When did you first discover halflife?

Great Grizzly

Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hmmmm i first played halflife a LONG time ago, around when it first came out. My brother let play it on his comp, and i didnt like it, it SOOO scared the shit out of me when i played. (lol, got stuck at the falling bridge, couldnt figure out how to continue hehe) I then forgot about the game.

*Years later, lost the cd. *
About a half of a year ago. I was talking with a friend at one of my courses for A+ certification. He's like, "hey, i finished this game, you want it?" What is it? "It is called half life." Remebering HL i asked him how to continue past the bridge. lol it was so simple. I played it. and was hooked. Got HL2 a few days after it came out :)
I was in washington state the summer before 9th grade. So that was...2000. I actually used to like CS...*shakes head*
i got opposeing force, but i didnt know it was an expansion pack, so i had to get halflife, later, i got cs, then cz then i got hl2, man valve, your the best
Got it in 98 after it came out, my uncle past the game on to me and ever since then I've been hooked.
When it came out. A bunch of my dad's students (he teaches at a college) had it, and my brother and I used to go hang out with them in the computer lab, and play HL and Jedi Knight 2. Ahh, those were the days.
I played the demo (I think from a pcgamer cd) at a friends house and loved it. Then when counterstrike cam out, another friend told me i had to get it. So, i downloaded both half-life and counterstrike and loved them. But, i bought the HL platinum thing so dont hate me for downloading.
i was among the first people to ever play it, thanks to valve kicking ass and putting the Day One cd which contained the first two chapters of the game months before it came out in a voodoo banshee video card that i happened to buy without knowing what was about to hit me damn hard :).
Well, I played Half-Life a year after its release. It was introduced to me by my friend. ever since that... I got hooked and started preying on all Half-Life games... though I never managed to buy Blue Shift... damn.
A long time ago I was in Target looking for a good tactical shooter game. I saw CS and decided to give it a whirl. I had no idea though that it was merley a mod for Half Life until later after that.
a kid in my class, also my friend has cs so i decided to buy cz then with that came the demo disk with the hl2 binks on it so i watched those and i was bewildered by the graphics and everything
so i bought half life
edit:w00t 500th post, and another neo ^
About 4 years ago probably, a friend lent me his platinum edition...with a missing op4 cd :frown:
He told me blue shift was shorter than half life, so I decided to play it first. I had no idea what I was about to play after I installed it, and when I did play it, I was saying "Wow" like every five minutes. I got stuck a lot, but eventually learned how to solve probs. I beat blue shift, and quickly started playing Half life after, which was equally cool.

Now that HL2 has come out Ive been thinking about how cool it would be to have a Half Life Trilogy Pack, with EVERY thing in HL1 redone from scratch using source, and HL2 and HL3, along with some expansion packs too I guess. Of course that wont happen, but still...I wannit
My brother-in-law was talking about it a lot a few years ago and one day gave me a chance to play his. I was hooked, I loved it. I bought it about 2 months afterwards and never looked back.
Four years ago, some of my family were playing CS and I just had to have it.

Later, I met HL and I fell in love! :)
My mom bought it for my dad for christmas in 98 i believe
and uhh, he beat it and i got hooked and have been playing ever since then.
i was round my girlfriends house, probably in 2001 and asked her if her brother had any pc games i could borrow cos i knew i had no plans for the evening and fancied getting involved in a game's story, so i borrowed a disk with half-life written on it. i installed it and soon realised it was an awesome game. later on i bought the half-life generation pack, then i bought condition zero, and then most recently, the half-life 2 silver pack!
I thought the idea of mutant zombies, aliens from planet zog and that crap sounded terrible so I avoided it when it first came out.

I went into the shop one day to buy some game but they didn't have it. Half-Life was there, I looked at the box and wasn't impressed but it did have the words "includes Worldcraft editor so you can make your own worlds" and I thought well if it's pants I'll just make my own levels. Pretty much the only reason I bought it. Didn't take 5 minutes to work out it was a classic though. Thought it was great, except for all the Xen rubbish and the less said about the end the better.
I'd just got Unreal, and I saw it in PCGamer, and I was like OMG no I can't have 2 FPS games on my computer.

But I liked the look of the pictures, I wasn't really expecting much to be honest (although 96% is a good score, Quake 2 got the same).
After I played it for about 5 years solid.

And my friend had just got Quake 2, which I convinced him to buy finally after 1 or 2 years of it being out. Then I had to convince him that Half-Life was worth buying, and that it was actually better than Quake 2, that took another year.
He doesn't have half-life 2 now but I believe his computer's a bit out of date for it.
I read about it before it came out in the Pczone benelux.. and it was the first FPS i played I believe .. I was around 11-12 back then so it was much more immersive and real then games are now.. I loved it..
Played it first time in 1999, when my father came home once with the game in his hands, and got hooked to HLDM since, then went on to CS, and now HL2 :)
Counter-Strike. This game suddenly caught my attention - I started going to the intarwebs cafe near my school to play CS 1.5. Then, later on I bought CS:CZ. The HL2 binks came along with it, I checked them out. That hooked me in.

Soon, I bought the HL2 Silver pack.

Year 2000 was in Sams and I had been hearing a lot about how good the game was. So I just pulled out my wallet and bought it, and it was worth every cent.
Got it December '98; had to trek through a winter nightmare for a game I had no idea was going to be the way it was. brilliant, really
Stole a copy from a buddy o' mine a year after it came out...(which was perfect revenge at the time...there was never any proof...but im pretty damn sure that bastard stole my Prodigy CD)...and have been running from the law ever since...happily clutching my copies of hl1 and hl2
Saw it on the shelf.. Decided to buy it :p.. You know... The first time the "Accident" was... I was so immersed... I yust ran past everything "Scared to death :p" And finaly hided in Gordon's locker... Waiting... Then to my suprise .. The zombie came trough the door.... I ran behind and knocked him over.... Then it was like... Eh?... I wasnt afraid anymore... Yust wierd... :p

Edit: Yeah i was 12 or somthing then dont blame me! :imu:
I had 20 bucks to spend on either a cheap xbox game or a cheap pc game. I saw half-life, and decided I wanted that for some reason (I'm glad I made that choice now :D ) That was probably only 3 years ago.
I played HL1 around...2000 or so, I borrowed it from my friend who gave me CS also. I was first wondering why the hell do I have to install this game called Half-Life b4 installing CS? LOL So I got curious and startup HL1 on my age-old Celeron and feel the wonder of Valve's masterpiece and got into some mapping/modding stuff :p

As for HL2, I grabbed it the day it came out 15 minutes, 37 seconds after it landed on the shelf. (I got so hyped/excited I even took a pic of the Collector's edition box I bought before opening it:) )
Mate recommended it to me back in 2000, bought the HL:Generations pack and played HL and Op4 on a
PC without a graphics card... ahh the pixels @_@
Got it the day it came out... I was actually hooked on the game before it was released, and before the hype ;) I just knew it would be a good game (and that was before the delay which changed the whole game)

So im a big fan of Valve, they delivered what i wanted ... :bounce:
i borrowed it off a mate because he didn;t like it, and i was hook ever since and bought my own copy a ferw weeks later and then every expansion back since. man those marines were SO COOL
it was my year 98 chrimas present it was a pack whit hl,op4,TFC and cs
Lets see uh. One day I was watching TV around 1999 my dad came in with the big Adrenaline Pack that came with Half-Life, Half-Life Oppossing Force, and TFC. I was hooked for weeks.
I first saw it in a Mid 1998 feature in PCZone UK on what was hot and upcomming (also appearing: Duke Nukem Forever. Makes you laugh don't it ^^). Now, to be honest I was totally not taken with FPS games at the time. I looked at those pages, saw the screenshots and art and thought "looks interesting, but not my kind of thing". End of the year, PCZone review it and call it the best FPS ever (though Paradoxically, they rate it 2% lower than Quake 2). That caught my attention.

It took me getting a PC decent enough to play it, for me to get HL1 though. For some bizarre reason, the demo disc on my copy of the PCZone mag that shipped with the HL1 demo was missing (I guess someone was keen to play it then!), so despite getting interested in the genre because I'd recently played Unreal, I couldn't play no HL. Until I realised that Uplink was a preinstalled demo on my new PC. Hoorah! I played and replayed that demo for 3 or so months until my parents got me the full game for my birthday (September 1999 I must have been 12/13 at the time... aahhh). I completed it in a single week of near solid gaming and declared it my "best thing ever" shortly afterwards.
trizzm said:
i was among the first people to ever play it, thanks to valve kicking ass and putting the Day One cd which contained the first two chapters of the game months before it came out in a voodoo banshee video card that i happened to buy without knowing what was about to hit me damn hard :).

Yup, me too. I remember playing it for ages (it was quite long) and was gutted when it finished. Day One came out at least 4 or so months, maybe 6 even, before Halflife itself.

Only my graphics card was a Voodoo 3 3000, the Banshee cards came out a few months later, I'm sure.
I had read about it and it sounded quite cool. Unfortunately i only had a windows 3.1 computer. In 2000 i finally got a windows 98 computer. On my way home with that computer( i had someone build it for me) i stopped at a Best Buy and got halflife. That was one of my best computer playing days. Second only to getting up at 3:00 am and playing hl2.
I think I may have read a preview for it in a mag. I got it for xmas 98, the year it came out. I've played through it and the expansions many times and still love it to this day. I just wish I had kept the origional box for it. I think I played it origionally on my 32mb ram, Pentium 166mhz. Got it along with an awesome voodoo 3 3000 video card lol.
I was going to buy it in 2000 but ended up getting some other games instead. Well, I finally tried out the demo in 2001 and was blown away. Bought the game a few days later.
subtlesnake said:
I was going to buy it in 2000 but ended up getting some other games instead. Well, I finally tried out the demo in 2001 and was blown away. Bought the game a few days later.

what other game did you get instead of hl, ignoring all of its accolades?