When you finally have Half Life 2... what are you going to do?

HeAdAcHe_BR said:
lol! Same here buddy! :D

No lines, no "out of stock", just go straight to the store and get it =D

Lucky son of bit&*. It's so bad here, the guy at gamespot says they might have to start taking money to ensure you have a pre-order. Pre-ordering a pre-order! How f&*%ed up is that?
dart321 said:
Lucky son of bit&*. It's so bad here, the guy at gamespot says they might have to start taking money to ensure you have a pre-order. Pre-ordering a pre-order! How f&*%ed up is that?

lah, lalah, lalah! no lines for me! la, lalah. :smoking:
After I buy HL2 and have it in front of me, I will probably sit in front of my comp just staring at the box and reading everything it says on the back, like I do with most new games, then probably read about it once more, picking up on anything I missed the first time around reading the box, then look at the front of the box, then the back again, and then I might just consider opening it up and installing the game. That last part is only an estimated guess though.
I live in South FL, I'll probably be seeing some massive shortage on game copies :flame: :flame: :flame:

I'm not reserving/pre-ordering anything, but I better have a copy there waiting for ME, and only ME! grrrr