Whats with hl2 character sub-names on forums??


Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
I don't get it. i was a headcrab, then barnacle, now headcrab. does it go up the more posts or threads??
Well it's very complex... At first the mods knew you were a newbie so they smacked a Headcrab label on you. Then they figured you might be less of a newbie so they gave you a Barnacle title. Now they found out you really are just a newbie so you're a Headcrab again.

It's actually prolly because they changed the system after you joined so now to be a Barnacle you have to have even more posts then what was needed before.
what i dont get is how civilian is higher than antlion guard.
because civilians have higher blame functions. So, Antlion guards, lacking humanities higher brain functions, focus on finding someone to eat, instead of someone to blame.
Jintor said:
because civilians have higher blame functions. So, Antlion guards, lacking humanities higher brain functions, focus on finding someone to eat, instead of someone to blame.
nicely put
i love being a Combine Elite.

imo its better being a Combine Elite than a Strider!.

i reckon after 3000 posts we should be able to have out own title.. that would rule!
Are there any stickies or threads that have the ranks listed out?
Wahey soon i'll be the almighty......... Zombie :|
The system has changed some times.

Offtopic: Zombie is quite nice :)
They're all changing soon, apparently.
According to Chris_D after 8,000 post, you become Lead Editor! SWEET BRING ON 8,000!!

I enjoy my title for now, it will change soon anyway \=
Hmm..I was A Zombie before I even had 150 posts. I think it depends on your attitude here on the forums, which is then measured to Half-Life 2 creatures.
You should get the title Gordon Freeman with 10,000+ posts :p
I love being a fast zombie!!
Fast Zombies in the game scared the crap out of me!!!
I think the HL1 Xenians should be added too :p

And more Synths.
KoreBolteR said:
i love being a Combine Elite.

imo its better being a Combine Elite than a Strider!.

i reckon after 3000 posts we should be able to have our own title.. that would rule!
Only two ways to do that, get admin status or bj Munro..

Take note that I have a standard title

Not just posting seperate posts to add to the count now are ya lol ;)
Bow down, I am a mighty resistancee fighter. I can change weapons and kiss Gordon's ass!
I wonder if they'd consider perma-titling me a "leech".
ríomhaire said:
Bow down, I am a mighty resistancee fighter. I can change weapons and kiss Gordon's ass!

and get in the way alot, and continually apologise.
Now i'm a fast headcrab. you can't run from me! but i die easily.

i've made myself sad... ;(
bwahahahaha, bow beneath my power!!!! :E

jk, but we need more titles

Hurry up munro :p
I am a Antlion Guard, Im a dumb brute :*(
so when do you get to be Breen? or Combine Advisor?
Is it possible for a member with only 10 posts to become a strider? Or do you need to reach a certain posts first?