When you finally have Half Life 2... what are you going to do?

Eon Blue

Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
I mean, mod it? Play it? Multiplayer? Who knows... me? I'm gonna marvel at the masterpiece that is the box in my hands, with a big, stupid smile on my face.

Kind of like when I got Doom 3, only 6734867349696987436893706947689 times more intense.
I'll put it up on my shelf for a year and play it if I feel like it.

Nah, I'll play it. ;)
I'll crap my pants as soon as I touch the box, and then I'll crap my pants again when I open the box only to find a voucher saying "use this to recieve your copy of Half-Life 2 when it is released".

j/k :D

Nah, I'll install it and then play the training to see how much has changed and then start on SP.
I think I'm just going to sit back and watch the damn menu screen for a good hour. And weep.


And enjoy it.
Mow through all the Halo 2 fanboys camping in EB games to stop people from getting HL2 .....
I'm going to play it for an hour, become extremely disappointed because it didn't live up to my expectations then proceed to bag it on these forums.
Mr-Fusion said:
I'm going to play it for an hour, become extremely disappointed because it didn't live up to my expectations then proceed to bag it on these forums.

u know.. with ur high expectations and all.. i wouldn't be all too surprised if that happened.. :|
seriously.. its becoming harder for these companies to impress gamers now..
i mean new technology is all nice and dandy.. but until theres something earth shattering.. the general impression will always be "mehh" :x
First, I will sweet-talk the box :hmph:. Let it know I have a great personality. Then I will listen to what it has to say :dozey:. We'll talk about its problems, and it will know I care. Then, when it knows it can trust me, I will start being more affectionate ;). I will smell it . . . oh, how I love the smell of new games. Then, it will want me to open it, because I am that smooth, and I will do so :naughty:. I'll open it as quick as I can before it looses the passion it has for me. I stare at the box, all naked before me. I stare with googly-eyes :eek:. I make it feel like its the only game I've been alone with. And then I'll take out the CD! Put it in my computer! And install! Install! INSTALL!

. . . man, I need a girlfriend.
i will pick up teh box in the store ... and punch it in the face a couple times in anger and excitement until its dented a little bit ... then i'll show it to the guy at the counter and be like ... "dude ... wtf? why is this box dented ... you guys disrespect HL2 like this??? i want a discount!! " ... then i'll go home and play HL2
Dr. Freeman said:
u know.. with ur high expectations and all.. i wouldn't be all too surprised if that happened.. :|
seriously.. its becoming harder for these companies to impress gamers now..
i mean new technology is all nice and dandy.. but until theres something earth shattering.. the general impression will always be "mehh" :x

I know a few amount of people are going to do that because they've hyped the game up in their minds so freakin high that they'll be raging mad if the game doesn't get 97-100 percent from every reviewer on the planet
I'm going to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, and that it's actually been released.

Then I'm going to get depressed because I have nothing left to live for. I live for the eternal pain and torture of waiting for Half-Life 2. It is my existence.

i hope when its released its dramatic and unexpected sort of ... in a sense ... a satisfying surprise i guess u could say
i guess I'll buy the game on my way to school(I'm not going to try and install it on the school PCs).When I get home i'll do some home worke, Eat dinner, go to the beach(if good weather). If not i'll finish putting toghther my new desk. Then I'll mowe the grass in my garden(is that sentense correct? spelling?). Then I'll whach the news(about all the riots at the shops with to little copys of HL2). Then i'll eat something, then go to bed.
As boring as this sounds, i actually think i'll just play the game till i get too fatigued and have too look away from my cheap CRT monitor (i'll have you know the brightness is bad and it's really affecting my general computing experience).

First i'll look at the box (5min), then i'll read my manual for a little (come on, we all read our manuals, the weapons, the characters, the surprise), then i'll install and watch all the pretty screenshots (hopefully they will show some screens when it's installing), then i'll get into the game (it's too much), the i'll watch all the intro and look at the menu, i'll spend half an hour tinkering with the options menu, then i'll jump into training (just because... i want too, even though i don't really need to), then i'l play single player for as long as possible, then i'll have to go to bed and i'll be depressed because i have to stop playing... then i'll wake up and play some more!!!
Pretty much the same thing I do with all games. Try to peel back that damn little sticker they use to seal all the boxes these days..... fail.... then get my knife and cut the box open. Have a smoke while installing. Then play while griping that my video card is a raging POS while dropping every possible graphics option to low.

Then I'll get on to some serious combine taunting.
First, i'll have to tell my girl that i won't play it 24/7 after i get it :angel:. Then as i go to pick up a copy in the morning, i'll run over any one standing in line before me at Best Buy. :sniper: :x Then i'll race home, petting the box on the way, jump out of the car, tell my girl to get the hell out of the apt. and lock everything down. :naughty:
i will rip the box into little rectangles, and use them to smoke weed all day.. (no, i dont smoke weed)

the manual would make reading material for the loo, and the cd.. i havent decided yet.. any suggestions?
Thought the CD was a frisbee? Other than that, CD's make excellent coasters.
Eon Blue said:
The original Diablo had the best manual I've ever seen.

I think that Civ III and Flight sim 2004 had the best amnuals(ove 500pages:p)

noluck said:
i will rip the box into little rectangles, and use them to smoke weed all day.. (no, i dont smoke weed)

I hope you dont buy the DVD case :naughty:

noluck said:
and the cd.. i havent decided yet.. any suggestions?

Why not use it as a fresbe at the beach so show how not uber geek you are :p
I'm going to take a shit and wipe my ass with the manual and shout "This one's for you Valve, for delaying the f*cking game so much!"
CrazyHarij said:
I'm going to take a shit and wipe my ass with the manual and shout "This one's for you Valve, for delaying the f*cking game so much!"

You'll get a staple in the arse that way bro. Or even worse.. a paper cut! Of course.... that may be grounds enough for a lawsuit. Hmmmmm.....
Beast206 said:
You'll get a staple in the arse that way bro. Or even worse.. a paper cut! Of course.... that may be grounds enough for a lawsuit. Hmmmmm.....

Sweet. :devil:
the amount of threads this topic has had is unbelievable. i posted a thread on this and loads others did.

O well.

Im going to have goosebumps all over me and my heart beating sooo madly when i am in line about to buy the game. With the dvd box in my hand. Just looking at the back of the dvd box is going to make me scream out with joy! Arrrgh cant wait
commando said:
the amount of threads this topic has had is unbelievable. i posted a thread on this and loads others did.

O well.

Im going to have goosebumps all over me and my heart beating sooo madly when i am in line about to buy the game. With the dvd box in my hand. Just looking at the back of the dvd box is going to make me scream out with joy! Arrrgh cant wait

Well, I am old and bored. I'll reply to anything that amuses me at that time, hehe. The late night gang (late for me anywho) around here is remarkably docile.... weird... but docile. :)

P.S. I hate the word "weird". Whatever happened to I before E except after C. Hell, Einstein has his name spelled wrong twice! Meh... time for a morning pop tart.
in this order, obtain copy of HL2, install HL2, play HL2 then admire what the graphics look like fully tuned and play around by throwing and nocking junk into the water and jumping on it only to realise gordan freeman can no longer swim
Yes it's quite docile right now.

Ahh so relaxing.

/me relaxes and watches some pron.
ship said:
I think I'm just going to sit back and watch the damn menu screen for a good hour. And weep.


And enjoy it.

My plan exactly... Great minds think alike.
Buy HL2, bike to home (30 miles an hour), Install it, play the singleplayer for three weeks in a dark room, stare directly in the sun light, go to the hospital for risky eye-surgery, last reqeust = play HL2, because by then I can tell what I'm doing by the heat of my processor!

I am going to kiss it and rub it against my crotch and then... I'll play it.
First, I will sweet-talk the box . Let it know I have a great personality. Then I will listen to what it has to say . We'll talk about its problems, and it will know I care. Then, when it knows it can trust me, I will start being more affectionate . I will smell it . . . oh, how I love the smell of new games. Then, it will want me to open it, because I am that smooth, and I will do so . I'll open it as quick as I can before it looses the passion it has for me. I stare at the box, all naked before me. I stare with googly-eyes . I make it feel like its the only game I've been alone with. And then I'll take out the CD! Put it in my computer! And install! Install! INSTALL!


I'll crap my pants as soon as I touch the box


I live for the eternal pain and torture of waiting for Half-Life 2. It is my existence.

Extra ROFLMAO points for being funny AND true!

Yes, I think I will put it on my bed, and I will watch it carefully a while to make sure it doesn't disappear. Then when I am fully satisfied that it is indeed real, and that it does not contain an "IOU one good game - VALVe" note. I will install it whilst savouring the moment.

Then I will play it til I finish singleplayer.

Then I will either play HL2 multiplayer if there is one, or CS:S.

Then I will dance some and visit the forums to check out what people are thinking.

Then I will close internet explorer superfast so the game is not tarred by people's nitpicking.

Then I will play some more multiplayer and laugh silently to myself at the people wasting their time nitpicking when they could be playing the best game ever! :p
when i get my hands on my copy i'll piss my pantS!...........

Then i'll stare at the box till i fall asleep and play in the mornin
I'll play it.. Yea thats about it. Or maybe I will ORASGM OVER THE BOX. Yea not really.. I will just play it.
play it, then play the mp with css. When I am so fullup with HL2 +MP I will move on to other games such as stalker, fear, quake4. :)
I'll probably start crying right there in the store. Then go home and cry some more.