Whats Your Motto *Thread*


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Mine is......

"There is one thing you must learn in war shoot them before they shoot you".
"Water can flow, or it can crash -- Be water my friend" -- Bruce Lee.
see signature

and why hasnt anyone commented on how insanely hilarious my sig is. am i the only one who finds that funny
I didnt notice that you had a sig but I think it's preety funny.
"Time is a great teacher unfortunatley, it kills all of its Pupils"

lol one I find amusing;

Monica: Well my motto is "Get out before they go down"
Joey: That is so not my Motto.
"Think like having a radio station inside your - or several radio stations - inside your head."
"Lifes a bitch...so start petting it all nice like then when it least expects it punch it in the face...then say sorry and start petting it again and tell it that you love it...then when its not paying attention kick it in its ass and laugh...then if it trys to fight back tie it to a chair and leave it in a dark room...come back 28 eight days later and youll find out itts a zombie so you hit it with a baseball bat...only to find out that is a terminator cyborg sent from the future to kill you because youre the only one capable of saving man kind...then when the nazis arent looking you storm their barracks and kill the machine gunners so you can use the bridge to transport supplies...when king henry III said "uh" and america said "oh" making "uh oh" which forshadowed to the american revolution...and if youre good to your mother shell be good to you."

- A great man
Mine is ..........

"You're just jealous because the voices don't talk to you......"
Originally posted by Pressure
"Lifes a bitch...so start petting it all nice like then when it least expects it punch it in the face...then say sorry and start petting it again and tell it that you love it...then when its not paying attention kick it in its ass and laugh...then if it trys to fight back tie it to a chair and leave it in a dark room...come back 28 eight days later and youll find out itts a zombie so you hit it with a baseball bat...only to find out that is a terminator cyborg sent from the future to kill you because youre the only one capable of saving man kind...then when the nazis arent looking you storm their barracks and kill the machine gunners so you can use the bridge to transport supplies...when king henry III said "uh" and america said "oh" making "uh oh" which forshadowed to the american revolution...and if youre good to your mother shell be good to you."

- A great man
hmmm, yep. that one there is quality.
I don't have a motto for myself, but I know the one for my server company is:

"Why have a girlfriend? Our game servers will blow you (away)!"
I just so happen to have a word .doc I've been adding to over the years that oughta be handy right now. Some of them are mine, others are common mottos I agree with.


Although these views seem extremely jaded, They represent my views on life so far. I have found them to be completely 100% true time and time again. Learn from them, or be the optimist, but most likely you'll eventually see I was right.

· You can never appreciate life until you have been affected by the death of someone you know.
· You can't live each day like it's your last without regretting some of the things you did later if it's not.
· No matter how good things are, things could always go bad.
· No matter how bad things are, things could ALWAYS be worse.
· Always have at least 1 backup plan.
· Always keep important phone numbers on a piece of paper on you at all times. Coded if neccesary.
· Don't let people take advantage of you. If they do, do something assertive or aggressive about it other than feeling bad.
· Don't feel sorry for yourself about a bad situation. DO SOMETHING about it.
· Sometimes the things that are best for you, hurt the most.
· It’s better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it.
· Desperate times call for desperate measures.
· You get what you pay for.
· If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
· Always insure you are able to physically defend yourself. Whether with your body, or an object.
· The glass is half full if it was last being filled, it is half empty if it’s being emptied (evaporation counts)
· The chicken came first. (study evolution)
· Revenge is a dish best served cold.
· You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it.
· Once your dog bites you once, you have to put him down.
· Always have a spare key in another location.
· Nice guys finish last.
· The things you own, end up owing you.
· Disapointment sucks. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

· You will never be happy unless you are your own boss. And when you are your own boss you likely still won’t be happy either.
· Whatever it is you would do in your spare time, is what your occupation should be.
· You will never be paid enough.
· Always be thinking about the future of your job, if there is no future in it, plan ahead for the next one.
· A boss is never a friend.
· A friend makes a lousy boss
· A friend makes a lousy employee
· Never date people you work with unless leaving your job if it all goes wrong is an option.
· Never do more than what is expected of you if it will not benefit you directly.

· Money talks.
· Money is not the root of all evil. Desire is.
· Do the best you can with what you have.
· There is no such thing as disposable income.
· Never bet what you can't afford to lose. (see disposable income)
· The government STEALS your money. Do whatever you can to ensure they steal as little of it as possible.
· Always put some cash hidden away. Not invested. The more the better. Do not ever touch it unless you have NOTHING else in the world.
· Give a large sum of cash to your most trusted friend to hold for you in case of emergency.

· Only pets love unequivocally.
· All love is conditional.
· Love is usually what you think you’re in when you’re not thinking straight.
· Love is not love if it can’t last through tough times.
· No matter how good she looks. Someone, somewhere, was sick of putting up with her.
· Woman are way to demanding. You will never find a good woman in N. America. Try Europe. Trust me.

· If something has to be done exactly the way you want it, you HAVE to do it yourself or it will likely need to be done a few times over.
· Never trust in anything on a hope.
· Trust is earned and should not be given.
· Never rely on or trust ANYONE completely, other than yourself. This includes family, spouses, and friends.
· Never, ever, trust a stranger blindly.
· Everyone has their own best interests in mind and you are well below 2nd most important. No matter what you may think they think about you.
· If someone wants you to believe something, they will tell you ANYTHING to make you believe it even if it's not the case at all.
· The people you trusted most, will be the people that hurt you most, if you are no longer on good terms with them.
· Never trust secrets not to be told to someone else. No matter who you tell. If it's a secret, keep it that way.
· NEVER trust a hard drug user. EVER EVER EVER. No matter who it is, how long you've known them, or what level of trust is involved.
· Don’t trust a person with teeth that have been knocked out. Odds are they were knocked out for a reason.
· Trust is a weakness.
· Screw me over once? Shame on you. Screw me over twice? Shame on me.

· When a friend does something selfish or hurtful to you, they should no longer be considered your friend.
· Everyone will "stab you" in the back if it suits their interests, and they think they think it'll never come back to them.
· Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
· Ex-friends make the worst enemies.
· You find out whom your true friends are when things are at their worst. The results are sure to surprise and depress you.
· Friends will rarely remember the good things you’ve done for them but will always remember the bad things.
· You will always “owe” your friends no matter what the situation is.
· No-one will ever appreciate you as much as they should. Don't even expect them to.

· Don't smoke anything. It's hard as hell to stop. (See disposable income.)
· It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
· What seems fun at one moment, may seem inconceivably dumb the next.
· Never spend to much money having fun. You may regret it later.
· Never be too financially generous to others in the name of fun to those who have have not shown they would do the same for you.


· Nothing is lower than a criminal who steals from another criminal.
· To a criminal, laws only mean something if they get caught.
· Lawmakers and Law enforcers often break the laws more than anyone else.
· What is illegal now, may not be in the future.
· Money buys innocence.
· Drugs will turn the best people into the worst people.
· Jail does not rehabilitate most criminals.

· Please read the trust section as a primer
· Government conspiracies do exist. But it’s all in your best interest.

· Don’t believe everything you are told.
· The news lies and exaggerates issues to gain audience numbers.
· Public opinion never accurately represents public opinion.

· There is no god. If there is, he is a scientist looking at our universe through a microscope.
· All miracles can be explained by science.
· Blind faith is for the ignorant.
· Religion is responsible for FAR more bad things in the world than good.
· Scientology is just as bad as other religions.

· Opinions are bad. War is proof of that.
· People see what they want to.

· Surprise is the greatest advantage.
· Always seek the higher ground.
· When it comes to essential items. Two is one, one is none.
hmm arnt u meant to have one motto oh well :p lol
my motto is "....erm insert motto here :( ..."
Ive never had a motto really. Not thought about it much.

My countrys motto is "Dieu et mon droit"

If i had to have a motto though it would either be the above or...

/me goes to some quotes site. Picks one that sounds good at random.

..".If you're going through hell, keep going. "
--Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) British Statesman, Prime Minister, Author

(By the way if you are wondering i went to here to get that. Its quite a good place. The only problem now is that if i do ever saying anything people will think i got it from there. Oh well nevermind. I suppose its not how you got the knowledge its how you use it that matters.)
Right Lets Start:

"there is no good in the world, only people who aren't as bad" - Me in a RS lesson randomly

"Show Me A Sane Man And I Shall Cure Him" - Carl Yung (SP?)

"Wars not about who's Right, it's about who's LEFT" - Some guy
hex = Hexidecimal

and for people who don't know what Carpe Diem, means it means:

Seize the Moment

personally i prefer the saying: Carpe Jugulum
Time is the fire in which we burn.

Not my motto, but nonetheless, pretty profound.
Life's a bit of shit, all we can do is make the best of it.

Just thought of this a couple of days ago, after a lot of contemplating and lying in bed alone.
Originally posted by nietzsche
Carpe Diem is generally understood as "seize the day".

Stone, seize the throat? Pratchett fan or pale goth boy? :devil:

Damn big Prachett fan.... and used to be a goth, the only people I fitted in with in high school ;(

The only people that understood...
Life is like toilet paper. it canbe long and usefull.
Or short and crappy.
this one is good:
"quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur"
Originally posted by Idolon
this one is good:
"quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur"

which means... and isn't it Dictartum? then again my latin is a bit rusty so PFFT!
Well... i don't really know any latin... heh ;)

but it is supposed to mean:
"anything said in Latin sounds profound"

Edit: heh, yeah I beat you to it. :p
(I was waiting for someone to ask what it meant...)
"Victory without style is hollow." - Ken Masters, Street Fighter 3
Originally posted by Stone
Damn big Prachett fan.... and used to be a goth, the only people I fitted in with in high school ;(

The only people that understood...

Me too! Only not the goth bit. I was never a goth...

I like pratchett. Ive not met many people who have read his books (Then again a lot of people havent read anything apart from Harry Potter that fine example of "grown up" literature.)

That thing about Latin too. Its true to a lot of extent. Also it makes things sound "scientific". If they give the name in English or something it just sounds stupid but if its Latin thens it sounds good. It also allows scientists to talk about relatively simple things but and a really confusing way to people who don't understand Latin.

Its like (over here anyway) they always use French names on things like perfume to make them sell more. Weird really.
Here is a quote from our wise kung fu master- Master Bruce

"He who knows not and knows not he knows not, He is a fool- Shun him.
He who knows not and knows he knows not, He is simple- Teach him.
He who knows and knows not he knows, He is asleep- Awaken him.
He who knows and knows that he knows, He is wise- follow him. "
"Like me you too can learn to slowly die as people better then you succeed."

""Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.""

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." (paired with never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups)

"If you feel you are more intelligent then others but still feel the need to prove that to them you cannot possibly be so."

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."

"Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."