When HL2 comes out


May 16, 2004
Reaction score
What will happen then? I mean, all these years. Waiting. And no suddently, its there. All this time in this community, takling, laughing, discussing(,flaming). All waiting for the same thing.

It was this quote that made me think about this:
redrain85 said:
Then I'm going to get depressed because I have nothing left to live for. I live for the eternal pain and torture of waiting for Half-Life 2. It is my existence.

Its going to be different. Like Going at the same school for 7 years, then go to a new school. Or live at the same plase for many years, then move.

I dont know what you other guys think. But, for me its going to be different. Like an new era, or something. :(

EDIT: this is not one of those "what will you do the day HL2 comes out" threads.
Not really. Then we just start the "where's that frigging patch at?" era, and the "when will that dang mod be finished" era.
Jesus.. That redrain85 dude must be friggin out of his mind.. "I live for the eternal pain and torture of waiting for Half-Life 2. It is my existence."

I'm seriously worried 'bout that guy. :(
Nah.. He can't be serious. I hope..
I think we'll see some topics from people telling that HL 2 isnt as good as they expected it to be. Cause some people really expect too much of the game.

Cause if you expect the game will blow you away there is a big chance you'll end up dissapointed.
Rest assured, we will have a lot of traffic on these forums a few days after the game is out. Mostly populated by the same groups of HL fans/haters. I'll be too busy shooting Combine scum in the face to bother though. Regardless of graphics/gameplay/storyline, I always enjoy shooting oppresive scumbags in the head. :)
Even If HL2 wount blow you away, It'll stll be good. One of the best games.
Heh, any game where I can use an electromagnetic crane to drop things on people will amuse me for a long, long time. :)
I think, the forums will be very quiet.. VERY quited. After 1-3 days, the ****ing whine-threads starting. People want so much of HL2, and I think most of the people have.. what's it called.. Well, you want to much from HL2, and you'll probably get dissapointed in some things.

+, when hl2 comes out all this "WEHR CAEN I DOEWNLAEOD TEH HAELF-LEIF2 !?!0!=!?"-threads coming up, + "MY ****ING HL2 IS THE SUCKING, LAGGING SHITE" and, "Can my computer handle hl2?!?!?!?!?!?1+1+1"

But for the most of us, all this hype is over and we're really happy :) After a week or month, this "What do you think about the game"-threads popup and the thread is about 104 pages long, ending with some moderator closing it because people are talking about Nude-alyx patches and people argumenting aboiut something not related to the thread.

Then the "What GFX Card is best for HL2?"-threads overtake the Hardware Forum, mass banning and spamming, moderators get no free-time cause they work under Munros evil hand and they must be on the forums 24/7 and it ends with mass-killing in school and suicides and woho!

Oh yeah, all the bloody "WHERE IS TEH SDK!?!?!?" and "WHAT MOD IS BEST FOR HL2?" and "DL MY MODD!!!" and "WHERE CAEN I GEAT NUDE-ALYX-PATCH!!11"-threads taking over the forums, endless spamming and END OF HL2.NET FORUMS.

I mean, new threads will pop up the whole time, you'll never get the chanse to get along with some discussion, this community will grow from 1 to 100,000 former CS-KIDDIES. Oh yeah!

CS-KIDS :-O omg, theese will whine alot, cause they are on 500Mhz with a 32MB GF MX, cause they just play cs and drinks cola. "my parrents want me to go in school instead of playing CS:SOurce :'(" yeah, **** them.

What i say, when HL2 comes out, mass-hysteria and endless spamming will take over the forums. Probably the site goes down. And on irc. I mean. 400 people spamming "HL2 IS OUT!" and about 5 diffrent discussions in one channel at the same time will confuse so many people, + #hl2.is.released!-channel will open. And "Join ,y clan!!!" and public servers opens, ENDLESS SPAMMING I SAY.

This is the good times in the forums for the moderators. :p When hl2 comes out, hell is loose.
There will be mass disappointment all over the internet as people try and understand why they don't like the game. The post-release community is going to be 10 times worse than it is now.

I'm starting to dread the day it's released, redrain was spot on!! :D There is no way in hell it's going to live up to my expectations. BUT AT LEAST i'll have CS:S and DOD:S to play through :)
estling said:
But for the most of us, all this hype is over and we're really happy :) After a week or month, this "What do you think about the game"-threads popup and the thread is about 104 pages long, ending with some moderator closing it because people are talking about Nude-alyx patches and people argumenting aboiut something not related to the thread.

Estling!!! SHHHHHHHH... don't give them any ideas! Well.... honestly there's probably about 600 already waiting to go live by now. Nevermind. :)
Mr-Fusion said:
There will be mass disappointment all over the internet as people try and understand why they don't like the game. The post-release community is going to be 10 times worse than it is now.

I'm starting to dread the day it's released, redrain was spot on!! :D There is no way in hell it's going to live up to my expectations. BUT AT LEAST i'll have CS:S and DOD:S to play through :)

Well, then. You should prepear yours self mentaly, If it turns out itll dissapoint you. ;)
Arm yourself for the release of HL2. Game-shops need more.. kevlar I think.
KingPing_NOR said:
Well, then. You should prepear yours self mentaly, If it turns out itll dissapoint you. ;)
The Doom 3 disappointment was a good training run. I was depressed and annoyed at first but i'm getting over it. For a moment though i considered abandonding the nerd way of life and computer game net communties altogether. It's just not a worth it i thought...maybe i should get a social life.

But no, I HELD OUT!!

:sniper: - Doom 3
estling said:
Arm yourself for the release of HL2. Game-shops need more.. kevlar I think.

The local gamestore here has started to barricade the glass windows with sandboxes and stuff, I heard they'll be giving out firearms to people in the week before the release.
After Half-Life 2 were going to start waiting for Half-Life 3. Duh. :p
Oh good! Do we get a say in which calibre we prefer, or is it just a random kind of thing? USP's should be popular that day. :)
PenaE said:
Jesus.. That redrain85 dude must be friggin out of his mind.. "I live for the eternal pain and torture of waiting for Half-Life 2. It is my existence."

I'm seriously worried 'bout that guy. :(
Nah.. He can't be serious. I hope..
No really! I was serious! Couldn't you tell?

My life will be over man . . . just over. HL2 is the Omega to my Alpha.

Or is it Lambda?

In what way will the waiting ever end?

Shortly after HL2, TF2 will be announced, and we'll wait for that. We're gonna wait and whine about patches being delayed, we're gonna wait for HL2 expansions, we're gonna wait for MODs, and eventually, for HL3.... :(
Ya, but in the meantime we can shoot Combine scum in the face with a revolver. That should make the waiting much more bearable. :)
Headwires said:
don't u know fusion, u can have both! friends and computers!! :eek: :eek:

Yeah, I heard some rumors about that.

Completely bogus if you ask me...
Just as i said. Like moving to a new place. What ever we are going to wait for next. NOTHING will be the same as this wait. I mean, Its some thing that has had an inpact on your life(maby not a very big one, but still one). And for me its been mostly positive. And i'm somehow gonna miss it.

I would have posted this closer to the release, but then noone would probably have notice it, bacuse of, like 10 new threads every 3 minets.
I'm sure it'll be awesome to actual HOLD the box in my hands. :D and rip it open... *carefully and nicely with extra care*... and break the cd case open!!!... *gently and calmly with suppressed excitement... then install~!

can't wait

but you said it'll be weird after waiting ALL these years?
hmm... well, i guess some of you have actually waited for it since the original even if nothing was announced... but i just started waiting last year. So it has been a year at the most.
Oh, I've been waiting alright

I've been waiting five years ever since the hint of a Half-Life 2.
KingPing_NOR said:
What will happen then? I mean, all these years. Waiting. And no suddently, its there. All this time in this community, takling, laughing, discussing(,flaming). All waiting for the same thing.

It was this quote that made me think about this:

Its going to be different. Like Going at the same school for 7 years, then go to a new school. Or live at the same plase for many years, then move.

I dont know what you other guys think. But, for me its going to be different. Like an new era, or something. :(

EDIT: this is not one of those "what will you do the day HL2 comes out" threads.
Don't worry... I can promise u that u'll wait for HL3 more then one year! ;)
And don't forgot that we still need to wait for CS2, TF2, New MODs, DOD2 ( :naughty: ) and alot of new things! :D
Play4Fun said:
Don't worry... I can promise u that u'll wait for HL3 more then one year! ;)
And don't forgot that we still need to wait for CS2, TF2, New MODs, DOD2 ( :naughty: ) and alot of new things! :D

yeah. But nothing will EVER overcomme this wait ;)
I'll be too busy playing CS:S to tihnk about any of the emotional impacts haha :D
After finishing HL2, go get yourself in trouble and get locked up for 5 years or so. That way, you would lose all anticipation for HL3 and beyond, not hear any news from the gaming world, and meet some new friends in the process. Yay!
The Thing said:
After finishing HL2, go get yourself in trouble and get locked up for 5 years or so. That way, you would lose all anticipation for HL3 and beyond, not hear any news from the gaming world, and meet some new friends in the process. Yay!

You might even meet my friend Bubba! :D
You all should just expect the worse, "Half-Life 2 WILL Blow". Get that mentality in your head. Then in 2045, when the game is released, it will be all the more special.