What's your hobby?

I play the flute and the piano.

Love coming home incredibly stressed out and taking it out on my instruments (ewww, innuendo).

Stay away when I'm playing Beethoven.
biking,music,video games,military history and shopping.
Hobbies Before Marriage:

PC Gaming.
Console Gaming.
Feeding Stray Cats.
Rock & Ice Climbing
Played the Drums for over 10 years.

Hobbies After Marriage:

PC Gaming.
Feeding Stray Cats.
Cleaning The House.
Fishing with my daughter. ( Best of them all )
Building/Repairing/Troubleshooting Computers.

Many and varied.

I like photography, its an excuse to go to nice places and see interesting things and take photos. Easy.

I like drawing because its the only thing that really makes me break my fingers to be as good as possible, but I don't draw often as a result. I try to draw for fun and then I inevitably get caught in an inspiration spiral and I end up spending a day just drawing things.

I like travelling, naturally.

I enjoy archery, and airsoft and um...

Hanging out with my friends. :V
My hobbies are:

Practicing bass, focusing right now on learning the notes... something I should have done like three years ago
Smoking up, but staying far far away from cigarettes after smoking six that one night, never again
Downloading/purchasing albums for my music collection
Downloading/purchasing TV shows and movies, but much more rarely
Creative writing, i.e. poetry and short stories

My hobby is basically what has already been said, everything about computers, playing games, playing guitar, the usual.....

Does doing drugs count? :p
I dunno, you tell me :p
I don't know if art is considered a hobby to me because it's all I've ever done in school, college and will be again for another three years at university, or illustration at least. On that front, working on music promotion/graphic construction, making comics/stories and music related narrative illustrations for my self. On the side as 'hobbies' to that, vinyl collecting, cycling, making strange ambient fuzz and/or ****ing around pedals and amps.
In addition to what I've already posted, I'm thinking about picking writing back up again - maybe getting back into the fan fiction game since I finally feel like I've got some time this summer & I think I've got a couple potential good ideas in mind.
I like riding/racing motocross. I also really like restoring old motorcycles and rebuilding engines. I bought a 1990 Honda CR125 that was really beat up and I'm in the process of making it look better than new.

Kind of expensive, but really fun.
Programming and "that's what she said" jokes.
In addition to what I've already posted, I'm thinking about picking writing back up again - maybe getting back into the fan fiction game since I finally feel like I've got some time this summer & I think I've got a couple potential good ideas in mind.

Same here , ive got tons of ideas but have not had the time because of exams, hopefully over the holidays i plan to start writing some.

I like taking pictures but i need a decent camera
watching movies and playing games with friends. going shopping with friends, computing, swimming/tanning, TV/movie collecting, making my nephews and niece happy and entertained. i don't get any exercise anymore but at work i get enough so by the time i come home I'm beat. I work 40 hrs a week and usually don't feel like going out afterwards.
Oh I could go on & on with the trombone-related dirty jokes...(too much time hanging around in a male-dominated studio)
Those are great laughs with musicians ("Now this is a difficult fingering").

Everything's dirty with musicians.

My flute teacher encouraged my blowing, fingering and tonguing technique on a weekly basis.

Just last month I broke my G string when fingering too hard.
I don't have time for hobbies any more *sob* :(

PS. Hi all. :p
I really haven't any hobbies other than gaming atm. I really need to find other avenues of pleasure other than masturbation and gaming.

Actually, I'd like to get into building/programming robots one day, but I haven't the resources to experiment with right now. :(

Also, I need to get off my ass more often and start jogging again lest I let myself go. I want a better, more physical body.
Masturbation doesn't count as cardiovascular exercise.
Also, I need to get off my ass more often and start jogging again lest I let myself go. I want a better, more physical body.
Masturbation doesn't count as cardiovascular exercise.

It does if you do it whilst running up and down the stairs.
Warhammer 40k.
I paint and model figures.
Vidja games.