What's the most climactic moment in Half-Life 2?


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
So, out of the whole game which moment was the most climactic to you?

Everyone has their own opinion on which moment, in particular, is the most memorable, so respect each and everyone's opinion.

The most climactic moment for me throughout the whole entire game, would have to be the first time I got the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator and every moment there on out that I used it. It was just so cool. Even better? The Organic Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator at the end.
the bit on water hazard when the smoke tower came crashing down actually had me shout "OH MY GOD" out loud, the whole game was pretty awesome, some say the ending was shit but i thought it was actually really cool.
Probably when you turn into a half god in the Citadel and wipe everything away with the super gravity gun.
Nova Prospekt and the fight with the two gunships.
just before exiting the train station, there's a guard who orders you to pick up the can, and drop it in the trash can ... I almost had on orgasm
For me i got a real kick when you get a gun on the mudskipper. You drive through the tunnel, the music warms up, the chopper comes down in front of you, you load shit loads of bullets into it set it on fire a bit, the music is going like mad, then theres a giant jump in front of it and you FLYYYYY all way down and smash into the water...and the pursuit is on! First time i remeber it well, and still get the adrenalin kick! ( i know im sad!)
short recoil said:
the bit on water hazard when the smoke tower came crashing down

When I saw that, there was no longer that tiny, itty bitty doubt in my mind that something would go wrong with the game. Easily my favourite moment.
I agree those driving courses especialy witht the airboat were spectacular. It was like james bond need for speed and all those amazing driving stunt action explosion holywood blockbusters in one amazing long course. The only thing that bugged me were the loading screens lol. I would sit sweating and feel my pulse. Then I would realise I need to wait a minute for it to go again so I wipe my brow and clean my mouse of the salty substance.
Exiting the sewer pipe and observing the omious Citadel, face to face with it...i knew then that this was the best sci fi game i had ever played...defintely felt like Total Recall!!!
scarecrow1 said:
Exiting the sewer pipe and observing the omious Citadel

Yeah, there were lots of great moments along the way but this is what you've been after. This will be one of those moments in gaming that I will never forget. :imu:
Aweinspiring Moment: when the chimney collapsed on water hazard

Ass cramping Cool Moment: "when you become a demi god in the citadel with the ZPM gun"

Oooo bit of stargate lingo up there ;)
scarecrow1 said:
Exiting the sewer pipe and observing the omious Citadel, face to face with it...i knew then that this was the best sci fi game i had ever played...defintely felt like Total Recall!!!

if you look deep down the casm you can see car wrecks and stuff down there its really cool!
knowing the relationship between alyx and dog, the best moment i say is the start of anticitizen one, where dogs attacks the dropship. i personally thought that was the end of dog, and i kinda think it would have been a meaningful sacrifice beneficial to the story if he had been lost
Um, surely by definition the most climactic moment was the end, i.e. the climax? Duh.
the ending was like the best 1 hour of gaming i have ever had
When you first get the airboat and start driving under those bridges knocking suckas out. It got even better with all those cahhh-raaazy APCS and tanks shooting missiles on you and cutting off paths with fire.
Personally, the most climactic moment would have to be in the Apartments, when you're exploring, and all of a sudden the alarm goes off, and you have to start running from the Combine, and all the civilians are helping you through to the roof. That got my pulse racing.

Additionally, the "that's just cool" moment goes to the G-Man's outro speech.
The last fight in Nova Prospect just before you and Alyx get into the teleporter.
The pod-thingy ride through the Citadel.

The hair on my arms was standing up by the end of it when it hit me that, hey, this is it.
1. The rush of Civil Protection at the apartment
2. The first botched teleport
3. Battle with the first Antlion Guard
4. Fight while waiting for the teleporter @ NP
5. The entire Citadel

Best. Game. Ever.
The whole water hazard was excellent. Especially the tower falling into your path. :D
The "pick up that can" sequence was pretty cool - and no one can forget the fun of setting up the turret ambush toward the end of Nova Prospekt. And of course there were the times I really felt some empathy for the people, like shortly after you get the Overwatch Pulse rifle and enter that infirmary (just before the buggy along the beach sequence) and when I thought Father Gregori killed himself in the fire (of course I realized later he actually didn't but it shook me at the time let me tell you ;) )

But the most climactic would have to be either holding down the fort while you attempted the teleport at Nova Prospekt or the final sequence with Breen. It's tough to choose just one spot.
After all those years of waiting, my favorite moment was when i had my 3 cans of soda and tall glass of ice with like chips and i watched my online counter hit 0 and when i opened steam it unlocked my files and i saw that valve intro, right then i knew this was the best. i already knew there would be a ton of kick ass moments in the game just from reading everything i could find about the game. but that moment was my favorite moment in all of my gaming years. now i can spend the next making new memories.
The part that had me the most was when I was led by the citizens through the apartments.The time the combines were rushing up stairs and the citizens desperately telling me to move.I was playing on full blast with a 4.1 setup and an 8 inch sub under my foot,the thunderous footsteps of the combines rushing had me leaning me out of my chair confused of what to do.....intense.
EVERYTHING in the citidel, even when your stuck in those transport thingys
The intro of father Gregori.
The final return of Barney & Dog
The Breen, Eli, Alyx and Mossman scene.
And talk about Climax, the end, where everything whinds up, the tower is shaking, you've done it but there's no way you're getting out as Alyx shouts and then...

Time, Dr Freeman?
The Intro
Collapsing Tower
Helicopter chase
Dog attacking the Dropship
The entire Citadel
The Ending

Best. Game. Ever.
The fall of the chimney

Any scene with Kleiner

Street fighting with Barney

When you get your Hazard Suit (The music and all)

G-man's speeches
my favourite part is just after u get the shotgun and u jump into the water tower climb out and then u hear clunk,clunk,clunk and the fast zombies come up the pipe and across the wall, just shootin' them in mid flight.....ahhh bliss.
P.S best game i've played
You know me, I loved the whole game but I especially loved the ending.

I was a big fan of the ending, despite everyone putting it down.

"Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again? ... In the meantime, this is where I get off"
the three striders in the citadel when you are in the transport. hell, that whole sequence.

the first battle with the gunship on highway 17.

teleporting at the end of nova prospekt has the combine elite come running in... ah, teh goodness. :smoking:
For me the most cinematic moment was when you go after breen in the lift, and at the moment alyx's hands touch the glass, the lift goes down, and the cool music starts.

alyx: "do your worst gordon'.
The first 2 chapters - Just jaw dropping... like a movie.

Water Hazard- Chimney

Aniti-Citizen- When you're on the roof of the building, watching the Combine vs Rebel battle... remined me of the Marine vs Alien fights of HL1.

Basically all of it.
When that chimney fell down in water hazard.. I wasn't expecting it, I kinda just stared openmouthed and mumbled 'hoooly shit' :LOL:

The pod ride thing through the citadel was amazing :D
My minds a little fuzzy on the game at the moment, but the moment that I always remember as excellent was in Black Mesa East when the shelling starts and the chopper hovers right down into the courtyard and begins unloading rounds/or missles, I forgot, into those large vent pipes. Then the run through the scrapyard towards the open air-lock as several large explosions go off behind you. I thought that was cool.

Other than that; the chimmenys in Water Hazard, I always try and make it under it but never succeed; the end of the game/just before end and probably just after the crane when you have to jump the road as the gunship flys underneath you then circles round and strafes the shit outta the road.
The very beginning of the game was the greatest part for me.

Just the getting off of this train, and stepping into an unreal world.

When Barney took off his mask, I can't even explain what was going through my head. Just the whole beginning of the game was better than any movie I've probably EVER seen.

The reason all the story in the beginning was so great for me is that I've played HL1 multiple time thru plus the expansions.

So it was amazing.
Easily my favorite bit of the game was Water Hazard... I mean, the beginning of the game just kept building me up and up and higher. You get exposed to this bizarre world.. .you become an unarmed, hunted man... you meet up with your friends again... you kill your first metrocop, dodge a few trains, kill more metrocops and then become a hunted man with every CP and even a goddamned helicopter after you. I was at a point whilst dodging the Helicopter thinking - "this must be the end of it all, surely there can't be even more after this". Then Water Hazard happened, and I was dodging machine gun fire, helicopters, bridges, APC rockets and falling chimney stacks. I remember laughing out loud at how much fun I was having. It all lets up once you take that Helicopter down for good - you're in that calm reservoir, and filled with a sense of accomplisment that i've never got from a game before.

Black Mesa East was a great wind down, especially when you meet Dog and get the Grav Gun. A fun little aside. Personally, I felt it all fell off once you got to Ravenholm. Highway 17 had its moments, but dragged so much more than Water Hazard, simply because there was no sense of urgency - ironic, considering that here you actually have a "get there as fast as you can" objective. You're matched up to anything the game can throw at you, and its all to tempting to explore every little house for Med-Kits, Batteries and Ammo that you don't actually need. The Sandtraps/Nova Prospekt Antlion raids were where it started to get great again, peaking at the point where you're inside the walls and fighting off the gunships. The Turret encounters were cool once inside, and the City 17 rebellion was all good fun, though it has a combination of my least favorite (Hopper Mines and Squad AI) and favorite (Strider Battles and Dog appearances) elements. TBH, I wasn't blown away by the Citadel levels the scale was fantastic, but this seemed to come at expense to detail. Seeing the inner workings and getting the uber-grav gun was all worth it though.

And "Dark Energy"? The Showdown with Breen was probably my favorite "talky" sequence in the game, and the GMan's closing speech rounded off a game that will forever be considered one of the first true classics of an industry that is just taking its first steps out of infancy...
Ravenholm for me,that level was simply unforgetable.
Yeah the end, where you destroy the teleport and time just stops.

For temporary, but effective climax I could say when the Razor Train approaches you on the bridge. Or when you take the first step on the bridge and the music "Lab Practicum" starts. Or when you teleport back to Dr Kleiner's lab one week later.
Or Ravenholm.

Actually, come to think of it, most of the game was a climax, just glad it wasn't an orgasm.

I wouldn't want to be drenched and dead from dehydration.