What's the creepiest part of HL2


Jan 19, 2009
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I have to say is episode 1, where Freeman and Alyx have to go through the parking. The part before they get in the elevator to me is the scariest. It has to do with the darkness and huge numbers of zombies, and all versions, too.
Poison Zombie in the lift shaft of the rebel outpost in Freeman Pontifex. The actual encounter with one of them in such a small place is scary, but stepping into the lift shaft with the breathing... man, the breathing.
Well it was not creepy per say but in anticitizen one (I think?) there's that headcrab infested apartment with the guy sitting in the chair watching breencasts but he turns out to be rotting and stuff. When I first saw his face I was thinking "woah man his skin is falling off , guess I should have expected that or something."
Poison Zombie in the lift shaft of the rebel outpost in Freeman Pontifex. The actual encounter with one of them in such a small place is scary, but stepping into the lift shaft with the breathing... man, the breathing.

Probably this. The first time I played through and heard the sound of its breathing I was thinking "What the f*ck is that?" I felt really apprehensive about what about to face because I'd never heard them make a noise like that.
Also first hearing the fast zombies in Ravenholm. When I first played through Ravenholm (hell, even just watch my dad play through it!) the whole chapter was really creepy to me and I wouldn't play it at first!
The first encounter with a fast zombie. Of all the hype I'd seen prior to the game release, nothing prepared me for that. Zombies are supposed to be slow, shuffling mutants, not feral corpses. Dang!
Fast Zombies for sure. I heard it screaming as saw something jumping about but though"pfft, it's nothing zombies are slow and dumb calm down" Then i jumped across and encounter loads of them and just panicked and froze.
as far as scary goes... my first encounter with the fast zombie i jumped so high out of my chair...lol... but i dont really think theyre creepy... in route kanal when you go down into the sewers for the first time and theres a bunch of burnt corpses strewn about... that along with the music that was playing... gave me shivers
For me it has to be during the run through the canals, where a helicopter chases you into the sewers, and your crawling around in them with scorched out bodies of resistance/civilians and shit lying about and you basically know that the Combine aren't playing games here, they are some serious shit.
The creepiest part is in Anticitizen One (map: d3_c17_02), when you start to hear that oddly soul-stabbing music. As you look over, you see an unplugged TV with the Gman, in a boat, holding an Umbrella, with a crow on his shoulder. It then shorts out. WHen you leave, a Reble is whistling part of the tune.

I literally was thinking "WHAT THE F***!!!".
Ah yes! I forgot about that bit! that was so creepy! And when you get too close to the TV it explodes.
The creepiest part is in Anticitizen One (map: d3_c17_02), when you start to hear that oddly soul-stabbing music. As you look over, you see an unplugged TV with the Gman, in a boat, holding an Umbrella, with a crow on his shoulder. It then shorts out. WHen you leave, a Reble is whistling part of the tune.

I literally was thinking "WHAT THE F***!!!".

I'm calling false on this one.
For me it has to be during the run through the canals, where a helicopter chases you into the sewers, and your crawling around in them with scorched out bodies of resistance/civilians and shit lying about and you basically know that the Combine aren't playing games here, they are some serious shit.

I imagine thats where Gordon snapped. He turned on his flashlight and saw all these burned corpses and then he shouts "YOU BASTARDS! I WANTED TO BURN THEM!!" and that rage was what has fueled him through HL2 and the episodes since.

I'm calling false on this one.

Really? Go play it again then cause its a fact.
I don't actually own the orange box yet...I'm just a big half life fan. I was just thinking the umbrella was not real...can you show me a youtube of the sighting?
The most "oh-no-where-you-came-from" scare is from the start of HL2, where there is a secret room and suprise! It's a friggin' living corpse. I froze, then quickly acted and ran out. First encounter you know.
The most "oh-no-where-you-came-from" scare is from the start of HL2, where there is a secret room and suprise! It's a friggin' living corpse. I froze, then quickly acted and ran out. First encounter you know.

Can I call false on this one?
I think he is talking about the first encounter with a zombie torso. Not sure though.

"Anticitizen One (map: d3_c17_02): In a ruined tenement building in City 17, an image of the G-Man standing in a wooden boat with a crow on his shoulder is seen briefly on a television along with some very discordant music. Strangely, the TV is unplugged, and if the player approaches the TV it will turn off. A resistance member outside then says, "I can't get this tune out of my head." and whistles a portion of the eerie music."

the tv flickers between breen and the gman i think
Wpj that isn't the TV in question. At all. Its no where near it. The one we are talking about is atop a small pile of rubble in a dark closet. It does not flicker between g-man and Breen it just shows G-man.
See? I PWNT JOO!!!

[Victory dance]

So, back on topic.
Yeah, I would like to see this "Zombie Torso" as well.
That will be really hard to find a vid of because it is such an unimportant little area. I can tell you almost exactly where it is if you want to check it out for yourself though. Its about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through the chapter Rout Kanal and its at the part when a few metro cops rappel down in front of you with SMGs after the first one look to your left (thats if your looking forward from the tunnel you came from) and there should be a little broken sewr grate type thing and if you go down to the end there will be a crate. Break it and prepare to be supprised (oh and theres some nades down there too which is useful because these are the only ones you will see for another chapter and the first time you see them at all.)

Edit : in fact I think it is the first time you get an SMG at all. If not then its very close to that point.
Actually come to think of it there was one point that creeped me out , its the area in Follow Freeman (?) where you can break some random wooden planks in the sewers and
dead poison headcrabs fall down. I thought they was alive at first. :p
Wpj that isn't the TV in question. At all. Its no where near it. The one we are talking about is atop a small pile of rubble in a dark closet. It does not flicker between g-man and Breen it just shows G-man.

yeah i got confused. there is another screen just after the one in the vid where it does flicker (@2:15)
I hate it when Head-crabs get right within your range, and you basically panic and run around in circles, unable to see the damned thing. So funny to watch it happen to someone else though LOL!
I think the regular zombies are scarier than the others, cos' their voice and motion are really "zombie-like", where the others are more lethal. I sometimes have to put the TV on mute to go play through.

And the other creepy moment I remember is when finishing the bridge and driving through the dark and foggy tunnel, and facing many zombies.

As for headcrabs, they are very annoying when I can't really kill them with an accurate shot as they jump on me.
Bah, everyone here is missing the obvious. Load up Half-Life 2 and start the beginning.

See the intro?

Now, go to the last level and kill Dr. Breen again. See the ending?

Both times, when the G-man actually talks to you, are the creepiest moments in the game. I still get the same chills each time I see them. Sure, it's not like the surprising scare that you get from the first time a fast-zombie runs up to you, screaming. But there is no way to hear that thing talk to you and not sense how inhuman, how wrong it is.

The very dark tunnel right at the start of Sandtraps.

The woman in Point Insertion who says: "I'm considering joining Civil Protection just to get a decent meal." Really reminds you how human they are, which is what makes the antlions and synths by the far the least scary enemies to me.

The entirety of Lowlife, especially the first encounter with Zombines.
I hate when you set zombies on fire and they start screaming. not only is it disturbing, you also start to feel bad for them because it's not their fault they're the way they are.