When you finally have Half Life 2... what are you going to do?


This thread separates normality from fanatacism.

G O F A N A T A C I S M!! :p
How many fanboys does it take to plug in a lightblub?

10, one to plug in the lightbulb, 9 to get hyped up about it before, and to fight over who gets to turn it on first.

:stare: Dont mind me.
I will open the box, take out all the cd's, start installing the game while reading the manual (multitasking!!!!111) then when it asks me for the cd key ill put it in, but there will be something like brl0, and Ill htink the 0 is an o and It will take me like 20 minutes to figure out why my cd key doenst work. Then my computer will bsod because Im running Windows. Then I will have to update my graphics card drivers because The game is unplayable at 20fps and the new driver will boost it by 1fps making it playable. Then I will go into the config file and probably forget what Im doing and disable the mouse by accident. Then I will load up Steam, but Steam will be down for maitenence. So I will try connecting to Steam for the next 2 hours. Then I will give up and go get some popcorn. Then I will come back and Steam will be up, so I will start Half-Life 2. Then I will do the training course so I get to shoot the headcrab who cnat hurt me but I can hurt him. Then I will start the game. But I will have to go to the bathroom like really bad. So while im doing my buisness by brother will get on the computer thinking "OMGFZZ HL@!!!!!!111" Then my little brother will walk in and be like "ALIEN GAME 2!!!!!!!1111" Then imy brother will change all of my controls because Im a lefty and he's a righty. Then Ill come back from the bathroom and be like "OMGFZZZZ!!!!!!11 YOU STOLE THE COMP!!!!11" And he'll be like you werent on it, and act all older and stronger then me. So then Ill have to go install it on my other computer which will take like another 30 minutes. So finally when its installed Ill play the damn game!
I'll go straight to business. I'm going install the game, while I'm jerking. My wet dream has come true!

Uh oh.. After that I'm going to watch the menu for like an hour and then jerk again! Then I use all my strengh to move the mouse to the "New game" button. Sweeeeeet.... Then I wake up and realize that it was a wet dream again and HL2 won't be out ever. Then I just pre-order the CE..
hmm, i will play it of course. BUT, before i do that, im gonna whip out my shlong in the store and start jerkin off until i spooge all over alyx's face on the box and then i will go pay for it and go home and play
Ewwwwww..... I think they'll call the security if you do that. And then you get "banned" from all the game stores in the world! Then you can't get the HL2!! :D

(i don't really know is the word banned the right word.. my mother language isn't english..)
it's pretty simple: i'll buy it, then let it rest on a shelf until i can buy a new computer. i'm dead serious. i'm NOT playing it with my POS computer. i prefer to wait.
It will depend on what time it is when I get it. If it is still light then I will probably play CS:S or some other part of the game until it gets dark. As soon as it is dark I will play HL2 proper.
PenaE said:
I'll go straight to business. I'm going install the game, while I'm jerking.

Uh oh.. After that I'm going to watch the menu for like an hour and then jerk again!
And you thought I was out of my mind?

LOL. :hmph:
I'll skip university for 3 weeks streight, playing HL2 and it's mods all the while, thereby falling behind, failing, not graduating, and having to work as a garbage man for the rest of my life. Meh, HL2 was worth it.
I will have to literally punch grab and claw my way threw my brothers, not that they want to try and break my hl2...they dont even care but when you have younger and older brothers you dont risk anything. If my 12 year old brother looks at me the wrong way while im installing i WILL punch him in the face. Then ill go through training, then SP until i have to go to school the next morning....imagine if they released it on a friday, oooooooooo the sweetness. ALL WEEKEND LONG!!
I wont play it, I ll wait for the reviews, if it's good then I'll play it. This way I won't waste my time.
I will instal it how fast I can and PLAY!!!!!111
but I am afraid about how will look in my PC
first, im going to make love to it
and then... who knows, perhaps ill play it
I was afraid how it would run on my computer for a while. Then it dawned on me that as long as it runs on my computer, I'll be happy. :)
I will tell my gf that I'm going outta town for 2 weeks because a relative died, and I will tell her not to call me because I'll have my cell off since I'm mourning, then I will run back to my house and lock all my doors, go down to the basement where I have my comp, but then I'll remember that I left the bag with the game inside at her house, but I won't be able to to go back since I'm officially "outta town", so I'll have to wait two weeks 2 weeks to play it. :(
Rafa 5.0 said:
I will tell my gf that I'm going outta town for 2 weeks because a relative died, and I will tell her not to call me because I'll have my cell off since I'm mourning, then I will run back to my house and lock all my doors, go down to the basement where I have my comp, but then I'll remember that I left the bag with the game inside at her house, but I won't be able to to go back since I'm officially "outta town", so I'll have to wait two weeks 2 weeks to play it. :(

hahahaha thats funny ... when i get it ... i will not ejaculate ... however ... i will charge into the store in a tenacious rage and sack any guy near the HL2 display ... I WILL knock his ass out if he tries to take it from me ... **** that , he cant take my copy of a game ... I will tackle anyone who stands in my way ... Driving there I will honk my horn continuously ... and give thumbs up to everyone i see ... and if anyone tailgates me or jeopardizes my life or my car ... I will personally , exterminate them ... then when I get to the store i will punch the box in the face ... rawr!!!
It's odd for me to see these posts about knocking people away from displays and such. Around here we have (apparently) 6 gamers. On the first day of sales for HL2 here it will be like every other time I've gone to the local EB to pick up the most recent "uber" game.

I'll walk in, nervously anticipating a wasted trip, walk up to the clerk and say "Hey, got the HL2 disks in yet?"

"Yeah, we got about 50 in the back."

"Good, go grab me one."

I knew there was some benefit to living in the boonies. :)
<RJMC> said:
I will instal it how fast I can and PLAY!!!!!111
but I am afraid about how will look in my PC

You should be affraid that they won't sell it in your country.
Amazon here I come !
I'm going to Best Buy to see if the hype is true. I will intentionally set my expectations low, and I'll assume it's either sold out or not there. Then when I get there, and see it, I will hold it in my hand and stare at it for 10 minutes. The front, the back, read all the requirements, everything. Then I'll buy it, and when I get back to my car I'll seatbelt it, speed home, open the box very carefully as to not rip anything or disrespect any part of the box. After that comes looking at the beautiful CD case, and the manual. Then comes installing and configuring options, and then CS:Source. After a little bit of CS:S it's time for some HL2 sp, non-stop until it's beaten.
Adrien C said:
You should be affraid that they won't sell it in your country.
Amazon here I come !

HAHAHAHAHAHH!!!! that made me laugh ... omg that was funny
HL2 will come to my country
just that will come more late here
for example cronicles of ridick has come recently here
so HL2 will come here, my country is not a very poor country were we live in the jungle like indians (but is we still whit the same president will be like that soon)
Im going to open box read everything inside box while going home. Once i get home install the game and start single player ASAP!
When Half-Life 2 is finally released I will race to the store to get my copy, then I will promptly pass out when I have the game in my hands, prompting another customer to steal my copy, causing me to weep when I wake up and realize that the store is sold out ;(
HL2 will come to my country
just that will come more late here
for example cronicles of ridick has come recently here
so HL2 will come here, my country is not a very poor country were we live in the jungle like indians (but is we still whit the same president will be like that soon)

Well, Console games do come early here in Mexico as I have noticed, but they have olddddd PC games, as I'm on the modding world I can't afford to wait a damn year to get HL2, plus it would make me jealous, you guys playing it and having fun.
here PC is not dificult to come
the problem is that are few stores
and my favorites store dedicate more to the consoles games to PC games
ME ill call my local pc store and get them to order in a copy of HL2 CE and when i get it ill be racing down there to get and in on my walk back home ill be holding it against my chest and looking at everyone else like there out to get me :flame:. when i get home ill carefully open the box keeping it in the best condition possibile and install it and once i complete the SP and try out the MP, and than haha ill have like another 10000000 hours of game play thx to my map making skills :E :p :cool: (160+ maps made for HL)

Ps. i could bet anyone that i have no less than 10000+ hours of HL gameplay and still rising :p
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
Ps. i could bet anyone that i have no less than 10000+ hours of HL gameplay and still rising

thats 416 days worht ... half life has been out for 6 years ... so thats roughly 67 days per year ... thats playing for 5 days for 24 hours a day for a month ... thats 120 hours per month ... divided by the number of days in a month = thats an average of 4 hours a day ... for 6 years ... maybe thats right? i dno ...

omg hl4E half life is teh ownage!!
Make fun of my friends while installing that i got it and they don't.

Than 1hour sp than mp for the rest of the day. Than back to finish sp whit some mp times in between.
u better believe it platinum. BTW thats some nice figures u got there u lost me on the first line lol
I... Would....fall over dead, then arize back up, then fall over again... THEN play it....
thank you ... i just watched the e3 2003 video and nitpicked the little details ... and every detail is WHICKED ... light reflects off the crowbar and shows things behind you and stuff ... god ... so tight
Im going to buy it, come home cradle it in my arms like a baby, weeping. Then walk out on the street and give it to a bum.

Kidding...What kind of a question is that??

I will race home plug the badboy in and play! :LOL:
Beast206 said:
It's odd for me to see these posts about knocking people away from displays and such. Around here we have (apparently) 6 gamers. On the first day of sales for HL2 here it will be like every other time I've gone to the local EB to pick up the most recent "uber" game.

I'll walk in, nervously anticipating a wasted trip, walk up to the clerk and say "Hey, got the HL2 disks in yet?"

"Yeah, we got about 50 in the back."

"Good, go grab me one."

I knew there was some benefit to living in the boonies. :)

lol! Same here buddy! :D

No lines, no "out of stock", just go straight to the store and get it =D
Get my cat to give me defensive fire as to ensure absolutely no one interrupts my gaming sessions. As you can see, her training is coming along nicely: Whiskers on Defense. Go get em tiger.