What's the most overrated/underrated game of all time?

Eons? Last time I checked PC games haven't even been around for a single eon..(A period of 1,000,000,000 years.)

Sure, if you take things literally when they aren't meant to be.
Overrated- Halo 2/3, to me Halo the original pretty much sold the Xbox
Underrated-Sly Cooper,almost nobody I known in the sprawling urban enviroment of Chespeake Va has heard the this game, the series is the jewlel of my PS2 collection
Over-rated: Oblivion

Under-rated: Geneforge/Avernum series

As well many of you are confusing ratings for sales.
Cornerstone, I agree COMPLETELY with your statement, all Spiderweb Softwares games including Geneforge kick complete ass IMO.
Overrated: Halo 2&3, Halflife 2

Underrated: Mercenaries, Flashpoint
Yah I did HL2 IS overrated and thats my opinion Im probably the only one on this site that thinks that but o well flame away! LOL :P
Most Overrated: (Halo) First was good and others where 100% shit none should have gotten the praise they did.

Most Underrated: (Deus Ex) Should have sold millions it would have resulted in another bread of games that really don't exist anymore.

Again, I'm not surprised so many of you dislike Halo with so much passion on a HL fansite. Again however, I couldn't agree more.

Also, I'd have loved to see Deus Ex take off big. If it would have recieved more praise, we'd see more worthy Deus Ex sequels, clones, etc.
It's a shame so many gamers these days are a bunch of dense, stupid yokels though just because they don't like to read anything story/plot related and just rather prefer to shoot mindlessly like in Halo.
(Alot of reading in Deus Ex) I have nothing against mindless action and those who like it, but the people who discredit Deus Ex because there's not enough of it are the ones who piss me off.

What a waste. I'd love to see a next-gen Deus Ex. A proper Deus Ex. Not the "watered down for casual gamers" dissapointment that is Invisible War.

I endorse this opinion and/or event. Futhermore, Bioshock could have recieved the same treatment as Deus Ex and could've been so much more. I'd hate to say this about a game that I love, but it could've been "spectacular" rather than just "great".

I'm still not sure myself on the most overrated/underrated yet.
Overated: Crysis, Halo (halo 2 scored 9.8 on IGN, what?!) Mario, Zelda, etc. Tekken.

Underated: Deus Ex, Star Wars Galaxies
Overrated: Halo - Honestly, no game has ever been as big as Halo and has not deserved it less. (I think I worded that right)

Underrated: I would say System Shock 2, but with the release of Bioshock, it's not the case any more.
Other then that - Commandos. Yea, lots of people heard about it, but not very much (I don't count you guys as people, you're all gamers) people have played it.
It's impossible to summarize the matter in just two titles. One should consider the timeframe, the genre, and so on. My two cents, talking about recent games:

overrated: Crysis (absurd magazine reviews and ratings)

underrated: the Penumbra series

You, good sir, have an awesome taste in music and a very sweet avatar. :D

Anyway, Halo is overrated. Seriously. The vehicles are shite, the weapons don't have any oomph (imo) and it's just generally praised too highly. And wowlolwut at the gravity excuses :|
I'd like to add to my previous one.

Overrated and Underrated: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!

I've got balls of steel.
Overrated : Team Fortress 2 - doesn't click with me, maybe it's the fast-pacedness of the game or its community of furfags
Crysis - Pretty, sure... but where's the game? :|
R6 : Vegas 2 - Terrible interface and just a bad port all around
Gears of War - Pretty again and it has the potential to be fun but good lord the controls on the PC are HORRIBLE!
Supreme Commander - Confusing as hell and it runs terribly.

Underrated :
Battlefield 2142... really, why do so many people seem to hate this game?
Red Orchestra... fantastic realistic WW2 game that almost no one played and those who did seemed not to like it. :(
Savage - Battle for Newerth, no one I know has even played it... it's free now so nobody has an excuse to not atleast try it.
If you like fantasy RPGs and you like FPSes and you like RTSes, you would like this game.
I'd like to add to my previous one.

Overrated and Underrated: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!

I've got balls of steel.
DNF Was overrated before it even had a chance to be rated.

Also, you'd be even more brave to say HL2 is overrated around here.
Overrated: Halo/WoW
Underrated: Hidden and Dangerous 2
Overrated: Halo, FEAR, and Bioshock slightly (but I still like it a lot.)

err, ehhh, I dunno, ToeJam and Earl was a sweet old game that a lot of people don't know about. Half-Life is slightly underrated too.
Underrated: err, ehhh, I dunno, ToeJam and Earl was a sweet old game that a lot of people don't know about. Half-Life is slightly underrated too.

Are you kidding me.. Everyone in the world knows who Toe Jam and Earl are.. And Half-Life? Yea, I just thought they started the series with Half-Life 2, one of the most hyped games when it was released..
There are so many people who don't know what Half-Life is, or don't care to know what Half-Life is. So many Halo-fags shrug it off and say, "Eh, I just like Halo" when they haven't even touched HL or HL2. Anyone I know who's played entirely through the HL series (Or at least from the point it's at now) and has also played through Halo, has liked HL so much more. HL series doesn't get enough recognition from the average gamer.

ToeJam and Earl, any time I bring that up no one knows what the f*ck I am talking about unless it's my cousins who used to play it with me.
Most overrated:Halo,WoW,Crysis
Most Underrated:Half Life 2

Tidbit:The game Kane and Lynch pissed me off greatly
Here i am searching the web and i see they made a GAME out of me!
My name:Kane A. Lynch
Game name:Kane And Lynch
Honestly WTF?!
I didn't say they played it, but more then enough people know what Half-Life is.

Toe Jam and Earl, that one is a little iffy, but usually when me and my friends (none of which are gamers) talk about old school games for NES, SNES, SEGA, etc, I mention TJ&E and they are all like 'oh yea, that game was AWESOME'.. Maybe that's just my friends..
Underrated : Red Orchestra... fantastic realistic WW2 game that almost no one played and those who did seemed not to like it. :(

QFT!! This has got to be one of the most underrated games ever! What a great game it was and still is.
Red Orchestra was good, but not great. I think it got the appropriate amount of attention.
Overrated: Day of Defeat:Source - nothing special about it,the game fails completely
Underrated: The Hobbit,Tribes:Vengeance
The Hobbit is the best arcade I know.Jump,slash and kill! The last level is just what I need - infinite enemies!MEAT!
Tribes:Vengeance has stunning story,gameplay and graphics.It's just too underrated because of multiplayer.
Overrated: Half-Life 2 + Episodes (Don't get me wrong, they're incredible games. I just firmly stand by the point that Half-Life is superior). I really don't like not being able to pace things more myself. I hate waiting for Alyx and her ideas and scripting. Alyx is an interesting book character but wrecks the pace and immersion that was everything I loved about Half-Life. I realize I am in the minority in thinking this. I do love the games for what they are and have become -- which is a branching story and canonical universe, but I miss the mysterious and vague lonely sensation that gave so much to my repeated play-throughs of HL1.

Underrated: a lot of mods. Battlegrounds, Natural-Selection, The Wastes (HL), PVK I/II, Science and Industry (HL), Zombie Panic etc etc...
I'm looking at that Savage game, trying to download, but they don't set it up well.. Do I need the mod to play, if so, where do I download the game first? I don't understand.

I'm downloading something that's 153MB right now.
I've played both Savage 1 and 2 and yes they are great games and definitely underrated.
This thread was doomed from it's conception. You see, "overrated" and "underrated" are the two most contemptable and weakest words to use for criticsm. It's trying to sum up ones feelings in merely one word. My thoughts to these words and the games associated with them is that the person cannot genuinely think of, at minimum, three decent reasons why they either loved said game or hated said game.

The overuse of the word "overrated" in any video game related thread will, 100% of the time, generate a Halo shitstorm from the most clueless of people, just to waste time telling people what they already know but in a more restrictive and frustratingly bland manner. It's a genuine shame that we as a species (or at least, we on this forum) cannot move away from such nonsensical and spammy junk to a more civilised and balanced debate on the issues of these games, their flaws and their strong points.

Ah well, when in Rome.

Overrated :x

GTA IV - I've done my fair share of moaning about various aspects of the game, but all I can really say to sum it up is by saying it's just not as good as its III predecessors.

Underrated :x

Space Station Silicon Valley - Back in the days of the N64, this absolute gem was a puzzle platformer that spanned over lots and lots of levels, where you tried to rebuild you robot companion called.... EVO! :D Witty, challenging, fun. All great but sadly under the radar for many people.
Underrated :x

Space Station Silicon Valley - Back in the days of the N64, this absolute gem was a puzzle platformer that spanned over lots and lots of levels, where you tried to rebuild you robot companion called.... EVO! :D Witty, challenging, fun. All great but sadly under the radar for many people.

YES!! Such a good game! The puzzels and stuff were pretty challenging in some palces too! and the last level where you need to save earth was pretty fun :D
Again, I'm not surprised so many of you dislike Halo with so much passion on a HL fansite. Again however, I couldn't agree more.

Also, I'd have loved to see Deus Ex take off big. If it would have recieved more praise, we'd see more worthy Deus Ex sequels, clones, etc.
It's a shame so many gamers these days are a bunch of dense, stupid yokels though just because they don't like to read anything story/plot related and just rather prefer to shoot mindlessly like in Halo.
(Alot of reading in Deus Ex) I have nothing against mindless action and those who like it, but the people who discredit Deus Ex because there's not enough of it are the ones who piss me off.

What a waste. I'd love to see a next-gen Deus Ex. A proper Deus Ex. Not the "watered down for casual gamers" dissapointment that is Invisible War.

I endorse this opinion and/or event. Futhermore, Bioshock could have recieved the same treatment as Deus Ex and could've been so much more. I'd hate to say this about a game that I love, but it could've been "spectacular" rather than just "great".

I'm still not sure myself on the most overrated/underrated yet.

Its not so much that i hate Halo, the 1st was far from bad and i own all even the Legendary Edition of the 3rd. Its just it gets way to much praise for its horrible level design, music and features. Everything you said about Deus Ex/Bio Shock i agree 100%.
Underrated(?): Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio) - Awesome games with awesome style.
I'm looking at that Savage game, trying to download, but they don't set it up well.. Do I need the mod to play, if so, where do I download the game first? I don't understand.

I'm downloading something that's 153MB right now.

Download the full installer, it's a fully modded/patched version of the game.
It's really not that big of a game.
Overrated: Halo and DMC. Two games that for some inexplicable reason (marekting) are wildly popular but just not good at all.

Underrated: C&C: Renegade, hands down the best multiplayer game ever.
Underrated(?): Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio) - Awesome games with awesome style.

YES! Had so much fun on those games. Dreamcast was stupidly underated on a whole, had a lot of fantastic games.
the ultimate most underrated game of all time is Shadow of the Colossus.

Just a beautiful game. The game is simple, it's genre is clear but yet it's executed uniquely.
the ultimate most underrated game of all time is Shadow of the Colossus.

Just a beautiful game. The game is simple, it's genre is clear but yet it's executed uniquely.
I agree.

If developers could translate the same epic feeling SoTC had during Colossi battles into their own games, life in gaming would be great.

Halo 2 and 3. They're not bad games but by no means are they the be-all-end-all of FPS gaming that the console world makes them about to be.

The Metal Gear Solid series: I loathe these games. The fact that gamers think the storylines for these games are amazing, proves to me that these gamers know absolutely nothing about storytelling and and good narratives. Also, the gameplay is average. AVERAGE. And Kojima is an arrogant wanker.

GTA4: Love this game, its fantastic, but its not the best in the series nor is it one of the best games ever like many places seem to think.

Gears of War: Six hours spent cowering behing a wall like Ann Frank with a gun. Not as fun as you'd think.


The Longest Journey: Not so much underrated as not given enough attention and not enough sales. Same goes for Psychonauts.

Day of Defeat: Source: No multiplayer game comes closer to being able to provide satisfying kills thanks to the Thompson. God i love that gun.