Whats your Homepage?


Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score

for some reason mine is gamespot, i havn't botherd to change it, anyway whats yours?
Same as Krynn's. My bookmark toolbar is the interesting thing...

gmail, school webmail, /b/, erowid.org, facebook, halflife2.net, moddb, that super secret place, wikipedia, photobucket, myspace, interlopers, blog, last.fm, btjunkie, youtube, livejournal, blackboard (uni stuff)
But it's Yahoo.

Where according to them, white people survive, and black men steal!
Vegeta said:
white people survive, and black men steal!

But that's what really happens. They don't make the truth, they just report it.

infractions 3, 2, 1...
Mine's Yahoo as well.

Of course, it's .co.kr
Wikipedia, because it accounts for 90% of the new windows I open.

My pagebar reads: Google Mail / Secretland / Alliance Herald / WoW Realm Forums / Wikipedia / Myspace / Facebook / Zombie Master Forums / University Webmail / Deezer /

its been like that since the early 90's.. i see no need to change it :D
Wikipedia, because it accounts for 90% of the new windows I open.

My pagebar reads: Google Mail / Secretland / Alliance Herald / WoW Realm Forums / Wikipedia / Myspace / Facebook / Zombie Master Forums / University Webmail / Deezer /

i love wikipedia :)
That firefox google start page thingy sucks, really. Where's my I'm Feeling Lucky?
dont u guys have the small google tab on the top right hand corner, the one you can change to wiki and google and other stuff.

maybe its only vista :\
No, that's just Firefox. Or maybe it's in IE too, now. But it was FF first... or maybe they stole it from Opera or something.

In any case, uhh, uhh, yeah. Stuff and things.
Same as Krynn's. My bookmark toolbar is the interesting thing...
blackboard (uni stuff)
Wow that's weird, because our uni uses blackboard too. I thought it was just a GB thing. That's cool.

my homepage is: http://www.google.com/ig?hl=en
And I don't have any bookmark toolbars, but at home I have links for:
New (blank) tab, Glamlife (leads to blackboard) <- my uni's page, Halflife2.net, and some other things I can't remember.