When was the worst time you damaged your body?

when i was 12 years old, a SUV ran over my feet.

i was wearing slippers.

The only time i broke a bone was at gym. We were playing baseball, and I was in the field catching the balls. One ball came right at me Very fast. I didn't have time to duck or move away, so my reflexes tried to catch it. I catched it succesfully, but my finger was broken :(

The most hurting thing ever was while I was skateboarding. I was on a funbox, and was practicing the ollie, when someone jumped the funbox without noticing me. He was doing some trick, so one of his skates hit me in the face, and the other skate hit me in the nuts :x :eek: I fell of the funbox and landed on my head :( I can't remember what happened next :|
At age 6 I biked with my teeth straight into a iron horisontal thing designed to stop cars, it damaged the adult teeth while I had milkteeth, though they didn't know it at the moment, but now I'm wearing braces because of it.
My liver started bleeding when I played hockey. That was painful and ugly.
At my primary school, there was this notorious patch of gravel and small stones in the middle of the asphalt outside the classrooms. When I was about 7 or 8, I rather absent-mindedly took a detour through it at speed, and ended up face-planting and grating myself across the entire area. I skinned up my legs, arms, and one entire side of my face. I have this Elephant Man memory of having to sit at the back of the classroom for the rest of the day while the other kids listened to stories. I remember looking in the mirror when I got home that day and thinking I looked like the Terminator. Face healed up OK, but I still have the scars on my legs.
Well I've never broken any bone, never been stung by a bee either :D

But in kindergarden I was defending my friend from another kid who wanted to beat him up. result was my head + very big iron pole = nasty purple bump.

Oh and another time when I was also little, I fell on some rocks right on my temple, when I smile today you can still see the hole.
Going over my handlebars on my bike when i was 9 years old, smashing my face into a concrete bollard and almost slicing my thumb off.
Hardly ever get into accidents, worst was splitting my head open on a coffee table corner when I was ickle.
Although I have intentionally harmed myself, went through a phase of depression. Worst was having cuts along both arms and chest, stomach and even a few small ones on my neck. That didnt really damage my body, taking 32 paracetamol did apparently. Bad times.
Sliced my hand up real bad once. Didint hurt that much but it
looked really bad = 6 stiches. Got beaten up by 2 people once without resisting(it would only get worse). That kinda hurt too. But other than that im pretty intact..
Busted my head open... I have done it many times so I'm not sure which is worse.

Or that poisonous leaf I ate...

Or that time my sisters doll slashed my wrist open...
Playing basketball in college I was leading a fast break and there was one guy in front of me. I threw a dunk down over him and instead of getting out of the way he stayed under the basket. He took my legs out accidentally (I hope) and I tried to hang on to the rim but my momentum kept my legs moving forward. After passing parrellel with the ground my hands slipped and I fell. I tried to stop myself with one arm, but my elbow bent backwards and crunched and I crashed to the ground with a useless arm. OUCH! I was out of commission for weeks.

The worst though was taking a paintball to the testicle from close range. We came around a wooden shack from different directions, came face to face, froze for a second and lit each other up. At least I had the curtosy to aim for his face.
Falling out of the high chair when i was a baby, don't rememeber it but it must have been painfull because i broke my arm.
I was about 2-3 and I was fighting with my cousin beside a staircase. We were both about to fall off but my mom and her mom came rushing towards us and they both caught HER. I fell down and broke my arm.

This was most painful mentally and physically...
Pleiku 1968. I was in country for a short 25 days when the Tet offensive hit. I had both my arms and legs blown off. Oh wait that was that Metalicca video,sorry.
There was no light bulb in the refrigerator because it burned out, so I stuck my finger all the way in the open, yet electrically active, socket.

I was 5.
I'd have to say it was last winter (03-04). It was on Superbowl Sunday, and it had snowed the night before. So typically I go to the best place to sled in my city. Well, some kids had built a snow-ramp to jump off of (and I knew it was there, I was aiming for it several times.) One time however, I hit it dead center.
I went up about 10 or 15 feet (I can't remember, because once you hit the ramp, your brain just shuts off and you just fly through the air), I twisted somehow, and fell and landed on my chest and smacked my chin on the hard ground. I couldn't breathe, and I was in some pain.

Someone puts me on their sled and pulls me to the side so I don't get hit. After that, I was in and out. I don't remember getting up the hill at all, and I don't remember getting in the ambulance. I "woke up" inside the ambulance and was on my way to the hospital.

After a CAT scan, everything checked out, and all I had was a mild head injury. It sucked. And, the funny thing is, my girlfriend's mom called my dad, and they (my girlfriend and her mom) BEAT THE AMBULANCE to the hospital! We could have saved a lot of money by not having the ambulance.

Oh, and I also missed the first quarter of the Superbowl, which means I missed the first couple of commercials. :(

Second edit: Also, school was closed on the following Monday, and since our superintendent is such a nazi, this was the last time school will be closed for "just snow". Apparently, it pissed him off that he saw people sledding when he closed school. If we can get to the sledding hills (walk, possibly, dumbass?) then we can get to school (Yeah, 1000s of teenagers driving at the same time with horrible roads... Smart...)
I lit myself on fire once.

My friends and I were doing a project for school. And, well, I didn't have enough layers on and the fire just went straight to the skin. Damn, did that hurt. I got a couple of bad burns. A few scars to remember it by. That hurt like hell.

It also hurts when you set off a "Works bomb"(Only people that go crazy with fireworks knows what this is), That thing sounds like a C4 explosion, but I stood decently close to it. A piece of the container hit me and that ****ing sound hurt my ears really bad. They were ringing for the rest of the week.
when i chipped my teeth...i was so scared my teeth were about to fall off, but they are fine now :)

still sometimes worry its going to fall off
I have a chipped tooth. Front left one actually. It went into my lip..

Still there to this day. :( I like to play with it. The skin covered it and is no longer able to come out unless I dig in there with my teeth and nails. :P
when i was about 6/7 i decided to stand on a desk chair. then thought id jump off it. as i did so, it spun round and i tripped over the back of it. my elbow smacked hard off the door frame nearby. agony!
now my arm bends 25o the other way. i should take a picture and post it.

then about a year later i broke it again . . . decided to climb up the wrong side of a slide and jumped down. smacked the same elbow.

another time some person dropped a lead pipe on my hand, cracked my two smaller finger bones.

well thats 3 of my, well, only incidences in my life