where is this gun?

This gun was found to be extremely crappy and unusually ugly so it was removed from the final game.
Shame it looked kinda cool. And IMHO HL2 is lacking in long range weapons as the crossbow has hardly any ammo.
Valve didn't put it it. I bet it's cause they didn't have enough time to work on this game.
I believe it is the OICW, and who knows why it was removed from the game. Maybe it wasn't working from a design standpoint, maybe they felt it was a gun that was used too often in other games or just didn't fit the feel of the other weaponry.
another point: why do your squad-mates have mp5k's? i never saw THOSE in the final game either. is there some treasure trove of models somewhere thats just not in the game, waiting for some modder to dig them up?
nope, those are mp5-k's. trust me, i'm probably one of the only people here who's actually fired one. the difference is that in an mp7, the magazine goes into the rear handle, giving it the advantage of longer barrel length. also, the front handle on an mp-7 folds up so that the gun can be used like an over-large pistol instead of like an smg.
Choscura said:
nope, those are mp5-k's. trust me, i'm probably one of the only people here who's actually fired one. the difference is that in an mp7, the magazine goes into the rear handle, giving it the advantage of longer barrel length. also, the front handle on an mp-7 folds up so that the gun can be used like an over-large pistol instead of like an smg.

I love how all the gamer kids (don't really care how old you are) are weapons experts now. lol

I think that Valve didn't have the time to finish the game up and put everything the wanted in it.

Maybe they left out a lot of stuff so they could make Half Life 3 seem that much cooler by comparison.
They put in a balanced selection of weapons. There was no need for another gun-- all it would have done is meant one of the existing guns was less useful.
I wouldn't of mind tryin the selection of two weapons like in Halo, it would of been interesting to try that, obviously you would of kept your crowbar and manipulator with you at all times.

That would of meant there would of be a wider selection of weapons
The weapons are rather disappointing in HL2 (imo) More would be very welcome (especially an accurate machine gun ...... rather than the spammy, spray and prey, 'Golden Eye Klobs' we do get)

I love the shotgun (even more than the Doom version :)) the magnum and the rocket launcher. But the rest feel incredibly puny, and rather clumsy.

(maybe that's a slight exageration - but there are many games that do the weapons so much better)
czrsink said:
Isn't that the OICW?

Yup thats the OICW. It was cut from the game. For whatever reason.

In my opinion it didnt look good :/
TrevorGrigg said:
Valve didn't put it it. I bet it's cause they didn't have enough time to work on this game.

Not enough time?? I don't think they were being rushed at all. There was no release date to keep up with or any of that. They used all the time they needed to make the game.
having too many weapons is NOT a good thing. Heck I played through Far Cry using mainly the M4A1 and the shotgun, and I didnt feel the need for more wacky weapons. Having too many weapons takes away from the fun as you constantly have to wonder what the "main weapon" from the next scene will be. HL2 did that a lot, passively imposing certain weapons for a certain chapters. But I think HL2 weapons were just right, except for the crossbow which seemed a bit dumb to me (who uses a crossbow anyway????).

What I REALLY would like to see in a game is a flame thrower. We dont have enough of those.
SIN55 said:
What I REALLY would like to see in a game is a flame thrower. We dont have enough of those.
and pfhor staffs. and fusion pistols.
/obscure ?
I do think alot of the game was cut for time to be honest. having played the leak and played the final now (and it didnt spoil it for me) and seen a few pages of the book. I personally think the fact Halo 2 and other games were being released and the fact Vampyre Mascerade was ready for release meant that valve had to cut certain content from the game.

stuff like more time in C17 and stuff like that. bit gutting to be honest.
that whole scene was cut out, i wanted to play the tunnels part :(
Choscura said:
nope, those are mp5-k's. trust me, i'm probably one of the only people here who's actually fired one. the difference is that in an mp7, the magazine goes into the rear handle, giving it the advantage of longer barrel length. also, the front handle on an mp-7 folds up so that the gun can be used like an over-large pistol instead of like an smg.

Never fired one but I agree, It is pretty clearly an mp5-k

Its possible they got rid of the OICW becuase the project was pretty much scraped. They probly didn't have enough time or didnt think they would need to put in the XM8.
From what ive picked up the MP5K was just a place holder for the MP7 while they worked on the 3rd Person view of it.(Hence why Gordan only ever has the MP7 in 1st person even though he drops it in some Video,possibly trap town)

The OICW was cut because (from what Ive picked up remember not concrete facts):
1.It was an ugly weapon whos roles were covered by the MP7(fitting the gren launcher under it) and the Pulse Rifle for the Assault Rifle punch
2. Also I the US Gov. cut the project and began working on something else (XM8?) and maybe they lost the licence to stick it in or it wouldnt fit the timeline etc. (Draw your own conclusions on that one)
3.Other Ideas poped up and for balance sake and to keep the inventory uncluttered it was cut.
if anyone here is familiar with the rather obscure pnp rpg ALTERNITY, they'll understand when i say that pyrokinesis and an 11mm mass pistol would have kicked ass.
RabidJester said:
Not nearly obscure enough. :thumbs:
:thumbs: i'm somewhat satisfied of my failure to be uncomprehensible. do you happen to know where to get action sacks ? i fear that no one is left and that my chances of replaying that stuff (and who knows ? modding something ? :rolleyes: ) are over.
didn't read the second page, so I don't know if this has been said, but it's the OICW. Fo' sho'.