What's the deal with the delay?

Originally posted by Ventura_DK
Oh, so you think the rumour isn't true? Look at Gabe's latest no comment. It can't be much clearer than this:


Examples of somethings more clearer than this:

"Yes, the release date is for the 30th of September"
"No, it's been delayed"

Seriously though, No comment probably means that there's a chance it could be delayed. Maybe something to do with Vivendi.

Or it could be being released early.
Who cares, we cant do a thing about it.

But hey, i'll give you my opinion on the mater.

Valve somewhere said they were not doing much about CD keys and switching to steam authentication techniques.
I heard from somewhere (might have been planethalflife) that vivendi said that the game would be delayed because of a new CD system.
Valve then said that it was still on track for september, vivendi then retracted its comments. Now neither Valve or vivendi will comment.

This leads me to believe that vivendi and valve are in the process of discusing the possibilities of a new CD key system. But valve dont want it, vivendi do. And they have both agreed to keep quiet on the mater till its sorted so as not to create big debates about stuff like this :)

My theory. Quite a nice one even if i do say so myself
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Who cares, we cant do a thing about it.

But hey, i'll give you my opinion on the mater.

I heard from somewhere (might have been planethalflife) that virendi said that the game would be delayed because of a new CD system.
Valve somewhere said they were not doing much about CD keys and switching to steam authentication techniques. Valve said that it was still on track for september, virendi retracted its comments. Now neither Valve or virendi will comment.

This leads me to believe that virendi and valve are in the process of discusing the possibilities of a new CD key system. But valve dont want it, virendi do. And they have both agreed to keep quiet on the mater till its sorted so as not to create big debates about stuff like this :)

My theory. Quite a nice one even if i do say so myself

It would explain a lot, and sounds like it could be true.
i do my best to help. But remember, thats just a theory. The most important message in that post is that we cant do a thing about when it comes out. We should just all relax a bit :)
the way i see it: valve is not sure at all about being able to ship the game on the 30th of september.

They also keep saying that they aren't talking about multiplayer yet.
Could it be that they are all working on the singleplayer for now and that the multiplayer part will be released via steam after the singleplayer game has been released?

Just a thought.

Videogames Italian Center: Can you finally confirm that the release date will be 9/30 to put an end to all the rumors of the last few days?

Gabe Newell: No comment.
Well, he's certainly being awefully coy. Something's up, it's just that nobody knows what it is at the moment. My feeling is that Valve will do everything in their power to make good on their promise but there may be other parties with a vested interest that see thing differently.
No comment eh? For the first time, and not sure why, I see it missing the 30th unless he just wants to keep the suspense for another few weeks before they announce gold.
This is certainly the first time I've seen him not openly reaffirm the September 30 date as he has done in the past.

Maybe it's the fanboy talking, but wouldn't it be cool if they were actually ahead of schedule and are planning to release it early? Perhaps the infamous "miscommunication" was actually Valve telling Vivendi that they'd changed the release date and Vivendi assumed that meant later instead of sooner. Now Gabe can't confirm Sept. 30 because that's no longer the date, but he can't name the new release date without spoiling the surprise.

Yeah, I know, vain hope doesn't die easily.
ITS NOT DELAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cheers: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Originally posted by philterlecki
ITS NOT DELAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cheers: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Well, I'm convinced.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This is certainly the first time I've seen him not openly reaffirm the September 30 date as he has done in the past.

Maybe it's the fanboy talking, but wouldn't it be cool if they were actually ahead of schedule and are planning to release it early? Perhaps the infamous "miscommunication" was actually Valve telling Vivendi that they'd changed the release date and Vivendi assumed that meant later instead of sooner. Now Gabe can't confirm Sept. 30 because that's no longer the date, but he can't name the new release date without spoiling the surprise.

Yeah, I know, vain hope doesn't die easily.
I never thought of it that way... BUT WAIT, if thats true I might have trouble getting the 9800 pro!! GAHH, September 30th was the best date for it!
I think he said once that in the case of the game being ready before 30th September, they would keep fixing and testing the game as much as possible and still release it on September 30th.

But then again, one website did, for about a day, say the release date was 8th August... Wahey.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
All right lets get the facts straight once and for all:

1. Valve said there is no delay
2. Vivendi said there is no delay
3. Fragmaster and a couple of gaming sites keep dancing to their own tune, but they simply don't want to admin that they are wrong

EDIT .. and since we're on topic, I thought this was pretty funny:


Now that was funny!
Originally posted by Chris_D
I think he said once that in the case of the game being ready before 30th September, they would keep fixing and testing the game as much as possible and still release it on September 30th.

But then again, one website did, for about a day, say the release date was 8th August... Wahey.
Plans can change (for better and worse!). Perhaps thing are moving so smoothly that they realize that last minute tweaking will be unecessary and as a treat to all their fans, they'll release the game early.

O.K., so maybe I'm being overly optimistic.