What's the craziest thing you've ever done in Crysis?

Ironically, theotherguy, Yahtzee actually enjoyed the game.

Anyway, I played it on medium/high settings with a 8600 GTS and a Core 2 Duo, had a ****ing blast, loved the game, and I think that most of the people on this website have their standards astronomically high to the point of being downright retarded.

Seriously, why the **** do you guys hate every ****ing game that comes out? Crysis is fun. It doesn't have a deep story but what the **** did you expect from Crytek? It's a fun shooter, asking more of it is just stupid.
Seriously, why the **** do you guys hate every ****ing game that comes out?

I don't know how many times I've pointed that out, its not just games anymore. They hate everything, they hate the world. D:


The lot of you are a bunch of haters.

Crysis to me just felt like Far Cry replacing mercs with koreans and mutants with aliens and feral powers(from the XB1 Far Cry's) with Nanosuit Powers..
lol....elkaebee you cant be that dense...does no one read requirements anymore? they just assume all games will run on every pc.

Sir, i understood fully well the system requirements.
I purely want to see, in the name of science(of course), if it was possible to run, disabling as many warnings as possible, Crysis on one of the worst PC's in existance.
It did not however.

But you, you sir, have no idea how well I know system requirements. Sometime I will tell you that traumatic story, but that day is not now.
I dont have my standards set too high, I just like a game or I dont, I didnt like Crysis, felt like a complete rip off or Far Cry, its that simple.
How can it be a ripoff of Far Cry? It was made by the same people..
Yay, first thread! Anyway, just post the funniest, random or plain crazy things you've done in Crysis (if you have it). Mine is killing a chicken, going into one of the huts, putting it on one of the small stoves, and pretending to cook it.

Thats like asking me whats the craziest thing I've done in a NASA space shuttle. The answer to both is I've never even touched one let alone did anything in it because they are such complex machines requiring so much fuel and detailed hardware I'm not allowed to.

Crysis is an awesome game if you can run (me:D) made by developers who are pricks.

That's my input to this thread.
Ironically, theotherguy, Yahtzee actually enjoyed the game.

He did, but he also pointed out its biggest flaws. This is basically how I felt about the game. I enjoyed it overall, but there were some glaring flaws which bugged me.
I was excited about it when my friend got his hands on it. Saw another guy play it for a while. Loaded up F.E.A.R instead.
Most fun I had was with the editor, and a few custom maps made for the purpose of
****ing around, like bowling and basketball with the soldiers and all kinds of rude
goldberg like contraption. As far as in game go's, it would be just picking up soldiers
trowing then trough walls and smashing up a whole village with my knuckles.

One time i decided to grab a guy on one end of a camp point and just run with him to
the other side.
Most fun I had was with the editor, and a few custom maps made for the purpose of
****ing around, like bowling and basketball with the soldiers and all kinds of rude
goldberg like contraption. As far as in game go's, it would be just picking up soldiers
trowing then trough walls and smashing up a whole village with my knuckles.

One time i decided to grab a guy on one end of a camp point and just run with him to
the other side.

It's funny how the AI reacts to carrying their buddies. Sometimes they'll stop firing, and maybe run away, while other times they'll just shoot you right through the guy.
This thread is going to force me in downloading the game and giving it a shot with my new rig. I'm sure I'm going to hate the gameplay, as I didn't like Far Cry, so this is just going to be a tech demo for me *which is what it should be retitled as...*
This thread is going to force me in downloading the game and giving it a shot with my new rig. I'm sure I'm going to hate the gameplay, as I didn't like Far Cry, so this is just going to be a tech demo for me *which is what it should be retitled as...*
I found gameplay wise it was very different from Far Cry. I don't really know why so many people feel that it's exactly the same as Far Cry; the tropical setting is probably one of the only similarities with the two games.

I personally find that Crysis is a good game. Better storyline/storytelling and multiplayer, as well as some tweaks would have made a huge difference though.