Where do you get your News?


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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I've always used the BBC news website, but have recently been getting tired of it. I'm seeing more and more tabloid style articles that write themselves. Tried Google news but you get a low signal to noise ration there alot of the time I find.

What do you guys use?
Halflife2.net. Sure, sometimes it's a day or two late, but you can always guarantee the news is going to be posted in the lounge.
cnn.com, abc's world news now (late night) and local newspapers
NRK on the TV and web (BBC equivalent), The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Atheistmedia.com, Norways two largest newspapers on web and paper (VG and Dagbladet for anyone interested) plus the news that gets posted here.
Daily Show and Colbert Report, but mcClatchydc for serious stuff.
The only one i check regularly is a swedish site, aftonbladet.se but i hate the shit out of the writers, but i love the webdesign.

Otherwise i hear about everything by the spread of words, reading on forums and watching videos.
I get my news the old fashioned way. I usually pickup a copy of 24 or Metro (free local papers) on my way to university. Keeps me up to date on both local and international issues.

Halflife2.net for general stupid news stuff, Daily Show for important things.
iGoogle - BBC World/UK/Football RSS widgets. Google Reader widget with any sites I'm subscribed to - Shacknews and 100's of others. Edinburgh Evening news RSS widget.
Halflife2.net for general stupid news stuff, Daily Show for important things.

But... Jon Stewart said himself

That no one should take his show seriously, it is not a news source and it's just a satire

jus saying.
I usually hear about things here a few days before anyone else hears about it. I often hear stories we've been discussing on the morning talk shows a couple days later. Also, I browse Google and Yahoo news sometimes.
I usually watch CNN HLN for news. I only view news websites when someone links to something interesting.
I read The Times newspaper a couple of times a week. Then I read a bit of BBC news for world news, listen to Radio 1 news on the way to and from work and frequent several small sites like Kotaku, io9, Yanko etc. for special interest news. Then I get funny stories that the outlets I read don't pick up on from here.
Daily mail. I enjoy my news to be angry and probably made up, also their endless supply of pictures of small animals fighting larger animals and winning always makes me laugh.
Everywhere I can get it. I develop myself an aggregate and I use that.
But... Jon Stewart said himself

That no one should take his show seriously, it is not a news source and it's just a satire

jus saying.

Yes, and Fox News says they're fair and balanced.
Radio and TV. I rarely read about news unless it captures my eye or I'm seriously bored by travel or Uni. But then I have certain other pleasures that I can use to entertain myself.

for English sources
I don't trust any of you, so... news.google.com and topix.com.

Reddit as well of course.
Yes, and Fox News says they're fair and balanced.
If anything, he said that to dissuage the media. Imagine what Fox would do if they could print "Daily Show claims it does news better than the news".
also who dislikes watching the news?? i find that my life is so much better when i watch less news. its not like most of it affects me anyway. besides major bailouts and wars that haven't taken any friends or family of mine. also there is too much fluff in the news. everyone remembers when Michael Jackson died but all the important stuff seems to float on by.
I can't watch any of the major news networks anymore. They don't even try to hide their bias anymore. Any time I end up watching for >30 mins I start to rage. Be it Fox, CNN, or NBC. Everything they do is just retarded and/or childish. BBC is ok, on their website at least.
usually my homepage Comcast.net, CNN.com, and simply watch the news on TV every night and morning.
Give me a reason not to murder you

I'll uh... murder you back?

Also, reading fox news doesn't mean that I agree with the editing style and pov; I just go there for news - most of the time I only read the headlines.

Also, more importantly, you can't blame me for only knowing 3 English source news sites.:p
I'm disappointed so many people use Jon Stewart as their sole news source, but then again it is entertaining and perhaps keeps those who wouldn't watch the news anyway marginally informed.
BBC, Physorg, New Scientist for me. Though I agree with sol on the BBC news, I need a better source tbh but the BBC news tab has always been there when I install firefox *shrugs*
(1st post in ages HERRO THAR)