What's the big deal in capturing Saddam ?????

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Originally posted by Speculator
For someone who "supposedly" just got out of jail and is so called "trying to update on Saddam's capture", why would they do it on a Half Life 2 off topic forum first out of all places
Just got out of prison? Hmm... Must've missed that post, sorry. That certainly is a poor excuse; if the guy just didn't know about Saddam, then that would've been fine to admit. There's no need to make up some silly excuse like they don't get news in prison :hmph:
Although it WOULD explain why he hadn't posted in so long... So coolvoodoo, what did you do?
Must be some guy in his last year of Psychology doing a field test.. predicting behaviour of groups. Well he has got his attention, hope he was right about the outcome.:dozey:
basicly good thing sadam is caught. but for the wrong reason. tehy should have invaded iraq based on waht he does to his people not that he might have biologicial/nuclear(spl) weapons. adn bomb the shit out of the people that want to be free from them.

but personally, im happy sadam is gone. but the bush and everone else up in the pentagon/whitehouse needed to get their facts strait or at least hide them alot better than they did.
Erm, this thread wasn't to find out what Saddam is all about... notice how quickly he said something about Oil...

Hmmm, don't lie to this forum. Please explain yourself.

Your story is bullsh*t, well at least it seems so. Please post who you really are...
Oh huzzah! It's the HL2 Inquisition! Spearheaded by your fine self Comrade? :)
coolvoodoo and the "Ki-Meditation-Buddah" guy are obviously gimmick accounts. And I stand fast to my theory that its Yatta , he may have a new IP or at a different computer/house or something.
It's not Yatta. It's a guy called Cheater.

The Buddah guy is a twit called Mr.Pink. See my post at the end of his thread.
Thread closed, coolvoodoo banned. It's Cheater, if any of you remember him, who was banned on these forums a while ago.
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