When do the Plushie Wushies and Car Cubes come out?


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
I remember they were in the steam news when I logged in once. Looked cute. But when do they come out?

I wanna get one for x-mas D:
I really want to get one for my girlfriend. She's obsessed with the game. With that plus the Aperture Science Christmas cards, sheesh, I think she'd just die.
Definately get her one. Your a lucky man to have found a female counterpart that has such a good taste in games.
Its spotless reviews by just about EVERYONE would tell a different story.
Anyways, I *really* don't see what was so "Obsessive" about portal...it had it's fun moments but nothing particularly "OMFGLEET".

1. Portal Gun
2. New atmosphere
3. Dark Humor
4. Sexy/evil/funny GLaDOS
5. Creepy Writings on the wall
6. Creepy Turrets
7. Companion Cube
8. Chell
9. More complex Puzzle Solving
10. Ability to fall from any height
11. Story
12. Potential to relate to other HL games
13. cake
14. etc

A game that can actually make it's players feel upset after it makes them "murder" an inanimate object is certainly worth something in my book.


Wubba Wubba wubba?
Can someone email a Valve employee about this? I want to be able to get it shipped before Christmas comes around.
1. Portal Gun
That's the point.

2. New atmosphere
Felt like black mesa tbh

3. Dark Humor
Not really.

4. Sexy/evil/funny GLaDOS
The word is annoying.

5. Creepy Writings on the wall
No, not creepy at all. The ones in HL where more creepy, or HL2.

6. Creepy Turrets
They where pathetic child-minded things. Their talking made them annoying as ****.

7. Companion Cube
It's a freaking storage container, what's to like? It's like falling for a screwdriver.

Looks funny.

9. More complex Puzzle Solving
More than HL2, yeah; however the game maps themselves are innane and required little real thought for me to solve.

10. Ability to fall from any height
Bit of a cop out but the game requires it. It would have made the game more complex without tbh

11. Story
See that's the thing...there really isn't one that we're sure on beyond Glad killing eveyone but (apparently) you.

12. Potential to relate to other HL games
Which, to be honest, feels like a marketing thing more than anything else.

In my kitchen. Don't need a game for that.


A game that can actually make it's players feel upset after it makes them "murder" an inanimate object is certainly worth something in my book.

You can't be serious. If anyone ACTUALLY got upset over that, they need serious psychological help, and I'm not kidding.

Now don't get me wrong I had some fun playing it, but it is by far not worth going all fanatical over.
Jesus man, what has the companion cube ever done to you?!
Cheo has a dark soul anyway, don't believe him.
Overclock, you son of a..
I always had a soft spot in my heart for adorable inanimate objects. Patiently waiting.
In related news Cheomesh imprisons Santa and cancels Christmas.
That's the point.

Felt like black mesa tbh

Not really.

The word is annoying.

No, not creepy at all. The ones in HL where more creepy, or HL2.

They where pathetic child-minded things. Their talking made them annoying as ****.

It's a freaking storage container, what's to like? It's like falling for a screwdriver.

Looks funny.

More than HL2, yeah; however the game maps themselves are innane and required little real thought for me to solve.

Bit of a cop out but the game requires it. It would have made the game more complex without tbh

See that's the thing...there really isn't one that we're sure on beyond Glad killing eveyone but (apparently) you.

Which, to be honest, feels like a marketing thing more than anything else.

In my kitchen. Don't need a game for that.


You can't be serious. If anyone ACTUALLY got upset over that, they need serious psychological help, and I'm not kidding.

Now don't get me wrong I had some fun playing it, but it is by far not worth going all fanatical over.
You put a lot of effort into that post.

Good job.

Now back onto topic...

Can someone please email a Valve employee about this product? I'm dying to know! If anything, PM me an email address, and I'll do it.
I'm going to have to agree with Cheomesh on this one. It was a fun game to play through, but it's just not something that I would play over and over, and certainly not pay anything for accessories for it.
I'm going to have to agree with Cheomesh on this one. It was a fun game to play through, but it's just not something that I would play over and over, and certainly not pay anything for accessories for it.

Oh holy ****ing shit there are more of us thank the gods!
I remember they were in the steam news when I logged in once. Looked cute. But when do they come out?

I wanna get one for x-mas D:

This would be awesome to have, and to put on your cars mirror, the rear view mirror, like dice.,

They should have portal dice lol.
Cheo and that other grinch obviously didn't see the dark humor or the creative design of the game. SFT
Cheo and that other grinch obviously didn't see the dark humor or the creative design of the game. SFT

Because it wasn't there. I chuckled at the adopted part, but everything else was meh.

Don't get me wrong, I created the hype for portal in my area, even forcing people to play Gnarbacular Drop ages ago.

It just was meh.
For me, it was the contrasts that really made the game. The testing areas compared to the abandoned parts of the Enrichment Center, the turrets that console you when you kill them, the AI who has serious control issues. The escape was the best part imo; seeing the pristine surface of Aperture Science break away into what it really was, as GLaDOS's calm surface gave way to fear and anger. One of my favorite lines in the game was, paraphrasing, "Okay, the test is over now. Come back!" You can really hear fear in her voice, now that she's lost control. It's what makes GLaDOS such an interesting character for me--she's easily swayed by emotions when she's uncomfortable, which isn't what you'd expect of an AI. By the end, when you finally see her, you can tell she's honestly hurt and angry. I don't know. I just liked her.

I swear I could've said all of that more eloquently if I had took the time to sleep last night. Anyway, I'm not trying to change your opinion on the game or anything--if it didn't click with you, it didn't click with you. I just felt explaining why I liked it so much? Something?

I did have some fun with the advanced maps. Way, way, way, way better than the actual story maps. The story maps couldn't have been easier if it had drawn you a picture.

Oh wait, they did :|
To be honest, a Portal 2 or whatever would probably kill the series, and retroactively shit on Portal itself.

I just get that feeling.
I get the feeling that cheomesh would love portal if everyone hated it.

Y'know what i mean? ;)
No, I'd still dislike it because it didn't appeal to me.

There was no "dark humor", only "dry attempts", and I still swear the whole "ties into the HL storyline" was a marketing thing.
oh hai i dont understand portal so portal = suk ok lol

You can't appear to be able to post once without pouring your immense hatred for Portal into it. I have no idea why you even go to this forum.