What's Your Degree ?

Technical Management won't be boring as hell? ;)
Heh it is a risk I am willing to take...9 to 5 on a office is not my style :P
Currently going for a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics. Might do a minor in Pure Mathematics if I do well enough in the lower year math courses.
I'm surprised not a lot of people here are not going into any part of the medical field, but a lot of you guys are doing some interesting stuff!
Just finished getting my BM in Trombone Performance in May, working on my MM in Trombone Performance now.
I'm already in the process of preparing to take auditions - hopefully I'll be sucessful and get into an orchestra somewhere. Basically once I'm done with the masters, if I don't have a gig already, I'll probably start my DMA and keep taking auditions - there's a lot of places to go and a lot of opportunities, so we'll see where it takes me.