Whats with the "crouch walking"?


Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
Could someone please tell me why, when every time i try to shoot someone they just crouch and then walk towards me?

i know it must be a cheat because they cant get shot at all when they are in this position!

its totally ruining the ****in game!!!

whats the point in these cheating bastards anyway?

its not just certain servers, its every god damn one!!!

please someone tell me thats its gonna be fixed.

also could someone tell me if its a cheat,glitch or whatever

thanks for the info in advance :cheers:
It's not a cheat. It's an exploit. When you crouch, there is no hitbox for your head. Or at least, if there is, then it's below the head of the model.

Valve will probably fix it in the next update.

In the meantime, it's not too hard to deal with these people. Just strafe and sprint around them. Aim for their genitals.
Yeah, I ran into this once. But when I ran into it, it was on a server that had some kind of "head-shot" mod or setting. Basically, it was set up to where body shots did barely any damage at all (You could still kill with Magnum and Crossbow on body I believe), but headshots pretty much killed instantly. I liked it because it was good practice for reflexes and aim. Well, I get in there one day and there were these guys ****in' crouching everywhere and you could NOT kill them unless you: a) Shot them with the crossbow or b) Slammed them with a desk or something. It was really ****in' irritating.

I haven't really run into this bug on any "normal" servers, though there have been a few where it seemed like crouching gave a little too much protection.

I agree though, I think the problem with crouching is that it makes it impossible to get a headshot, yet their head is PLAINLY in view. I think it probably needs to be looked at. I mean sure...I can understand crouching as a strategic maneuver to hide or to throw off your opponents aim. But when it makes you practically invincible, that's not right.
KozMic said:
Could someone please tell me why, when every time i try to shoot someone they just crouch and then walk towards me?

i know it must be a cheat because they cant get shot at all when they are in this position!

its totally ruining the ****in game!!!

whats the point in these cheating bastards anyway?

its not just certain servers, its every god damn one!!!

please someone tell me thats its gonna be fixed.

also could someone tell me if its a cheat,glitch or whatever

thanks for the info in advance :cheers:


people crouch so they can aim more steadily and accurate. ever play CS? its almost all based on crouching lol. when you have a slow game like hl2dm, crouching is an advantage.. where if you crouch in HLDM or UT you will get owned. learn how to play the game first ffs.
people crouch so they can aim more steadily and accurate. ever play CS? its almost all based on crouching lol. when you have a slow game like hl2dm, crouching is an advantage.. where if you crouch in HLDM or UT you will get owned. learn how to play the game first ffs.

Dude... have you ever tried getting a headshot on someone crouching in HL2: DM? The projectiles literally go right through the head without hitting anything or doing damage. It's a legitimate complaint about a legitimate bug.

And btw, crouching doesn't give you steadier or more accurate aim in HL2: DM as far as I can tell.
Yeah, this bug is really, really frustrating. Hopefully Valve will release some kind of patch soon so they can fix this pretty much gamebreaking exploit. :|
HadouKen24 said:
Dude... have you ever tried getting a headshot on someone crouching in HL2: DM? The projectiles literally go right through the head without hitting anything or doing damage. It's a legitimate complaint about a legitimate bug.

And btw, crouching doesn't give you steadier or more accurate aim in HL2: DM as far as I can tell.

Totally owned
I never noticed this bug, I never see anyone crouch.
I have come accross this many times. I tried to shoot some guy right in the back, that was crouch walking away from me, and I missed with every shot. They really need to fix this.
I don't really think it's a bug. I mean, it is, and it isn't. Have you ever seen people crouching in the vent in Lockdown? Notice that the top half of their body is actually sticking through the ceiling and you can only see their legs?

I think it's just that the models don't match up (anywhere near) to the clip-box model that is being used to allow the player to navigate.

I guess it's kind of hard to make a sensible-looking crouching model when it has to be so short - I mean that vent in lockdown comes up to maybe your thighs, if that, so how is someone supposed to crouch along at that height while holding a gun and shooting?
every time i see someone crouch i just laff, ha, now i can bounce around you like a jungle bunny and your stuck....

you really dont need to crouch in dm to get better aim.
the only reason why they killed you was because you have bad aim...
s3pReMiSis said:

people crouch so they can aim more steadily and accurate. ever play CS? its almost all based on crouching lol. when you have a slow game like hl2dm, crouching is an advantage.. where if you crouch in HLDM or UT you will get owned. learn how to play the game first ffs.

Thats what I was going to say.
Hitboxes dont match up with the model while crouching = bug, don't be stupid.
How come I dont have this problem? I use crouch, I shoot crouchers and they die. If someone is crouching, run rings around them.

Alternate fire with the SG in the face = dead croucher. Or Crossbow. Or RL. Or Grav Gun. Or do you just suck?
You really see a difference if you aim for the head a lot. Instead of going down really quickly, they just... don't go down.

Once you realize that, though, it's not hard at all to take a croucher down. I've noticed that they have a really hard time dodging things like tables.

Although don't do that if they have their grav gun out and ready to catch it. Crouching can make it easier to catch things; you don't have to worry about the person firing to aim low and hit you in the legs.
s3pReMiSis said:

people crouch so they can aim more steadily and accurate. ever play CS? its almost all based on crouching lol. when you have a slow game like hl2dm, crouching is an advantage.. where if you crouch in HLDM or UT you will get owned. learn how to play the game first ffs.

clearly you have no idea whats going on
It is pretty easy to counter, unless you're stuck with the pistol or SMG where headshots are crucial. But even then, your better mobility should give you some help. At the very least for a tactical retreat.

Of course, this sort of glitch/error/whatever shouldn't exist in the game. Here's hoping it gets patched out.
i honestly dont think the player gets better aim by crouching in this game.
It doesn't, Gdawg. That guy who posted earlier has no idea what he's talking about.

Moving or jumping or crouching have no effect on your aim in HL2DM.
The crouch exploit is honestly not that big of a deal except maybe in headshot-only servers. If you're just in a regular server and some guy tries it, thank him for making it even easier to kill him than normal (simple tip: just aim low and strafe around him).
vegeta897 said:
It doesn't, Gdawg. That guy who posted earlier has no idea what he's talking about.

Moving or jumping or crouching have no effect on your aim in HL2DM.

you sir do not have any experience in online gaming then
Um... yeah... that's why you can't consistently get long range magnum kills while running.

Oh, wait. You can.

In HL2: DM, your aim is affected by where your mouse is pointing. That's it. If running and jumping makes it harder for you to get a bead on someone, then it'll affect your ability to hit. If not, then you won't notice any change.

I'm thinking that your experience in online gaming is pretty limited. Haven't you ever played UT2k4 or Quake 3? Running and crouching don't have any effect on your aim in those games, either.
HadouKen24 said:
Um... yeah... that's why you can't consistently get long range magnum kills while running.

Oh, wait. You can.

In HL2: DM, your aim is affected by where your mouse is pointing. That's it. If running and jumping makes it harder for you to get a bead on someone, then it'll affect your ability to hit. If not, then you won't notice any change.

I'm thinking that your experience in online gaming is pretty limited. Haven't you ever played UT2k4 or Quake 3? Running and crouching don't have any effect on your aim in those games, either.

FearoftheDomoKun said:
Doesn't bother me, i don't use guns. Grenades and Zero point g-technology for me:)
both very powerful weapons. Although the ggun is easy to avoid. I just love catching the thrown items.
let me guess s3pReMiSis. most of your online gamming has been spend on cs?
^^ What he said ^^

Though the same is true of America's Army, the Battlefield series, etc. Realistic games. Not sci fi unrealistic games like HL2: DM. Or the Unreal series. Or the Quake series. Or the Dark Forces series. Or the Tribes series... (need I go on?)

Do you even play HL2: DM, s3pReMiSis?
yes, im a HLDM player.. one of the better players in the USA so i do know what the **** im taking about. im also in a CAL-IM team in CS.

and yes i do play hl2dm hadouken... well, i try not to play when the server is infested with players who dont even know how to sprint, which is... most of the time









Don't you guys know anything? The guy with the highest score is always the most knowledgable!

Actually, scratch that. He only has the high score in one of those shots. But what good is that? We've all been there one time or another.
those ss's prove nothing accept ur a fricken camper..

in 3 of them u are in the same room ffs