough money to buy the bronze package!

I haven't played the CS:S beta, so I am so excited to play the full version in only a week!! And click that purchase button on HL2!

The feeling of relief cannot be described!

And were did Gabe say this.. I can't find it on the Steam site...
even in the us a week starts with monday and ends with sunday. it all bases on the "god does some stuff the first 6 days and become lazy on the 7th".
God created the world in 6 days, on the 7th (Sunday) he chillax'd with a 40 ouncer, and a joint.
week n.

1 . A period of seven days: a week of rain.
2 . Abbr. wk. A seven-day calendar period, especially one starting with Sunday and continuing through Saturday: this week.

Weeks start on sundays
okay, this is strange:

"ISO 8601 (1973) defines monday as the start of the week, which applies to most of the western countries.
another bulk of western countries(especially north america) start their week with sunday, which is based on the jewish/islamic tradition(7th day = day of rest)."(taken from german wikipedia).

so you were right, and me was wrong. as sunday is here(germany) the seventh day, i completely forgot that sabbath(the jewish 7th day) is equal to our saturday. so your way to define a week is more traditional, and our is more logical(c'mon, sabbath should be sunday).

there is somehow a lack of week-synchronization :-).

ps: this reminds me to listen some old black sabbath lp's :-).
edit: so if cs:s is released this sunday, its in your "next", but still in my "this" week

edit2: b2t: in germany we have some special expressions.
when a new week is going to start, it is called the "coming week", and "next week" means the week after "coming week". i'm not sure at which day of the week the term "next week" means "coming week", but this case applies sometimes. so when its monday, and you say "next week", the week following the actual week is meant. :devil:
Darth Valium said:
okay, this is strange:

"ISO 8601 (1973) defines monday as the start of the week, which applies to most of the western countries.
another bulk of western countries(especially north america) start their week with sunday, which is based on the jewish/islamic tradition(7th day = day of rest)."(taken from german wikipedia).

so you were right, and me was wrong. as sunday is here(germany) the seventh day, i completely forgot that sabbath(the jewish 7th day) is equal to our saturday. so your way to define a week is more traditional, and our is more logical(c'mon, sabbath should be sunday).

there is somehow a lack of week-synchronization :-).

ps: this reminds me to listen some old black sabbath lp's :-).
edit: so if cs:s is released this sunday, its in your "next", but still in my "this" week

edit2: b2t: in germany we have some special expressions.
when a new week is going to start, it is called the "coming week", and "next week" means the week after "coming week". i'm not sure at which day of the week the term "next week" means "coming week", but this case applies sometimes. so when its monday, and you say "next week", the week following the actual week is meant. :devil:

in germany "this week" is the week we are currently in (starting monday ending sunday) "coming week" is the same as "next week" :P it's the week after this one! so on a sunday "next week" and "coming week" means the week starting at monday(so if it's sunday, tomorrow)
Peks said:
Sunday is the beginning of the next week. Stupid american kids think a week is mon - sun when its really sun - sat

As a former stupid American kid (still American, former kid, no comment on stupidity), I have always thought that the week is Sunday-Saturday. Except when I work in a movie theatre, when it's Friday-Thursday.
I have a nice tingly feeling about Monday... oh wait, my phone's on vibrate... but I'm being optimistic for monday... I'll wake up, come online and be told that the Gold option is really cheap and that you can play Half life Source as well... once your payment's cleared :)

Then, while waiting for siad verification, the sun will come out and fluffy bunnys and butterflies will fly out my hairy ass crack.

Cynical, me? I wasn't until one year three days eight hours and fifty minutes ago ;)

EDIT: I remember having an argument once when I was a kid... a friend and I couldn't agree which day the week started on. I was absolutely certain I was right and had strong reasoning (for a kid). I don't actually remember whether I backed Monday or Sunday... but I was right.
Peks said:
Sunday is the beginning of the next week. Stupid american kids think a week is mon - sun when its really sun - sat

Im american and im not any kid im 23 and I think your a total jackass for saying somehting like that!
due to DIN 1355 in germany MONDAY is the first day of the week since 1976!
In reference to release dates and announcements, Monday is the "beginning"... since no one releases or announces things on Sunday. Monday is the beginning of the "work week" and it's when things start up again.

Isn't that what we're talking about rather than what is "technically" the first day and such?
drewjoh said:
In reference to release dates and announcements, Monday is the "beginning"... since no one releases or announces things on Sunday. Monday is the beginning of the "work week" and it's when things start up again.

Isn't that what we're talking about rather than what is "technically" the first day and such?

hm, work week. makes sense. but isn't this interesting(like differences in week definition).

@pixartist: "kommende" and "naechste" week isn't the same; it depends completely on your position in the actual week.
Darth Valium said:
hm, work week. makes sense. but isn't this interesting(like differences in week definition).

@pixartist: "kommende" and "naechste" week isn't the same; it depends completely on your position in the actual week.
what? i don't agree!
wenn ich am sonntag sage "nächste woche" dann meine ich meistens die woche die am folgenden montag anfängt. wenn nicht, dann muss ich das zusätzlich angeben! wenn ich aber am sonntag sage "kommende woche" dann heisst das auch JEDEN FALL das die woche die am nächsten tag anfängt gemeint ist!! das ist der einzige unterschied, der aber sehr gering ist!
exuses to all non-native-german speakers

ich hatte anno dazumal in der schule ne recht albackene lehrerin im deutsch-gk(eine von denen mit ausgepraegten korrekturzwang), die hat mir das damals so beigebracht. seitdem halte ich mich daran. also wenn ich am samstag "ich habe kommende woche ...." sage, bezieht sich dies auf die woche die am montag anfaengt. sage ich aber "ich habe erst naechste woche ....", bedeutet dies nach meiner auffassung "fruehestens uebernaechsten montag".

allerdings ist das natuerlich kein besonders gutes argument ;( , nur ne erklaerung wie ich darauf komme. hm, vielleicht erklaert dass die vielen (vermeintlich) geplatzten dates??? :laugh:
Darth Valium said:
exuses to all non-native-german speakers

ich hatte anno dazumal in der schule ne recht albackene lehrerin im deutsch-gk(eine von denen mit ausgepraegten korrekturzwang), die hat mir das damals so beigebracht. seitdem halte ich mich daran. also wenn ich am samstag "ich habe kommende woche ...." sage, bezieht sich dies auf die woche die am montag anfaengt. sage ich aber "ich habe erst naechste woche ....", bedeutet dies nach meiner auffassung "fruehestens uebernaechsten montag".

allerdings ist das natuerlich kein besonders gutes argument ;( , nur ne erklaerung wie ich darauf komme. hm, vielleicht erklaert dass die vielen (vermeintlich) geplatzten dates??? :laugh:
:E :naughty:
höchstwahrscheinlich ;)

btw.: i hate "korrekturfetischisten", my maths teacher is makin me cry. you could have all results and still would get a "5" just because she does not understand how you found it out...she is pretty dumb
Darth Valium said:
even in the us a week starts with monday and ends with sunday. it all bases on the "god does some stuff the first 6 days and become lazy on the 7th".
No, the week in USA starts on sunday. I know spanish speaking countries have lunes(monday) first day of the week.
The real question is, how does Valve define a "week". I'm guessing they use some bizarre 20 day cycle to denote a "week". Could explain why they keep missing deadlines when they say, "Such and so will be happening next 'week'."
Well it didn't happen on sunday (as if) and now it's Monday. Something tells me Valve starts it's weeks on a Friday...

Hmm... maybe that's why it took six years ;)
Who the hell cares when a week starts in Zimbabwe, CSN reports it's going to be on the fifth!
It's wednesday.

That is all.

It's Wednesday and I had better get it today! :flame:
My guess is Thursday. Hopefully we get it sometime b4 the weekend. Hope to see you on CSS! :thumbs: