What's your hobby?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I really started thinking about how many people I know have hobbies, and alot of them don't have any.. It's like they just live some average lame life. Go to school, work, hang out with friends and that's all.

I thought about this after one of these friends of mine said "How can you spend all that money on a guitar" (after me talking about buying a $4000 PRS), and I was going to use one of his hobbies to explain saying, it's like when you _____ you spend money on that? Y'know one of those arguments.. But then I thought he doesn't even have a hobby. Then I thought alot (not most, probably like 30-40%) of people I know don't have any hobbies, they are the people explained in the first paragraph.

How can people live like that? Just doing nothing all the time...

So what's your hobby, what keeps you preoccupied?
I collect TV DVD box sets - that's my hobby. It's like stamps but way more fun :)
I'm very frugal. The one thing I've spent more than £100 on in the past few years is a new laptop. Computing is my hobby. I'm looking for a job in the IT sector, because that would be perfect, spend all day around computers and getting paid.

Other than that, I guess music can be a hobby can't it? Listening to it, mainly, though I do occaisionally try and become better at playing my midi keyboard.
mtn. biking, photography, audi/vw's, rifles, computers....I wish I had more money.
Modding and web design (this and this and this), pretty much. I used to play Warhammer 40k but modding pretty much replaced that (since its the same kind of thing).
I play several different musical instruments, I play tennis, I read quite a lot (I always read the morning newspaper, for the most part the politics section), I occasionally go biking or walking, I play video games and I enjoy writing short stories.
Bowling, fostering kittens/working with animals in general, reading/collecting books, cooking, gardening, biking & swimming. I use to collect football trading cards (I still have a large collection), but I don't really buy them anymore. I don't really have as much time to devote to these things as I used to since music has kinda taken over my life, but I try to give myself some time off.
We'll obviously video games, although it's more of an interest than a hobby...building computers and selling them (keeping some), and photography. I get to use my hobby of photography with my interest of traveling and road trips. Unfortunately, I only get to go on road trips once every year, but I'm satisfied with it.
hanging out with friends,
steel (blades) forging (used to),
hiking ( a bit),
spending a lot on the internet (way too much),

i'd like more, but i'm way to lazy to get really deep in all of them.
Jazz music in general,
Listening to music,
Time on the internet,
Time with friends,
Computing in general.

I like my music, what can I say :P
I work on computers a lot, I have 3 different computers, and am almost always in the process of installing new parts in at least one of them. I also enjoy reading, and play a lot of video games.
<yay! first post!>
I think of a hobby as something you actually 'do', and really, gaming is my 'hobby'. I don't really 'do' much else with my time.

Now, as far as an 'interest' would go, that would clearly be animation (sadly, animation isn't a 'hobby'. I'd love to sequentially draw, but I can't draw squat). I love watching old animated shorts and features, collecting art-books and reading up about animation processes and development. Having been stuck on my English course for four years, animation was an escape to something completely different. Expression through movement and image rather than words. At crunch time for my final dissertations, I'd take a break and watch a Donald Duck short and people in the Library would wonder what on earth I was doing: I was keeping sane, or at least maintaining a stable version of insanity!
I'd say a hobby is an interest AND something you do often.

If your hobby doesn't interest you... Well that just doesn't make any sense.


Drawing and writing, basically.
-Video-making (hoping to make this into a career)
-General hanging out with friends, although I guess that technically isn't a hobby
-This site
Reading and writing.


And arithmetic.
3D Modeling


I don't really want either one to perpetually be a hobby though.
I used to do 3d modeling as a hobby, but then I made it a job. Now I dont really have a hobby besides video games. I've been thinking of making "learning new things" my new hobby. I want to learn something significant on a regular basis. Like learning to fly an airplane, or learning how to play some unique instrument. The Hammered Dulcimer thread in the image/videos section got me thinking about learning how to use that insane device.
Gaming of course, but my real love the past year has been learning to play the drums. I got an electric kit almost exactly a year ago and practice for quite a while almost every day. I've got an acoustic set on the way now... should be here by next week! Right now I've got brand new cymbals just laying on the floor while I wait for the rest of my stuff!

Next step, find a band! :)
Photography, but that has sadly fallen down on the list of things I do frequently. Inspiration is a bitch sometimes. When I'm not thinking I should be using my camera more/fappan/wasting enormous amounts of time surfing the net, I'm using making music of some sort.
Playing games, playing guitar. My new hobby is learning everything little thing there is to know about my car so i don't get raped by mechanics who think i'm an ignorant twit. Money saving.

This weekend i will be removing the drive axle and replacing a cv-boot because it ripped apart and is leaking grease all over the place. It makes me feel like Han-Solo trapped in the asteroid field needing to repair my ship so i can escape the giant asteroid cock monster.
My hobby is basically what has already been said, everything about computers, playing games, playing guitar, the usual.....

Does doing drugs count? :p
I like playing piano, gardening, reading.... and sewing and knitting. I am currently trying to draw patterns to make plush toys :o.

I used to play a lot of games but don't as often. I think the most recent game I played was Bioshock. I still sometimes play really old games, some of which are pretty fun (Descent) and some of which are seriously awful (King's Quest).
Science and technology, my laboratory, hiking, photography, books, games.
Riding bicycles, drinking, smoking, MAKING BEATS, drawing lots of lines in Illustrator, and the internet.
Motorbikes. Going on a 9 day trip tomorrow, as it happens.

There are other things I'd love to do, if not for the money/time/health aspect. Skydiving being one, flying stunt planes being another (I don't have hundreds of pounds an hour to hire one of those).

Used to play a lot of badminton but my leg ain't up to that at the moment. Really need to find a winter hobby, to help make those cold dark months a bit less depressing. There's just nothing to do for a day out in the winter. :|

Might take up dance classes.
I collect anything about Half-Life. From interviews to previews, a lot of junk.
I think my most expensive hobby is gaming. Previously I just bought Nintendo consoles with a few games, but now I'm a PC gamer and that's the most pricey you can get.

I've also started playing guitar about a month ago, and I will continue it for sure.
Gaming, drumming, collecting DVDs, and collecting pogs.