What's the craziest thing you've ever done in Crysis?


Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Yay, first thread! Anyway, just post the funniest, random or plain crazy things you've done in Crysis (if you have it). Mine is killing a chicken, going into one of the huts, putting it on one of the small stoves, and pretending to cook it.
I was playing through the first level, and cloaked and ran fast around a jeep and blew it up and thought this is tiresome and un-installed it after 25 minutes. AND that is a true story.
I really just keep all settings on medium, but physics on high. I liek mah phyzikz.
Completed the game without any challenge at the highest difficulty setting even though I'm not that amazing at fps games!

(It's far too easy)
I risked getting in trouble by downloading it, and for such little pay off it wasnt even worth it.
I picked up a chicken. Man, those Koreans went apeshit.
I was a pirate.

Does that mean I downloaded it, or simply hopped on a dinghy and boarded enemy vessels? The answer may never be known!

Lol you people just love Crysis don't you ?

Well, being a Far Cry fan I really wanted to like this game but, it just felt so tedious. The nano suit functionality was clunky at best, and I basicaly wasn't having fun playing it... Played it from start to finish once, never played it again.

And, no I didn't buy it.
Threw a chicken. Actually thats the only thing I remember from the demo, the damn chickens :D
I played it, and then I was all what, Far Cry is so better than this, and Far Cry is not even that good.

What am I doing here.
I played the demo and got my jeep caught on pretty much everything so I walked instead. Craaaazy man!
craziest thing i ever did was make the decision to wait until it's $20 in a year or two so i can install it, never touch the single player, and just play mods
I picked up the box, brought it to the counter, and tried to purchase it.

There was a big sale where some DVD's were $3 each, so I bought like 20 of them. I had a pretty woman trying to -flirt?- with me as I had a stack of 20 DVD's in my hand. It was boss.

Anyway, lucky for me, there is some thing with the receipts at Circuit City where you can't buy over 20 items in one transaction, and that gave me just enough time to come to my senses and not get Crysis after all.
Ignorance is funny. I spent only 1000$ and i can run it on highest setting without any problems :/

Ya people like to be funny. They bash a game because they think its cool. Game is extremely well optimised yet people think lying about what it takes to run is something interesting. Its quite sad..
Ya people like to be funny. They bash a game because they think its cool. Game is extremely well optimised yet people think lying about what it takes to run is something interesting. Its quite sad..

so your saying crysis is vista in disguise?

ba dup' sh
Ya people like to be funny. They bash a game because they think its cool. Game is extremely well optimised yet people think lying about what it takes to run is something interesting. Its quite sad..

Perhaps you should learn what the word optimised actually means before blindly commenting on the situation. Has anyone here seen the code? no? Then stop using the wrong bloody words. Yeah it's not terribly hard to meet the recommended specs but most home PC users haven't a bloody clue what they mean. OEMs have a habit of further confusing people.
I was a pirate.

Does that mean I downloaded it, or simply hopped on a dinghy and boarded enemy vessels? The answer may never be known!


I actually attempted to board the enemy frigates. Needless to say they start shooting long before then :D

But a lot of people have to play in DX9, regardless of DX10 compatibility, because the particle physics slows the game to a crawl when close to ice, and I hadn't noticed much difference between low and high settings for particles. Everyother part of the game runs smoothly, its just problems with ice.

Is zFeather the same trechnology, or just less resource consuming?
Tried to run it on a PC where I had to delete Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, and Publisher, Pinball, Solitare, Spider Solitare, Minesweeper, Pool, the 14 gigs' of music, whatever Antivirus software my friend has, Halo, dawn of War, Sam and Max:Abe Lincon Must Die, and Dwarf Fortress to prepare for it(six hours to delete all this).This PC overheats when running the desktop, took no less than seven hours to generate a world on Dwarf Fortress(watched the Top Gear Winter Olympics several times during this), beeps in time to whatever sound is being used on it, and has crashed by simply clicking somewhere onscreen once.

It took us four hours to extract all the stuff from the disc, and another couple to actually install it.

We booted it up.

After ten minutes of waiting,(and sounds not alltogether unlike someone taking a circular saw to the case) a message saying that our (nonexistant) graphics card was not supported by the game, and promptly proceeded to burn the inner (assumedly vital) components of the PC, rendering it useless.

Were we foolish?


Were we idiots for putting a PC in lifethreatening danger, despite already being proven not fit for Solitare, let alone Internet Explorer?

Of course.

However, we, my friends, we violently broke through the barrier that separates lumps of silicon from super-PC's resembling Moniliths from 2001. For we, for one bright flash of brilliance in a process that took us at least a day(we had a crack at Dwarf Fortress) destroyed a PC for no reason whatsoever.

Thank you, and good night.
I brought it to see what all the fuss was about, a day later it was out of my life forever. It felt like a much lesser and ripped off version Far Cry to me, terrible.
lol....elkaebee you cant be that dense...does no one read requirements anymore? they just assume all games will run on every pc.
I liked Crysis. Ok is very similar to Far Cry, it could be called Far Cry 2 that it would not surprise anyone. But i did like Far Cry, and like 90% of game sequels nowadays are the same thing with better graphics so i was not expecting nothing too revolutionary with Crysis.

The truth is, its cool to bash the game and most of the bashers didn't even played it (console gamers and people with old pc's). For me was a solid FPS with very good gameplay, graphics and physics, unfortunatly the story and setting ruins a bit the experience. Give a few months (years?) and most pc's will be able to run at max settings, and the game will be better accepted.
Ya people like to be funny. They bash a game because they think its cool. Game is extremely well optimised yet people think lying about what it takes to run is something interesting. Its quite sad..

Yeah, okay.

Well optimized for someone who upgrades their PC every month maybe.
Well optimized for someone who has the money to afford/waste on a $1000/2000 PC, you maybe have the job/parents to pay for that kind of shit but those of us without such luxuries are left in the dust by the game devs who then themselves go and say that because of 'poor sales' or piracy that they're going to be making games for consoles more often, all because they tried marketing the game to the wrong crowd.
I think he might have made a typo, actually. And it's not "well optimised for someone who upgrades their PC". That doesn't make sense. It's either well optimised or not. It's not dependent on the hardware.

But I don't think Crysis was at all as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's incredibly overcriticised.
PCG uk gave it 92%

That's my bible as far as respect for opinion goes. Yes I do have an uber rig, and if you can play it on one, it's an amazing game for what it sets out to do.
Look at it in perspective and don't whine when medium-tech hardware can't run a hi-tech engine. For what it can do in relation to it's requirements, it is a great engine.

Saying that I wish I had never played it, as I am now spoiled, and nothing I have played since Crysis at maximum DX9 hacked loveliness looks good anymore, even CoD4 and Bioshock look like white, crumbly, 5 year old shite. It sucks that developers can't pay so much attention to detail as Crytech have done. Also sucks that Crytech couldn't do the same with storyline and gameplay. My dick could've written a better ending. In Klingon.

Most fun I had out of the game was surviving a Great White attack, keeping a chicken airborne on a fountain of bullets, and being chased down the road by a rolling, freakish sheet of unstoppable corrugated iron.
Look at it in perspective and don't whine when medium-tech hardware can't run a hi-tech engine. For what it can do in relation to it's requirements, it is a great engine.
I think that's what the entire discussion is about; the fact that it depends far too much on its graphical prowess to pull off good reviews. If you strip away the graphics, all that is left is a rather mediocre story, with some rather mediocre gameplay.

If it had graphics like Deus Ex had, but used the exact same gameplay mechanics as now, would you still praise it highly? (Not directed to you alone CR0M :p)
You see, this is what I don't get, and it happens far too often in discussion about games. That is, the isolation of elements that make up a game, and saying things like if you strip it's visuals away it would let it down and make it less exciting for example. While that's true and totally subject to opinion for someone who will want to play it for the eye candy, it's essentially a moot point.

It's the technicalities the game provides through combination of the simulation elements which allow the visuals to be more than just eyecandy, the trees and huts and how they are dynamic are just one example. Anyone should agree that great looking art assets and set pieces that are static are no where near as visceral, stimulating, and appealing as dynamic ones. Not to mention enviroments that can be physically manipulated at random to effect a given situation.

I think this best describes that the combination of elements within Crysis are what makes it appealing, not just it's visual polish. Even at any medium settings you still get the full whack of the interaction and if that's what your looking for in particular it's still satisfying.
You see, this is what I don't get, and it happens far too often in discussion about games. That is, the isolation of elements that make up a game, and saying things like if you strip it's visuals away it would let it down and make it less exciting for example. While that's true and totally subject to opinion for someone who will want to play it for the eye candy, it's essentially a moot point.

It's the technicalities the game provides through combination of the simulation elements which allow the visuals to be more than just eyecandy, the trees and huts and how they are dynamic are just one example. Anyone should agree that great looking art assets and set pieces that are static are no where near as visceral, stimulating, and appealing as dynamic ones. Not to mention enviroments that can be physically manipulated at random to effect a given situation.

I think this best describes that the combination of elements within Crysis are what makes it appealing, not just it's visual polish.

While all of this is true, the core shooter elements of Crysis, its general gameplay elements and its lackluster AI all combined to make it the prettiest mediocre shooter to date.
What makes it unappealing is the story and general gameplay.
While all of this is true, the core shooter elements of Crysis, its general gameplay elements and its lackluster AI all combined to make it the prettiest mediocre shooter to date.

You mean compared to the half life series? yes.

But that is not the point. I have massive respect for the guys over at PCG uk who pull out the stops for the most educated and entertaining written reviews, and 'mediocre' games do not score over 80% and get must buy rewards.
Ran up to a guy and strength punched him in the nuts.

(It didn't actually happen, i spent 90% of the game cloaked and picking off people with single silenced shots to the head.)
Unfortunately it seems like the only reviews I can trust these days are Zero Punctuation's.