Whats with the "In Stores"


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
That delay email from Valve states that they currently have no "In Store" date. Does this mean it may go on steam on or soon after the 30th?
Its funny they put the "In Store" in quotes.
How do you know if that wasn't an edited private message? From the looks of it, I could have easily done that myself in Photoshop.
See at the bottom where it says: onsdag
What's all that about? Is it a foreign name for a day of the week? Weird.
Originally posted by Crusader
See at the bottom where it says: onsdag
What's all that about? Is it a foreign name for a day of the week? Weird.
It´s the Swedish name for wednesday :)
Like I said, I bet it is fake. With all this fake e-mailing and only one authentic email. I bet this is fake too otherwise Doug would have made a more specific comment.
Ahh, I thought it might be something like that, I was just confused by the fact it didn't start with a capital letter.
I mostly hate steam but if it's released a long time before retal I'll buy off it.
Then buy the Collectors edition.
^^ What he said, and I honestly am still thinking they will release it on the 30th via Steam just to get more users on it. People complain about it would crash their servers. Does anyone think what it would be like when people get the retail version of HL2 and try to use Steam for MP? That's going to be interesting.
Originally posted by ilove64
^^ What he said, and I honestly am still thinking they will release it on the 30th via Steam just to get more users on it. People complain about it would crash their servers. Does anyone think what it would be like when people get the retail version of HL2 and try to use Steam for MP? That's going to be interesting.
Are you really that clueless? The game is delayed, accept it and move on. Half-life 2 won't be released next week in any form, and probably won't be available any time in October.
Originally posted by CommieX
Are you really that clueless? The game is delayed, accept it and move on. Half-life 2 won't be released next week in any form, and probably won't be available any time in October.


just deal with it, HL2 aint coming out for a month at least.
I am not clueless, Jesus, stop with the bashing. And no, I don't feel ignorant nor do I think I am in denial. I'll just wait until the 30th to see if anything comes up by Steam.
doug would not have said something more specific. nothing they have ever said has ever been specific. why would they suddenly start giving us specific information, esp. after this delay?
O well i mean ranting and raving istn going to change anything, Still sux non the less.
Vivendi have the rights to the boxed retail game and Valve have the full rights to steam, if it was released on steam a month or 2 earlier than the shop version, most people or alot more would buy it on steam eating into Vivendi's profits, that's why they'll release both at the same time.
Well even if valve does hav the rights to steam im sure theres something somewhere in some contract that restricts vavle from releasing HL2 via steam b4 VU can put it on the shelves of stores. SO its not coming out on steam b4 the stores get it I know this b/c they said so.
I guarentee you most people would still wait for the retail version than get it off Steam.
I know i would mainly b/c im on 56k. GO me
ilove64, are you telling me if was realeased next week on steam and december in stores, you would wait three months!?
This fanbase, the community, is only an extremely small fraction of those who would buy it. The only people who get it from Steam will be the hardcore fans, a small fraction.
What InsertName said, and I doubt the game will be pushed back as far as December. I think Mid-November is the latest, THE LATEST, they would push it back.

On top of that, how many people do you know have Steam or even know what it is? And second, it's not like there has been advertising in real life for HL2 besides maybe something at EBGames. If the game gets released on September 30 via Steam, I guarentee you it won't be overwhelming like you expect.
I'd say between October 20-November 20. Of course, I'm just pulling dates out of my ass here. Maybe the day Caesar was killed.

I honestly think it will be November 15. In an interview, one of the employees (I think it was Mr. Lombardi) was asked about HL-2 being released near the five-year anniversary of Half-Life, Nov 15. He just said, "yeah, it's sort of funny how that works out, isn't it?" I say that's all the evidence we need, it will be at least close to Nov. 15. It was planned.

"The Gabe works in mysterious ways..."
I know most people don't know about Steam but if HL2 was released early on Steam it wouldn't take them long to find out. And with word of mouth a lot more people would buy on steam.
Yeah, but the initial response would not be overwhelming. I still would buy the Collector's Edition when it came out.
What I find really odd is Doom 3 was slated for Holidays 2003. HL2 came out of nowhere and was also due out Holiday 2003. Doom 3 was delayed till early 2004. Then magically HL2 was bumped up to Sept/Oct 2003. I think this date was dreamt up by a fan and Valve just never comfirmed or denied it because they went from unknown to the most talked about game overnight... this whole fiasco was a great PR monster that they didn't want to stop until absolutely last minute. HL2 will not be out in 2003... honestly I don't think Valve ever thought it would be either. They want to get to market before their main competitor... which if Doom 3 is delayed until early 2004 that gives Valve alot of breathing room..

Enjoy the games that are coming out between now and then... HL2 will be worth the wait.
I agree with Edge on this one. Enjoy the other new games and HL2 will be all the sweeter when it is FINALLY released!
Thanks Giving!

If were talking about some Americans, the Holiday Season for them is Thanks Giving.
I would say they are looking at a release of around the 20th -30th of November!

come on that is too long! grrrrrrrrr
I'm still hoping that they consider Yom Kippur (Oct 6th) part of the "Holiday Season"... but it is not likely.

Do any of them have Jewish names?
Edge, Valve has mentioned and said the 30th numerous times - it wasn't just some fan. What bugs me is that the man at IGN (the special guest poster) was instructed by Valve to push info for a Sep. 30th release. That was about two weeks before the delay anouncement. Now he is left out there looking like a fool because Valve just all of a sudden changed?

Something big happened or else they wouldn't continually push for a 30th release. I mean, even a month before release (ETCS) it would've been easy to tell if you MIGHT make it. Crunch time can be harsh and it's not always easy to tell but you can have a general idea. If they had any doubts then why push for the 30th anyway? I dunno, I just think something big came up - or it's all for show (which is doubtful).
it's dumb though...why choose those words. you'd think a marketing director would be careful in his word choice, knowing how bad the rumors have been already.

2 possibilities in my mind:

1. he just didn't give a shit and said whatever.
2. it's all for show and the game will be out the 30th anyway :P

obviously it's not #2, so yeah...nice job mr lombardi.
Well why would he put emphasis on retail by putting quotation marks around it ("retail") if he didn't mean anything by it. It's impossible to speculate accurately about what he intended, but who knows.
exactly...i'm just pointing out that you'd think he would've made a better choice about what to say...or he doesn't give a shit...

either way is bad :\
What's the purpose of saying "in-store" or in store in the first place. Why couldn't he have just said the release date has been pushed back. Why? "Because it's Doug, baby."