where the f*** is the update they promised us?!

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Speaking of waiting patiently for huge updates, who remembers the HL1DM update way back in the day when Valve unleashed good old Team Fortress Classic on the world (again, FREE) along with the latest patch for HL? Some FTP servers were creaking that night, I tell you...

Not only that, but most everyone (in the UK at least) was still on dial up, so it was something like a 2 hour download even at GOOD speeds. Ah, great times, great times.

AND on a night out you could get a beer, a burger, a cab home and still have change from 50p...! *mumbles incoherently about young kids having no respect nowadays...*
Speaking of waiting patiently for huge updates, who remembers the HL1DM update way back in the day when Valve unleashed good old Team Fortress Classic on the world (again, FREE) along with the latest patch for HL? Some FTP servers were creaking that night, I tell you...
Must have been awesome, game standards are constantly going up I suspect it would be too expensive to do something like that now-a-days.

*mumbles incoherently about young kids having no respect nowadays...*
Shut up you old codger.
They're going insane on the Steam forums, from the looks of it.

Plenty of Rickrolls too.
well i like the fat that not only are the updates free but also that their kick ass, beacuse of that im gan play tf2 for years to come

Future voters of the free world.

Look, but not too long. It is perhaps ill advised to gaze too deep at it.
Still waiting....

'the week beginning 20th of April...', Ok Valve, you have one day...

One day...
What's that? The update will be in February? Guaranteed? Cool.

Wait a second. . .
Yeah right.

They're late on everything else. What would make this any different?
Yep. And I think that's what gets us. It's not that we think we have a right to expect the stuff for free. It's that they say they're going to give it to us, which gets us excited, and then they don't. Free stuff or not, that's not a good thing to do to your customer base. It's as though I told you I was bringing pizza and beer at five and then I didn't get there till ten. You didn't pay for the pizza, you had no reason to demand it of me, but once I'd promised it, once I'd started describing the greasy pepperoni and the foamy head on that Guinness, it's pretty freaking lame of me to show up five hours later than I said.

But of course we're all brainwashed and will let Valve do whatever they want to us, just as long as we get shiny things. ;)
It would make sense to release today, a friday.
I'm excited, but respecting valve time, not counting days. You know counting days is a wrong thing to do right D:
They owe you nothing, gtfo

They owe him the common decency of delivering on a promise. They didn't have to make that promise. They didn't have to create new content. But if they make new content and promise it at a certain time, it's common decency to deliver on that promise.
They didn't make any official promise, the information simply came from third party websites.
Well, but weren't those comments from interviews with Valve people?

I really do hope this stuff comes out today, though. :)
They owe you nothing, gtfo
Are you kidding? They owe us maps. People wouldn't have bought TF2 if all it offered was six maps.
The promise of more maps was part of the deal. They do owe the fanbase.
Yeah, just heard about that.

I'm soooo surprised.

Again when did anyone from Valve state that the update would come this week? 3rd party site says they heard someone said that..Unless there is a press release saying its coming out on such and such date from Valve, don't believe stuff from other sites honestly.
A Valve employee in an interview said the week of the 20th. That's good enough for me. If it was incorrect, somebody else from Valve would have corrected it.

Why do people insist on making up this scenario where the date was just a rumor when it patently wasn't?

http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/51941 "VALVE HAS INFORMED SHACKNEWS"

The impatient people over on the steampowered forums and the few on here need to grow up. Their was no official date for the update.
All they stated was they're aiming for the week of april 20th not that it will be released this week.
ITS A UPDATE!!!! sheesh go play the game and get better if you have nothing better to do. Go outside for once and get some fresh air.

Games and updates are delayed all the time but everyone seems to get all hub bub about valve.

Id rather have a more polished product personally and I'll wait patiently for it instead of something rushed out just to meet some exact time frame.

Impatient kids need to stop being babies, it's a game.
Some of these people are sounding like hardcore WoW dorks when their internet goes down or something.


/end rant :rolleyes:
Grow up? Impatient? Nonsense. They said it would be this week. Now they say it isn't going to be this week. They do this EVERY TIME. Expectations were created by Valve and then disappointed. I hardly think it's childish or impatient to be annoyed at Valve's constantly doing this sort of thing.

You know who what's really childish? Portraying those you disagree with as "impatient kids" and "babies" and "hardcore WoW dorks" (however indirect the latter comparison may be).

And what does it being a game have to do with it? It's a product. Do you think somebody working at Valve can says "It's just a game" when they fail to deliver their work under the deadline?

No, no. Valve said they would do something and they didn't. They created an expectation in their consumer/player base and then failed to deliver on the expectation they created. They've done this time and time again. We who are irritated by this have every right to be so.
Some of these people are sounding like hardcore WoW dorks when their internet goes down or something.


/end rant :rolleyes:

WoW joke. Fresh.

But I agree, the point of an update is to casually release extra content. Before this update was announced, did any of you really care?
A Valve employee in an interview said the week of the 20th. That's good enough for me. If it was incorrect, somebody else from Valve would have corrected it.

Why do people insist on making up this scenario where the date was just a rumor when it patently wasn't?

http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/51941 "VALVE HAS INFORMED SHACKNEWS"

Yeah, a "Valve employee" right... Better find out which one it was cause it could've been any single person in the world.
Yeah, a "Valve employee" right... Better find out which one it was cause it could've been any single person in the world.

It was robin walker in a video interview a couple weeks ago said that they are aiming for a release on the week of the 20th
Yeh, if they dont hurry it up...

Tomoz ftw.
Their wasn't any official announcement of a date.
Robin Walker just said they were trying for this week. i.e. a guess/estimate.
Stop playing valve games if you don't like it.

Grow up? Impatient? Nonsense. They said it would be this week. Now they say it isn't going to be this week. They do this EVERY TIME. Expectations were created by Valve and then disappointed. I hardly think it's childish or impatient to be annoyed at Valve's constantly doing this sort of thing.

You know who what's really childish? Portraying those you disagree with as "impatient kids" and "babies" and "hardcore WoW dorks" (however indirect the latter comparison may be).

And what does it being a game have to do with it? It's a product. Do you think somebody working at Valve can says "It's just a game" when they fail to deliver their work under the deadline?

No, no. Valve said they would do something and they didn't. They created an expectation in their consumer/player base and then failed to deliver on the expectation they created. They've done this time and time again. We who are irritated by this have every right to be so.
Their wasn't any official announcement of a date.
Robin Walker just said they were trying for this week. i.e. a guess/estimate.
Stop playing valve games if you don't like it.

Wow, you suck. According to you, because we're all impatient bastards, we should stop playing Valve games -- simply because they failed to release an update this week and we don't like it?

Suck my wang.
Not saying all of you bastards just ones that mope and complain and basically cry cause they didn't get their update when someone gave a guess to when it will be out.
ut oh someone call the waaambulance! :upstare: aww someone didn't get their lil update when they wanted it.

people are setting their expectations to high only to be let down so hard for such a little change to what they think something might be(estimated release date) exactly what that is a ESTIMATE.

Wow, you suck. According to you, because we're all impatient bastards, we should stop playing Valve games -- simply because they failed to release an update this week and we don't like it?

Suck my wang.
Stop being a little bastard yourself. Why the hell should you care what other people are saying? Let them complain all they want and whine till their asses bleed brains. They won't be getting anything anyway, so whats it to you? Why do you care if they want the update more than you?

STOP BEING A PRICK. I don't like you. I really hate all of your posts. You come off as an arrogant bastard. You have 225 posts, and you are already my most hated member of HL2.net.

Get the **** out of my community.

Also, like I previously ****ing posted in this thread, the update is coming early next week. Robin Walker e-mailed a lad over at the SteamPowered forums, and he said the update will be out early next week.
sorry I offended you. was just my observation. I'm not a arrogant bastard I just appreciate valve and the solid products they make. It just kinda grinds my gears when people get real mad at them just because they were let down on a hyped ETA.

Stop being a little bastard yourself. Why the hell should you care what other people are saying? Let them complain all they want and whine till their asses bleed brains. They won't be getting anything anyway, so whats it to you? Why do you care if they want the update more than you?

STOP BEING A PRICK. I don't like you. I really hate all of your posts. You come off as an arrogant bastard. You have 225 posts, and you are already my most hated member of HL2.net.

Get the **** out of my community.

Also, like I previously ****ing posted in this thread, the update is coming early next week. Robin Walker e-mailed a lad over at the SteamPowered forums, and he said the update will be out early next week.
^^ Hah that'll teach you to offend the fresh prince of bel-air..

Anyway, yeah it's annoying that valve once again blows a release date, but they do this so often I barely even care anymore.
^^ Hah that'll teach you to offend the fresh prince of bel-air..

Anyway, yeah it's annoying that valve once again blows a release date, but they do this so often I barely even care anymore.

Zeus.. I miss talking to you on X-fire! :(

Remember those days? Wow. That was so incredibly long ago. :(
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