Whats your role?

Whats your role?

  • Gunner. I like to be the one out there in the middle of a fight

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Support Gunner, Id rather have the beefiest gun to send people running

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • Medic, cant win without your teammates being alive can we?

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • Engineer, everyone will come my vehicle repairing!

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Special Op, blowing stuff, people, and more stuff up, thats the way.

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • Helicopter Piolt, I want to be transporting troops over the battlefield, or maybe bombing a base...

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • Plane Pilot, Planes are *way* cooler then Helis.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Ground Vehicles, got to help the ground troops out with my powerfull tank or speedy jeep.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • Co-Piolt, sure I will go flying with you, just dont ask me drive...

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Other (Im sure Ive missed some out.

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Im sure everyones going to give everything a try.... but what do you think you will be up to the most, based on what you have seen in videos/reviews, or what you do in BF1942/V. Or you can reply to the poll with more then one thing, if you got your heart set on trying more then one out.

Im mostly going to be medic Im thinking, or a sniper.

edit: Not sure what I missed on the poll.. Im thinking just sniper, if so, could a mod edit "other" to sniper? :p
If the m249 is accurate enough and powerful enough I will probably be a support gunner. It just looks like too much fun and the M249 was my best gun in Americas Army. However if its not accurate and I cannot control the accuracy then I will go with Special Ops or Engineer.
MilkMan12 said:
If the m249 is accurate enough and powerful enough I will probably be a support gunner. It just looks like too much fun and the M249 was my best gun in Americas Army. However if its not accurate and I cannot control the accuracy then I will go with Special Ops or Engineer.

THe m249 is less accurate, it was said in one video becuase as a support gunner, you should lay down supressing fire so you team mates and go in and kill
I have no idea, I love flying the helicopter though.
I used to like spec ops and medic....

I'll mess arround and see when the time comes...
Medic/Pilot :D I've been touching up on my helicopter skills with DC heh :p
I'll probably just play the demo for abit as i just bought GTA: SA but... i'll go with sniper :E
If I don't suck at it - Heli pilot.
I like being a sniper now and then but too much gets boring.
I have no preference between regular soldier and medic, depends on my mood.

What do special ops blow up? Do they just get more grenades or something?
And what does a co-pilot do?
i guess id find my self to be a gunner, im not too bad at flying planes either
Nabobalis said:
THe m249 is less accurate, it was said in one video becuase as a support gunner, you should lay down supressing fire so you team mates and go in and kill

I know its less accurate but I said accurate enough. Meaning I can counter act the recoil and get kills with it.
PickledGecko said:
If I don't suck at it - Heli pilot.
I like being a sniper now and then but too much gets boring.
I have no preference between regular soldier and medic, depends on my mood.

What do special ops blow up? Do they just get more grenades or something?
And what does a co-pilot do?
Special ops get C4 which they can stick to any vehicle and blow it up, 2 C4s for tanks, or they can throw a bunch on a bridge and blow it up. Engineers can repair the bridges though.
I'm having trouble deciding. At first I was gravitating towards Engineer so when I was Commander I could repair my own stuff if need be. But now in the IGN vid preview it shows the Commander with the weapon of an assault class which brings up a question for me.

When you want to be the commander, do you simply just get an assault kit and the commander screen at your fingertips? OR...do you have your original kit that you spawned with and then have access to the commander screen?

EDIT: Spec Ops' C4 is also the only thing that can destroy Commander utils.
AmishSlayer said:
I'm having trouble deciding. At first I was gravitating towards Engineer so when I was Commander I could repair my own stuff if need be. But now in the IGN vid preview it shows the Commander with the weapon of an assault class which brings up a question for me.

When you want to be the commander, do you simply just get an assault kit and the commander screen at your fingertips? OR...do you have your original kit that you spawned with and then have access to the commander screen?

I think they thoought that being a commander and a engineer would be unfair and everyone would fight over the commander postion
Manic guy who gets the infantry outfit, grabs the fastest vehicle, picks up a few more people than drives on an insane route to the front lines before plowing into a tank, killing everyone in the vehicle but himself.

im always a great driver but no one wants to ride with me because on maps like omaha I'd drive off the cliff on the german side straight on top of a tank, run over three people before kamikazing a landing boat.
Nabobalis said:
I think they thoought that being a commander and a engineer would be unfair and everyone would fight over the commander postion

If that is the case then I can't decide what class :P I'll probably go with what is needed at the time. I can't wait to try it all :)
AmishSlayer said:
If that is the case then I can't decide what class :P I'll probably go with what is needed at the time. I can't wait to try it all :)

Agreed. I would like to try all classes.
I would like to give all roles a shot

I love teamwork, so may take a shot at commander/squad leader down the line

Medic primarily, but whatever is needed by my squad (Im effective in all roles), currently Im set to be an anti-tanker.

Im a decent chopper pilot/jet pilot, if I get the chance I wouldnt mind that, but I aint a hog.
I'll have a multiple role: a bus driver with a hidden agenda. I like to fly transport helo's. If I get shot down, I'll carry on foot with my backpack full of C4 to blow up the enemy's command post.
Looking at this very large list of people in the clan, I am sure we could invade a pub server, vote kick people out to make room (people who deserve it), vote in our own commanders, we could control a server :)
Foxtrot said:
Looking at this very large list of people in the clan, I am sure we could invade a pub server, vote kick people out to make room, vote in our own commanders, we could control a server :)

HL2.net Invasion
Is Ops always better than Assault Class? If they are what's the point if being Assault?
Foxtrot said:
Looking at this very large list of people in the clan, I am sure we could invade a pub server, vote kick people out to make room (people who deserve it), vote in our own commanders, we could control a server :)


We'll be one big invasion force just flooding the server and completely taking control (apart from the EA mods and whatnot).

I decided whatever I am, I want to be a squad leader. I don't know how many will play in squads at the beginning and I wanna start teamplay right away :)

Though I do fancy a plane when I see one.
Foxtrot said:
Looking at this very large list of people in the clan, I am sure we could invade a pub server, vote kick people out to make room (people who deserve it), vote in our own commanders, we could control a server :)
jawol comrade, today the servers.. TOMORROW THE WORLD!
The_Monkey said:
Is Ops always better than Assault Class? If they are what's the point if being Assault?

Spec Ops get C4 packs, but Assault get smoke grenades and a rifle-mounted grenade launcher.
The_Monkey said:
Is Ops always better than Assault Class? If they are what's the point if being Assault?
Special ops is better up close, but I don't think they have the extra armor that assault gets, and the assault has a more accurate weapon, and grenades.

The Assault is supposed to be the backbone of any army. Howcome we only got two of them?
The_Monkey said:

The Assault is supposed to be the backbone of any army. Howcome we only got two of them?

Because they're scared to be in the middle of the fight.

The_Monkey said:

The Assault is supposed to be the backbone of any army. Howcome we only got two of them?
people tend to gravitate towards specialty classes that suit their tastes.
the assault is the more generic (good power, good amount of m203 grenade rounds) class, as it has no function other than a good mix of combat skills.

you may find people trying it out and enjoying it more, but with teamplay, everyone wants to be important and supportive of their team.
(medics heal, engineers repair, support resupply ammo, anti-tanks take out armor, spec ops are the only class capable of destroying artillery and radar stations and are not detected by commander scans, snipers can cover their squad from GREAT distances especially with the new immense draw distance)

assault is merely assault.

that being said, it could have the most functional/effective primary weapon for grunt combat..
at this point it's mere speculation. it just seems bland in comparison to other roles is most likely why it's the least chosen.
Spec Ops, Heli and plane flyer, Engineer.

ill have to make up my mind soon.:D
Everyone wants a speciality, but if 3 people joined a server who are usually medics I'm sure we could easily work something out. Either pick one person to be medic or allow people to switch etc.