What's your favorite quote from the game? (SPOILERS)

kupoartist said:
"Alright Gordon, lets go outside and have some "fun""
"The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator Gun is not a toy Alyx!" - Alyx and Mossman, Black Mesa East (this one was great for the same reason that Alyx's later sarcasm is. Just look at the expressions and poses by the characters when those lines are said...)

Or when they argue before and you see just how cocky Alyx is in the start, and then a bit grumpy until they suggest she teaches you how to use the gravity gun, that sure cheered her up :)
:) Perfect use of bodylanguage!
"Poor (lance?) the finest mind of his generation"
think thats the sandtraps one. I really didnt believe the grief here, i think he was glad he died. Can't remember the guys name mind
"I like a little bit of irony in my fighting"

Something like that, at canals.
Dunno why I like this one, it's just the way he says it:

"Yes yes Eli, bit of a hold up this end...."
- Kleiner

I even have it as my sig!
OJS said:
"Poor (lance?) the finest mind of his generation"
think thats the sandtraps one. I really didnt believe the grief here, i think he was glad he died. Can't remember the guys name mind
It was "Poor Laslo" IIRC...
"There's nothing Gordon can't handle, except maybe you."- Eli (to Alyx), Black Mesa East

"Your talents surpass your loveliness."- Kleiner (to Alyx again), Red Letter Day

These are by no means my favorite but all the other ones I like have already been posted.

Edit: I forgot this one

"Or would you prefer to give your daughter the chance her mother never had?"(Breen)
"How dare you even mention her! *spits in his face*"(Alyx)
"Alyx my dear you have your mother's looks but your father's stubborn nature"(Breen) Beginning of "Dark Energy"

It was so satisfying to see Alyx spit in Breen's face!
What does IIRC mean?

btw Merrr isnt it something like [besserwiesser]''There's nothing Gordon cant handle, with the possible exception of you''?[/besserwiesser]

Merrr said:
"Or would you prefer to give your daughter the chance her mother never had?"(Breen)
"How dare you even mention her! *spits in his face*"(Alyx)
"Alyx my dear you have your mother's looks but your father's stubborn nature"(Breen) Beginning of "Dark Energy"

It was so satisfying to see Alyx spit in Breen's face!

haha, was indeed! He DID deserve it, after all.
ltzgonemad said:
btw Merrr isnt it something like [besserwiesser]''There's nothing Gordon cant handle, with the possible exception of you''?[/besserwiesser]
Yeh you remembered it better than me.
Wohoo! To be more besserwiesser I can say that it's

''Your talents _FAR_ surpass your lovelyness'' (Spelling!?)


(oh ye, it's called ''A red letter day'', not ''red letter day''

Darn I'm good :p
Mechagodzilla said:
At the start of Sand Traps, save the guy on the rock.
It's hilarious! :D
You mean the one lying in the sand or his friend? Because I saved his friend and....it wasn't at all funny..
ltzgonemad said:
Wohoo! To be more besserwiesser I can say that it's

''Your talents _FAR_ surpass your lovelyness'' (Spelling!?)


(oh ye, it's called ''A red letter day'', not ''red letter day''

Darn I'm good :p
Ok i'll edit my post lol.
Except it wont let me arrrgh. It will only let me edit this 1, how annoyin.
There's nothing Gordon can't handle...except maybe you.

[Eli to Alyx in Black Mesa East]
AntiAnto said:
"Wake up Freeman and smell the ashessss"

No! Ashtrays! :cheers:

My fav quote:

''This is the Gravity Gun my father was talking about. You can call it the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, if you REALLY want to.'' - Alyx, Black Mesa East (it's partially my sig now)

Love it how she sounds.. annoyed, or tired of the term ''Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator'' (just hear how she says ''If you REALLY want to'')

I remember these quotes to good for my own good.
Audiophile said:
lmao! probably right by the "Uncle Kleiner" kid's drawing.

My favorite was what one of the female resistance members randomly said to me after we cleared out a room:

"When this is all over, I'm gonna mate."

to which one of the other resistance fighters responded "Yeah, a lot of people are saying that"


Haha, I remember that one. I was laughing pretty hard after she said that
Ok, what is with the cat thing? And what's IIRC? Help a newbie out here.
MiccyNarc said:
My favorite is less humorous than it is....powerful.
"Look, Gordon. You have destroyed so much. What is it that you have created? Can you name one thing? That's what I thought."
- Dr. Breen.
What are you talking about. That IS humorous! Of course you cant name one thing; you're mute.

It can be taken either way, really.
lammmbda said:
seriously, guys, what cat ??
i did not get that joke
Play through Red Letter Day again, and listen.
ltzgonemad said:
''I'm way behind on my...''beating quota''.''
-Barney, ''Point Insertion''

''Ye, nice job Gordon - pulling that switch and all, I can see your MIT graduate really pays for itself.''
-Barney, ''A red letter day''

''Oh right, if you see Breen, tell him I said f*ck you!''
Barney was such a great character and came out with some classic lines; absolutely brilliant. Mike Shapiro does both Barney and the G-Man; he must have a lot of fun. :)

I liked the two Vortigaunts who apologised for speaking in their own tongue around you, said they'd only do it if they had bad things to say about you and then proceeded to talk in their own tongue once again - nice and subtle. I liked all the Vortigaunts.
I love all the Vortigaunt Quotes, and they do say so much.

"We both serve the same mystic."

"So often after we have slipped our yoke it seems we are sucked back in."

Also the scene with Lazlo, I was so sad, he died everytime. How do you save him?
"Our greatest poets describe it thus: Glum Gilla Gilla Ga!" (Or something along those lines.)

Also, a Breen quote with something like, "If you persists, you will be killed in all ways possible, and some impossible!" Can someone help me out with that one?
One of my favorites occured the second time I played the Black Mesa East chapter. The first time I played catch with Dog's beloved ball. The second time I was trying to make a high pass to Dog with his ball when I accidentally shot it out of the yard. I was all, "Oh No!! Poor Dog!". Then Alyx says, "Sweet! Wheres your ball, Dog? Wheres your ball?" I was so relieved that no one was mad that it wasn't even funny. Then I laughed at Alyx's comment.

Another, just before you head down to blow up Breen, "Get in the elevator, Gordon. Don't forget to charge up your suit... Do your worst Gordon, but,,, be careful."
She sounds so resolved that you need to do what you need to do, but she is also extreemly concerned about your well being. When I heard her say this and put her hands on the glass I got really depressed. Then, when I saw Breen, I wanted to tear him apart with my hands.
the line at the beginning:
G-Man- "wake up, and smell the ashes"
There was a part in the beginning where I was in an alley and there were 2 citizens watching 2 combine soldiers, I just started picking up any objects around there (there's a boot, baby doll missing its arms, etc.) and started throwing them at the citizens. They didn't react too much, just saying "Hey!, cut it out, stop it" but it was still funny......
This was a very common problem with older games. I still get nauseous playing Doom (aside from it sucking).
MiccyNarc said:
You mean the one lying in the sand or his friend? Because I saved his friend and....it wasn't at all funny..

How could you not find it funny that Laslow the random NPC was actually the most intelligent man on earth? :p

It reminded me of that sequence in HL1 where the scientist runs out yelling "you've got to rescue me, I'm the one man who knows everything!" and gets mowed down by the grunts.

I guess I have a dark sense of humour. :D
Audiophile said:
lmao! probably right by the "Uncle Kleiner" kid's drawing.

My favorite was what one of the female resistance members randomly said to me after we cleared out a room:

"When this is all over, I'm gonna mate."

to which one of the other resistance fighters responded "Yeah, a lot of people are saying that"


Then there was the random guy who says:

"When this is all over, I'm gonna....aw, who am I kidding?"
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.
not to be confused with IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Dr. Kleiner, referring to the hazard suit you just got into (I'm paraphrasing): "Ah - still fits you like a glove. Well, the glove parts do, anyway."
About this cat thing, Barney at some part in the game says something like ''This aint gonna end out like last time right? I still have nightmares about that cat..'' whereupon Alyx says: ''What cat? (insert yada yada by Barney and Kleiner here) WHAT CAT!??'' and then does a typical thing with her arms like.. ''ah screw it'' or ''nvm'', quite funny actually =)
I liked the two Vortigaunts who apologised for speaking in their own tongue around you, said they'd only do it if they had bad things to say about you and then proceeded to talk in their own tongue once again - nice and subtle. I liked all the Vortigaunts.

I think they meant they'd vocalise their telepathic communication for your convenience. You'd wonder if two vortigaunts were just standing there waving their arms at each other silently, right?

Anyway, my favourite quote? Well...

Anyone know about the 'hidden' vortigaunt in Water Hazard? Well, when I first met him, he said 'This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere...' (or something to that effect). This, while he was staring at the thing roasting in the barbecue pit. ;)
Hmm, this seems unlikely, but it just popped into my head. Kleiner has that post-it that says to get more watermelons for Lamarr. And there are watermelons in some of the buildings in City 17. It would be cool if you could somehow get one of those watermelons to Kleiner's lab, and there was some sort of Easter Egg. :p seems unlikely though.
I wonder if you can spawn a watermelon in Kliener's lab... Then see what Lamarr does to it. Eww..
My favorite quote of all time is from Gordon Freeman himself.


-Gordon Freeman (All the way from Train Station to Citadel)

Its not easy being made to pick up a cup purposely knocked down then put it in the garbage bin, getting shot at and chased all over the damn place, get on a teleport and land only a few feet from where you started, ride a boat, ride a buggy, getting hacked by flying buzzsaws, getting slapped silly by zombies, kicked in the butt by mechanoid-primates, kung fu'd by overgrown insects, humiliated by leaping headcrabs who mistake your head as a sexual organ, being made a target practice by some flying organic-whatevers, and all sorts of ridiculous punitive mishaps, and still take it in silence. Man, it takes a character of boundless depth and wisdom to take all that and not say a word. Truly a man worthy of admiration. If I was Alyx I'd just marry him right there and ask him not to appear in Half-Life 3 anymore. We'll just live our lives peacefully and leave all that crap behind.
In Sandtarps, CAN you save the guy who is lying on the ground??