What's the best thing to use the .357 Magnum for?

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Hey everyone, I'm playing HL2 much better now. I'm glad all of you encouraged me to stick with it. . . you made the difference! HL2.Net Rocks.

Now to my obvious question: Since the .357 Magnum has such limited ammo, what is the best thing I should use this weapon on? It must have a special purpose, I'm thinking. :hmph:

Thanks for any help, Prozac :E :thumbs: :afro: :monkee:
I generally use it for medium to long range soldier killing. Especially when there are a number of them there.
when you got a bad case of combine soldier-itis and want to dispose of the problem without losing health. i use it mostly in close range unlike riomhaire, because its so powerful it kills practically anyone within one-two shots, extremely effective when youre low on health
I just LOVE to use this thing... Probably my favorite weapon. It's a pity that there is really not that much ammo for it... It's really fun blasting headcrabs from zombies heads (it just looks plain cool)
It is good for sniping and mid range fights, but it gets kinda tight when something comes really up close (you just have to aim it straight for the head, else it's a waste of ammo on hard...)
Unless you're fairly close range make sure to take aim and be patient when using it. It is almost perfectly accurate so make sure you have them (preferably their head) in the dead centre of the crosshair. Combine soldiers are quite innacurate at long ranges so you should have a second to aim. As Harij said, it's useful for close range too, it's a matter of preference really, I generally use the shotgun or SMG for close range.
Zombies and soliders at long range. Shame the Half Life version of that isn't as great.
Hey everyone, I'm playing HL2 much better now. I'm glad all of you encouraged me to stick with it. . . you made the difference! HL2.Net Rocks.

Now to my obvious question: Since the .357 Magnum has such limited ammo, what is the best thing I should use this weapon on? It must have a special purpose, I'm thinking. :hmph:

Thanks for any help, Prozac :E :thumbs: :afro: :monkee:

I should make a list of things I use to kill whatever enemies...

Crowbar: Headcrabs (all types if low on ammo, swing as they jump. It's cool.), boxes, wood blockage, and normal zombies. (Sprint up, get two whacks, back up, let him swing, repeat.)

Pistol: Long range head crabs, shooting explosive barrels, Metro Cops (headshots ftw :cool: ), and of course the occasional barnacle (five shots on easy if I recall)

SMG: Metrocops(bullets), Overwatch(bullets), Groups(grenade/bullets mix), Fast Headcrabs(bullets), and Poison Headcrabs(either or)

.357 Magnum: Mostly Poison Headcrabs, and as a sniper, especially at daytime ravenholm with that fast zombie.

Gravity Gun: (BEST USE) Launch sawblades at hordes of zombies in a row. (Like after the part of ravenholm everyone hates, where you go to the wrong part of town, and you're in that narrow hallway when 1000 zombies come out... Ohh yeah. :smoking: )

RPG: What else? Far away combine, Striders, and gunships. (Best to get the rocket way up in the sky, then bring it down on top of the thing... only takes a fraction of a second.)

Nades: Snipers, goups of headcrabs, or zombies, and the floor turrets.

Crossbow: Far off combine, poison zombies, and always use on antlion guards. It always makes it short and sweet. Use all your crossbow, then bring out the shotgun, six shots and it's over. :D

OSIPR: Same as SMG.

Lets see... Did I miss any? Try those, if you haven't. You will like. :)
You can zoom in, aim the cross-hairs on the head of a combine soldier, zoom out without moving the mouse and pop off a nice easy head-shot.
I use it for mid range combine killing. It really rox, it's my favorite weapon.
I like it for all ranges...one of my favorite weapons. Just use it as a primary. Forget the low ammo, when things die with 1-2 shots, you generally have time to reload.
I love it, but I keep not using it because I horde ammo.
OSIPR: Same as SMG.

Well, application-wise, they are broadly simillar, but once you've learned the science of firing the OSIPR, it's much more effective than the SMG. The weapon's greater accuracy lets you aim a burst at the chest of a Combine soldier and let it kick up to the head, getting you a 3 or 4 shot kill every time. With the SMG, I find that the lower damage/accuracy makes it more time consuming to take down an enemy and allows them time to get in a shot at you.

To answer the original question, I mostly use the magnum for sniping. Of course, it's useful in enclosed spaces too, but I generally prefer alt-fire on the shotgun, as it requires less precision in aiming and gives you a nice gory payoff:

The only thing I ever use the .357 for is sniping.
That is pretty much the best use. Use Z to zoom in, line up your aim, then let go of Z and shoot at the same time. Works as a perfect sniper rifle.
.357 Magnum: Mostly Poison Headcrabs

Why waste the scarce magnum bullets on poison headcrabs, they dont even kill you. Just swing the crowbar as they jump towards and you will take them out in one swing.
I never would have gotten through HL1 on hard without the revolver.
Headshots on Combines of soldier to elite rank, from all ranges. Use and release 'z' to scope in if you need to. Just don't do it in the same room as someone who hasn't a clue about FPS, otherwise they'll think you're really good :P
I dont use it all that much but occasional headshots on zombies (especially fast zombies cause it provides a challenge).
Headshots on zombies is the best thing to do in the whole game.
I used it mostly for fast zombie headshotting in Ravenholm.. specially in places where they climb up on the gutter pipes. Just positioned myself on the very edge of the roof right on top of the pipe, look down and BAM!! HEADSHOT!!
I found the shotgun more effective on fast zombies. Leaves them no chances
Me? I love the magnum for picking off combine soldiers from range. I always try for headshots just because it's fun to watch them fly from range. For closer battles I prefer the loving kiss of a double barreled shotfun. =P

And zombies? The regular ones I just shoot with the pistol, because I enjoy watching them crumple. The others get more shotgun loving. =)
lol screw 357

You want a good gun go into your console and type sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets default is 8 change it to like 100 and blast some combine B****es
Dude, the .357 is one of the best for far range single shot kills...
UNlike WILLEH i aklso use it for long range shots, zoom in, aim nicely, soom out and kablam and the com goes HEADSHOT.(I kinda hate amx sound mods..) :(
Hey everyone, I'm playing HL2 much better now. I'm glad all of you encouraged me to stick with it. . . you made the difference! HL2.Net Rocks.

Now to my obvious question: Since the .357 Magnum has such limited ammo, what is the best thing I should use this weapon on? It must have a special purpose, I'm thinking. :hmph:

Thanks for any help, Prozac :E :thumbs: :afro: :monkee:

it's a pretty versatile weapon imo, as long as you are good with headshots and mind your ammo. The trick is to just not go berserk with your firing, but taking precise shots.