Whats your favorite soda while gaming?

Whats your favorite soda while gaming?

  • Coke

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Diet Coke

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Pepsi

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Pepsi Twist

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Diet Pepsi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Root beer

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • Sprite

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Big K

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dr. Pepper

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Diet Dr. Pepper

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters


Coke all the way!!
Has cafine, and all that good stuff, mm coke!! In the middle of a game start chuggin a can of coke!
:dozey: Nah, nothing at all for me except pure CONCENTRATION! Lots of people have their little bag of chips with the soda, playing the game with their greasy little fingers while munching away like it's some movie. Not me, I concentrate like if I was meditating.
screw diet sodas, gamers dont drink diet. only women and pussies drink diet soda(by choice, in desperation a man will drink any soda).

i said dr pepper, although i really think there needs to be a vanilla coke/cream soda option there. or IBC rootbeer/cream soda. lets just haxxor hl2.net and the whole bbqsteianbulletinboard 2.0 shnazzle, and make the max poll options 1 million. then we can add every drink invented.

dr pepper because it has the necessary caffeine and sugar to keep one awake under any conditions, but some type of cream soda(vanilla coke, IBC, A&W, anything but pepsi vanilla(WTF is up with pepsi vanilla anyway "the vanilla soda that's not so vanilla". what the hell, why would you want to buy a vanilla soda that doesnt taste like vanilla????)) and/or classy rootbeer is good to.
Ya, that Pepsi Vanilla shit is stupid. I don't buy it. I just get Vanilla Coke... mmmmm...
Colas are disgusting. Any dark soda is disgusting. Thus, I voted for sprite - although I prefer Mt.Dew. I drink maybe a can a week, soda's terrible shit, but it tastes good.
Maskirovka said:
pop makes you fat
True that
I stopped drinking pop 2 years ago, since then I've lost 40 pounds. It wasn't all pops fault, I did exercise a lot, but I wouldn't have lost as much if I didn't stop.

P.S. Yo letters whats with all the britney spears avatars
Water, fool!!


But I don't drink or eat while on the computer. Like in the matrix, it takes control of my mind and erases my hungrys.

Instead of water, maybe sometimes Hawaiian Punch or Koolaid Squeezits.
A thing called LA ICE. It's like coke but with a bad after taste. My mother seems intent on buying it so I have to suffer.
where the hell is the dew!

other than that water, lift, and coke
V, it's an energy drink, but it's fizzy and it tastes more like soda than something like Red Bull :)

I drink it all the time when I'm gaming, keeps me perky in something like CS and CoD.
I gotta love a good Dr. Pepper although i really dont drink that much soda during gaming let alone at all. But there is something in Dr. Pepper that just makes it soooo good.
It`s got to be Coke, but i drink more ice tea than coke.
Btw Diet soda is for Wimen and Gays
Bio said:
Btw Diet soda is for Wimen and Gays

and people who realize that it doesn't taste bad once you're older than 14...and for people who want to drink pop but not become fat as hell.
Chocolate Milk...for strong bones! ....too bad it doesn't translate over into the game.
i dont usually drink stuff while im gaming.
Water most of the time but i do love a good milk drink whether it is flavoured milk or milkshake :). I used to drink fanta but i realised it rotted my teeth and it kept me really tired because of the sugar or something. Anyways milk and water are nutritous! or however you spell it
Dr. Pepper, although I would rather not drink any soda, but I can't! I stopped drinking soda all together for like 3 months and lost like 10 pounds (no exercise really) and had tons upon tons of energy. But now, I work 3rd shift and I need something to keep me awake all night, and since I dispise coffee, the pepsi machine at work has become my friend, although I think i'll stop drinking them again. (sucks when you drink a lot of soda and then quit, you get a really bad headache for like 2 days then all of a sudden you feel great.)
Maskirovka said:
and people who realize that it doesn't taste bad once you're older than 14...and for people who want to drink pop but not become fat as hell.

I dont get fat, i practise football and such, I am a healthy human :E
Drink Ice Tea and Chocolate milk. But you must agree diet soda taste like shit.
Maskirovka said:
and people who realize that it doesn't taste bad once you're older than 14...and for people who want to drink pop but not become fat as hell.
im 15, and sprite lite tastes like carbonated water compared to the real deal. i hate carbonated water btw. anyway, i voted for dr pepper :cheers: . my mum doesnt get any 'sodas' though, she wants me to be healthy, so i usually fill up on water. at school though, i get a 50p can of dr.pepper a day :rolleyes:
coke all the way!!!
cherry coke if there is not coke, then maybe, maybe pepsi.
but dont even get me started no diet coke, its coke without the flavour.

i but at school, atleast one 500ml bottle of coke a day, and if there is some in my fridge at home, i drink some.

p.s. im not fat
Mountain Dew for me please. That and most types of pepsi are good, except for diet. Something about diet just makes my teeth feel weird and the taste isnt as good as the real stuff.
Bio said:
But you must agree diet soda taste like shit.

no, i don't agree. i think regular soda tastes like pure sugar....oh wait that's because it is pure sugar! :rolling:

meh...i stopped drinking regular pop about 5 years ago and my gf drinks the diet stuff...i have one of hers once in a while and it's not the best thing ever, but it's not bad either...i mean...i like candy and ice cream and stuff, but regular pop just tastes incredibly sugary to me...

i also don't drink caffiene...which is the best thing ever. i stopped having any caffiene about a year ago and after a week or so i felt so much better. my gf consumes massive amounts of caffiene in the form of diet pop and coffee...she gets headaches all the time and i tell her to quit with the caffiene. she did for like 2 weeks and felt great but like innervision she felt like she needed it to stay awake to study and crap....

anyway there's nothing wrong with drinking pop...just as long as you don't drink it more than like 1 a day...and even that's a lot of calories and crap you don't need...whether you exercise or not.
But it still taste like shit, but lets just forget this alright. I like Normal Coke and you like diet.
I used to be mad on coke but now I usually have a glass of water or a mug of tea by the PC instead :D much healthier... I think.
I really don't drink or eat anything when I'm infront of the computer.
Pobz said:
I used to be mad on coke but now I usually have a glass of water or a mug of tea by the PC instead :D much healthier... I think.

I drink a lot more ice tea than Coke too.
ice tea is disgusting, i have the normal stuff... y'know, with the teabag n the milk/sugar etc... oh, and the boiling water too.
how can you say ice tea is disgusting, you are mad FFS!!! AARRRRGGGG!!!!!!!!!
Btw are you british?
Normal tea is good too.
Ya, I love ice tea... as I said before... but there needs to be an assload of shoogar.
dude there are like NO options on the poll, DIet and regular dont matter. I drink, vanilla pepsi/ or Mountain dew LIVewire, or cherry pepsi