Where Do You All Think HL2 Will...

Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I bet you wake up in the prison, given how much coverage that area has been given.
Doubt it. Knowing Valve, we haven't seen where we'll begin.
Why would you begin in a prison anyway?

Although having said what I just said, I think the G-Man's wee speech ("We've been rather busy...") sounds quite possibly introductory...

Originally posted by Cheater
Maybe at the beginning of the game, u will have to do this option again, to accept the job or to refuse it. Then the game continue based on what u have chosen.
I'd love that... But I'm not so sure.
Originally posted by commando
WRONG......or RIGHT. but remember the DOCK IS JUST A PRESINTATION VIDEO! yes the docks will be in the game. but the crowbar could be put there, as well as the zombies as a demo to show us about the water and how they float, the crowbar and well...it was a presentation video man

I know that's why i'm saying "Or near this place" MAN. :)
it will probably start out in prison, and your first goal is to take a shower with out dropping the soap. after that everything goes to hell aliens etc, and they bust a hole in your cell so you can slip out.
lolol, today's people just enjoy the idea of being prisoner, or living in the prison, it gives u excitment.

Maybe u accidentally found a manipulator in the cell, then u pick up the scientists and hit them against the wall in order to burst a hole there.
To truly appreciate Source, that is an excellent idea, to start off in HL1 engine and then the next scene, BAM Source !.
The introduction is probobly going to be Gordon in normal setting, such as home watching tv, in a limo on his way to a meeting. All of a sudden, something happens, a knock in the door, the brakes of the limo screech the vehicle to a halt. Then a group of guys not pertinent to the story order you to follow them, they are holding you hostage and take you to this research facility and ask you to determine what these creatures are, Ant Lions. The Ant Lions are a species youv'e come into contact with between HL1 and HL2. You use pheremones to control the Ant Lions and you order them to slaughter the hostage takers.
I dunno how it's gonna start, but I bet that valve has been lying and you go to a new, improved Xen at the end. :eek:
Ok here are some facts...

It's 15 years after HL1

Gordon Freeman doesn't know where he is or what is going on. He has been in some kind of coma. These are the things Gabe has said. I'm sure of it. Or was it a fan who made that up? Bah I don't know...

I reckon the story is going to be one of the best parts of the game imo.
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I dunno how it's gonna start, but I bet that valve has been lying and you go to a new, improved Xen at the end. :eek:
We ARE visting Xen - Valve have said so. However they also said that it won't be quite so platformy jumpy fally instant-deathy...
Good Thing.
Originally posted by el Chi
We ARE visting Xen - Valve have said so. However they also said that it won't be quite so platformy jumpy fally instant-deathy...
Good Thing.

Hmmm... I heard from one interview with Gabe that the entire game takes place on Earth. Disinformation, perhaps?
I hope you're right though. I seem to be one of the few people who thought Xen was way cool. :cool:
Yeah, same - I quite liked it.
But I'm pretty sure that there's a visit to Xen...
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Ok here are some facts...

It's 15 years after HL1

Gordon Freeman doesn't know where he is or what is going on. He has been in some kind of coma. These are the things Gabe has said. I'm sure of it. Or was it a fan who made that up? Bah I don't know...

I reckon the story is going to be one of the best parts of the game imo.

i think gabe did say the 15yrs have gone and he doesn't know where he is or what happened.


i think the COMA thing was just a thought by a fan.
I think the game will start in a LAB, where all scientist trying to give em information about what happend,

Or the G-MAN will come to see Gordon and tell em I m your father, and then everyting will start.
G-man: 'Gordon, I am your father. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Join me, and together we will do what ever the hell it is I do.'

It's possible Gave is misdirecting us or telling a half-truth. Perhaps we start in Xen (in a prison, yes, fine, that too), but don't actually interact with it. Even without Xen though, the environments look great: Earth looks a little alienified, like it's been under alien occupation for the past 15 years.
would be kinda cool if its starts in the tram with the g-man and you choose not to help him and get transported to an alien land surrounded by thousands of huge monsters, fighting his way out freeman gets back to earth and then your mission is to find the g-man to take your revenge.

just to be different, and so you dont work for the g-man
maybe you were forced to watch the g-man rape your daughter and wife, kill them, and then g-man does them again when they are dead.

so now you are on a quest to get revenge....

OR.... the g-man stole your eggo...
Originally posted by exoeight
maybe you were forced to watch the g-man rape your daughter and wife, kill them, and then g-man does them again when they are dead.

so now you are on a quest to get revenge....

OR.... the g-man stole your eggo...

'[Falls on knees] NNNNOOOOOOOOO! Little Susy was one day away from retirement!'

ughh...let's not make it max payne.
just to be different, and so you dont work for the g-man

Being forced to work for a mysterious authority figures of dubious intentions is the core of the HL story.
Gordon and the G-Man are sitting back sipping beers and watching TV when Gabe bursts in and says 'Guys! You're ON!'....G-Man swears and puts out his cigarette and Gordon trips over the dog and kicks it for being 'in his way'...Grumbling, he straps on his 'headcrab mask' and reaches for his (golden) crowbar...
I hope that Gordon wakes up in a hospital, all alone like in 28 Days (even though I haven't seen it). Then you get to walk around and the first humanbeing that you see is a dead scientest, which Gabe's face on it. I once emailed Gabe about who he would like to play in Half-Life: The Movie and he replied that he would like to play a dead scientest because he was awfully tired.
Originally posted by G0rgon
I think the game will start in a LAB, where all scientist trying to give em information about what happend,

Or the G-MAN will come to see Gordon and tell em I m your father, and then everyting will start.

nice one i like that.

hmm i think it SHOULD do the wake up, see ppl, fade black heavy breathing, wake...and all that! love that in HL
Maybe.... Gordon wakes up...looks in the mirror and he 'IS' the G-MAN....

Originally posted by commando
nice one i like that.

hmm i think it SHOULD do the wake up, see ppl, fade black heavy breathing, wake...and all that! love that in HL
That's precisely the way the HL mod Heart of Evil started. It pretty much set the atmosphere for the rest of the game, so this'd be definately a good choice.
Guys, HALF-LIFE 2 will start at a prison facility located in NEW MEXICO, then after you accomplished your missions there you will be transformed to EASTERN EUROPE.

I got this info from a friend works in a game store.
That's all very cool and all, but how on Earth would that friend of yours know that?
okay, wtf


cuase its most likely not true, AND IF IT IS TRUE, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT
one thing that i have been wondering about sins they first anounsed hl2; is that i is 15 years sinse black mesa and in black mesa gordon was 27 years old. now in hl2 he should be 42 years old, now is't he a bit to old fore saving the "world" (again):cheers:
He could not say, but I know this is very real because he gave me tons of info on other games, and I am so sory quatidian, if I gave a bit of the story line.
One more thing to add the prison is located 130M underground.
Back to the subject: -

The start of the game in Half-Life 1 was excellent - and made for excellent target practice, when you did the "impulse 101" and tried to shoot every barney and every scientist on your way down the track.

I hope Half-Life 2 has something similar, even without the cheats it made for a very realistic experience, and coming out of Half-Life 1 that ain't easy.

Can't wait to see what Source makes of it.
everyones goona crap themselves when everyone sees all the cool new places that are in the game that have never been shown before. And to think 10 more days. Im starting to believe the delays even more now because this has to be the shortest wait for this calibur game ever!
Shortest wait??? Where have you been hiding.

Besides, I was waiting for planetside for about 2 years, and look how good THAT is. </sarcasm>

Been waiting long enough.
yeah the wait was short, i guess you can say it was a long wait if you just knew that a half life 2 was gonna be made and you counted the days till it was announced. But for me i dont look forward to much of anything if it hasnt been announced. HL2 was only officially announced a few months ago. Usually a game is announced like a year or so before it ever gets released.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Guys, HALF-LIFE 2 will start at a prison facility located in NEW MEXICO, then after you accomplished your missions there you will be transformed to EASTERN EUROPE.

I got this info from a friend works in a game store.
lol god, not more info from game stores!!

And btw, the prison can't be located underground, because in the bugbait vid, Gordon shoots out some skylight type windows, and there's daylight outside (or so it looks). I think this guy is speculating, or creatively elaborating on what little info he really has.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
okay, wtf


cuase its most likely not true, AND IF IT IS TRUE, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT

So don't look at this thread, it's your choise! :flame:
Originally posted by exoeight
You wake up in a bed, with a girl beside you, you dont know what happend... theres a 'rubber' on the floor, and a 6 pack, 4 more empty 6 packs all over the room....
you stuble out of bed, find guns in the bathroom, you take them, go to work, on the way.... you see aliens everywhere... take it from there, bla!

Sounds like Duke Nukem to me. ;)
I think you're going to wake up in a tent, and suddennly you get a message over a radio you have,
"Sgt. Freeman! Wake up! It's the commies!"
You fling yourself out of bed, run out of the tent and take your spot as a gunner on one of the American tanks. There is an American Army base about 100 yards away and there are aliens with big red stars on their bellies pouring out of it. There is a tattered american flag flying limply on the flag pole at the base. Hard rock music begins to play as you begin to pour lead into the crowd of Communist Aliens. Marines come out of surrounding tents shouting patriotic phrases over the hard rock music as you progress and massacre thousands of aliens, as you get closer to the army base the flag flies less limply and as you kill the final alien and enter the base it flies tall and proud. You get out of the tank and use the manipulator to pull over a case of beer and a pack of cigarettes. You begin to drink beer and smoke fags as you stare up at the American flag flying high and proud, when the G-man comes up to you and tells there is a communist threat in a small American town in Eastern Europe called City 17... and it proceeds from there...
Originally posted by Alzxul
I think you're going to wake up in a tent, and suddennly you get a message over a radio you have,
"Sgt. Freeman! Wake up! It's the commies!"
What is it with this forum and Commies...they just keep returning :)