Whats you favorite CSS map?

What is your favorite CSS map?

  • de_dust - de_dust2

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • de_train

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • cs_italy

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • de_aztec

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • de_cbble

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • cs_office

    Votes: 31 36.5%
  • de_chateau

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • de_piranesi

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • cs_havana

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • de_prodigy

    Votes: 6 7.1%

  • Total voters


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I say office

edit: sorry polls are 10 choice maximum. I put dusts together. and left out compound, because well compound sucks!... in comparison.
I vote train, I think its because....well, i havent had the game for a long time so ive sorta had as much time playin on this map as most poeple and i always do well on this map, thats the reason for my vote.

P.S. How do people get the different letters on their names, like symbols and everything? If its some sort of code, could someone post a list of some sort
wtf,train is 2nd,someone is taken the piss

oh phew,only 2 votes,nm
Office, it's the only map I play. They need to make more maps like this one. :|
I don't mind playing office but I really dislike hostage maps. I voted chateau because I find it to be one of the most balanced maps. I can't wait for de_inferno though.....definatly my favorite CS map :)
Definitely CS_Havana.

Office and de_dust1/2 are the worst IMO.
havanna = worst map ever!

i must say mine is italy w/ office as a close second, and dust my 3rd fav
I like Havana and Compound! Just not as much as Prodigy! Thats the best map. I actually like all the maps, with one exception. Aztec...I don't like it.
aztec and compound are great. prodigy just doesnt have that cs feel to it, and neither does havanna.
I really like office, and I have my best run on it : 7 kills, all within 15 seconds w/a 12 guage :). But Italy is my favorite... I've played it since 1.2 -1.5 for like 4-5 years. I used to always rush apt w/ an m4a1, but nowadays its all shotgun for me.
Italy would have been my second choice. As much as dust 1 is a classic it gets old.... sorta
The Office starring Martin Freeman
cs_assault, but they haven't made it for source yet ;(
Am i the only one that loved compound? It is chalanging for the CTs and the Ts get some nice sniping spots.

The map i hate is de_cbble. That map sucks.
Official one: Good old Prodders
Unofficial ones: Scoutzknifez and Mcdonalds_mds
Hazar said:
cs_assault, but they haven't made it for source yet ;(
well i've played on servers with cs_assault_2005, i suppose that's a non-official assault map, it's similar to assault except they completely changed the pipe thing. instead of one main pipe now they have several.
well i've played on servers with cs_assault_2005, i suppose that's a non-official assault map, it's similar to assault except they completely changed the pipe thing. instead of one main pipe now they have several.

Hmmmmmmm, I shall have to download this map and try it, Because assault was one of my all time favourites until source came out and then i kinda forgot all about it, itll be good to get reunnited
I really enjoy compound
Feels so real and intense plus it looks lovely
lol, you took out compound witch is the most challenging map for ct. good job :p
i used to like aztec and dust very much, but they screwed up aztec so bad that im a totall office fanboy currently (L)
Dust. Only map I ever play.

No offense, but that is pretty sad. I don't know how people can only ever play one map and devote all of their playing time to that map, especially dust, that map gets really old really quick.
Dust and Dust 2.

Great maps :)

I enjoy Aztec and, at times, Office (it's a little too camper friendly for my liking, but still a fun map)
I <3 italy (it was the first CS map I ever played, years and years ago).
I gotta say Italy and Aztec are my two favorite maps.
How can so many people say that they love aztec, it is one of the most insanely boring maps there is!!! HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE INSANE!!??

Now train, italy, dust2, compound. There are some truly great maps.
MoBoChoBo said:
No offense, but that is pretty sad. I don't know how people can only ever play one map and devote all of their playing time to that map, especially dust, that map gets really old really quick.
why comment some1 in sucha way, if the guy enjoys the dust then let him be!? =\

MoBoChoBo said:
How can so many people say that they love aztec, it is one of the most insanely boring maps there is!!! HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE INSANE!!??
could you please stop posting, just plz. . .
I have no favorite map...
I enjoy most maps.

am very curious about port and inferno :p