Where are the Hydras?



Just curious, but I was really excited to see those hydras as well as some other "neato" scenes from the HL2 movies from e3.
The hydra was taken out.
We don't know exactly why either, it was never offically announced.

Sorry guy.

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They redid everthing in any location used in the demo's so you wouldnt play it the way it was played in the demo, as to why the did that i do not know!
yadalogo said:
They redid everthing in any location used in the demo's so you wouldnt play it the way it was played in the demo, as to why the did that i do not know!

Maybe so that you wouldent be playing though levels you've already seen played though?

Freash experience. :dork:
no hes right, go pick yourself up a copy of half life 2 raising the bar, its a great book and tells alot
WhiteZero said:
Uhhh... sorry man but your talking out of your ass there.

No - he's not. Ken Birdwell (the guy who designed the Hydra) said that exactly that. It was great in scripted sequences against other enemies but when you had to fight it yourself it sucked.

This is all explained in Raising the Bar - the book about the development of the game.
WhiteZero said:
Uhhh... sorry man but your talking out of your ass there.

Oh really?
From raising the bar

"However, the closer it got to being done, the more its fatal flaw was becoming clear: it was amazingly cool to watch it fight other characters, but it was zero fun to play against in first-person."- Ken Birdwell

Your lucky I'm not an asshole or I would call you a douche

what do you think that means......um not fun to fight against = However, the closer it got to being done, the more its fatal flaw was becoming clear: it was amazingly cool to watch it fight other characters, but it was zero fun to play against in first-person.
Well first of all, as explained in the GameSpy article those original E3 videos were really more of showcase reels than actual gameplay segments (although they wanted everything to be like the segments)

I could picture that Hydra being fun maybe once to fight against, I mean a tentacle in the water.... Oooh the horror! It would have been cool if you could have made it like back-off with like fire or something (like light a piece of wood on fire, take it with the gravity gun and scare that watery hydra away!)

I really wanna pick up that raising the bar book....
the reason its looks so cool is because youre looking from a different perspective. in first person view its hard to distinguish what the tentacle is doing.