Where were you and what were you doing on 9-11



People say they never will never forget what they were doing or where they were when Kennedy got shot. I think it probly goes the same for 9-11.

Share your stories.

Me...I was at work, shearing coils of steel, listening to the radio. The whole plant was quiet. No one was working...just standing around listening for word to come. I remember saying to someone that when the plane crashed in the field...I bet it was heading toward the white house. I also remember saying to someone "this is gonna be bad"

Where were you?
I was waiting in Armenties square in the middle of my town, waiting with some friends who were getting the bus. Someone was just walking past and they stopped and said to me and my friend that a plane had just crashed into the world trade centre. It didn't really hit me at first, but then my other friend who had been lsitening to the radio in a shop came along and said another plane had hit. Even then, it didn't really strike me as anything major (I know that sounds weird, but what I mean is the gravity of the situation didn't sink in for a bit). When I got home the second tower had just collapsed and my family were all sat around the TV not really saying anything. My mum was almost in tears because she saw one of the people jumping out, and the camera had zoomed in quite close, almost so you could see their face.
asleep actually. my grandmother came in and told i needed to come downstairs right away. i spent the next couple hours just watching tv. she was frantically calling my uncle because he works just a few blocks away from the wtc. i heard later that he heard the first plane hit as he traveled under it in the subway.
asleep, my parents came in and told me to have a look at the thing on the tv. I had a look then went back to bed as I knew it would be all over the news for days, I remember thinking a lot before I got to sleep though.
Ready to go to school, i watched the 1st tower(or 2nd) in woodshop
School, people were saying that it was a pilot failure at the time and since I don't watch the news in the morning I had no idea what they were talking about. Then we listened to NPR and heard one of the towers fall.
I was actually on my way home - when my brother texted me saying "have you heard about the world trade centre" and I didn't have a clue what he was talking about till i got home. My bro actually works for a stockbroking company in London - Employees would go from New York to London all the time - and unfortunately a few of the people he worked with lost their lives on that day
at school. the math teacher came in and told us WTC had been hit by a plane, then he passed out algebra problems. not very memorable.
i was about to go to school. i just remember nonchalantly watching cnn minutes after it happened, "planes crash into wtc" or something. i dont even think i thought much of it at the time, i was so tired, or maybe it was just really shocking it just for some reason didnt surprise me or anything. :| it definatly kicked in when i got to schoolthough.
I was at home when my mom told me to put on CNN because a plane had crashed in New York...about 30 seconds later number 2 crashes into the other tower. That didn't really compute at that moment, even though it was around 2 PM here. I didn't tape it to see it again.
I was just leaving Sixth Form to go home. We were all saying goodbye, and then someone said that the Twin Towers had exploded. I assumed it was a bomb, thought "Ooh that's bad" but nothing more. I didn't give it any though at all on my way home until I got home and my sister was watching TV.
Ah i remeber now, i also remeber watching CNN and those dumb asses were saying that car bombs were going all over the place.

I wont trust CNN again unless another source is saying the same
From 9am to about 6pm I was sat infront of the TV just shocked.
benson said:
From 9am to about 6pm I was sat infront of the TV just shocked.

It didn't happen till about 2-ish here in the UK! :afro:
Was skipping college watching the only semi decent thing on BBC1 (for the time and by semi decent i mean it wasn't as crap as the other stuff): Diagnosis Murder, Drinking a bottle of Frijj Banana Milkshake and eating a Bacon sandwich when it got interupted with the images, i stayed watching it till about 9pm.
I was getting ready for a doc appointment. I was watching "Good Morning America" or one of those morning shows, and they cut in showing the first plane hit the tower. They went back and forth wondering aloud what could have happened ....and minutes later the second plane slammed into the second tower.

After my doc appointment, I was sitting in my truck listening to the radio with the window down, when this guy who was doing landscaping of some sort asked, "If you're not leaving for a few, can you turn that up? What shitty news. " I turned it up and sat for a bit.
I was walking from college to town when my friends mother phoned her to tell her about it. She hung up, turned to use and said "The twin towers and the Pentagon have had planes crashed into them". The first thing I said was, "Both the towers will be destroyed but the pentagon will only be damaged" (Kinda obvious I thought). They gave me the old "Yeah righ, like you could know that" look.

Got to her house and watched it on the news and they all looked at me in a "How the hell did you know that" kind of way.
Came home from school, played deus ex when my mother told me to watch the telly as it happened, was kinda freaky.
At work. Didn't quite work afterwards .... just discussed about it. In the evening i went to a punk-rock-show of a close friend and got terribly drunk.
I was sitting infront of the TV after school and randomly got to a news channel, where there were pictures of one tower, burning. I watched that for some minutes, then suddenly a plane crashed into the other tower, I thought it was some replay of the first, but it really was a second plane. Kind of shocking.

Later, when I was just sitting on my computer, my father came in and said 'The towers fell! And the pentagon'S hit, too'

Woah, I was scared! I thought a friggin (world?) war was going to be unleashed!
Don't really remember. I was probarly in school or something :|
I was at home, on the phone to my best mate, and suddenly we both said 'HOLY SHIT' as we'd both seen the news on BBC1

Dear god I was shocked, I thought it was a second Pearl Harbour.
I was in math class (back in high school) and our guidance counsellor came in and said that there had been a series of terrorist attacks that were extremely major. When I heard it was in NYC, I freaked out because my sister was at school just a couple blocks away.

We watched as the first tower burned, and when i saw a second plane flying around in the sky, i thought it was a patrol jet, or something to that effect, and I made the mistake of joking "hah! watch this plane fly into the towers!" and it did... :-(

Then my friend looked at me and said "holy shit dude, this is the WORST shit that EVER happened."

I remember it all really clearly.
I was waking up and going to school. While waiting outside for my first class, someone said "hey did you guys hear? Some people flew a plane into a building and killed a bunch of people". And I, not knowing anything about the situation thought it was some fool in a private jet who crashed into a building and kiilled 20 people, not a coordinated terrorist attack using 747 and 2 densely packed buildings.

How much better would the world be today if that day never happened... ;(
I was at school, and didn't hear about it until 5pm English time. I came into a room where someone had left the TV on, and then said "hmm, what film is this?" Then I realised what was going on. I remember saying at the time "this will not be an isolated incident....this is just the first of many strikes...god damn them all to hell, they finally went and did it, etc." Fortunate really that I was wrong.
I was asleep, then Dad woke me up and told me to come out to the living room and watch the news. It didn't really sink in because I was still half asleep and having breakfast and getting ready for school, but when I got there everyone was talking about it and they seemed so sombre about it, I guess I rethought the images and it hit me. It's kind of like when a friend tells you they're getting married, this has happened to me, he told me and about a week later I went "Wait a minute... married?"
Off to school. I heard it from a friend before class, and I thought he was kidding. But in a twist of fate, my first class was U.S. History, and we spent the entire time watching the news.
At my locker in school, friends came running up telling me and it didn't hit and i didnt believe it until the whole rest of the day everyone went from class to class watching the news ALL DAY on the TVs...no one talked no one learned we just watched until school got out.
I came from school and i was eating at home. Then i saw the second plane hitting the WTC live on television.
I was at My english class when my American teacher was crying about a "Fire in the States" and his husband was coming to tell her, another plane attaked.
For a moment I thaugt that the US was being bombarded and invaded by someone, I was hoally shit, some one ivading the US .
Then my dad talked about planes.

CNN then said it was a "radio control plane " yeah right, and when you see the towers fall dawn thats like really shocking. poor People.
Just got home from school, was just booting up my pc, when my dad came in and told me to switch on the telly, just as the second plane hit.....suffice to say, i thought it was a movie - i was speechless for well over a few hours.
during english class, my teacher was talking to us then another teacher came and called our teacher and the when in the hall and where talking for like 5 min , then out teacher came back in and told us the news , then for the next 2 weeks all we did that class was talk about it.
I was at home surfing the web when my dad called me and said that I should turn on the tv, that was really shortly after the first plane hit.
Wow. You people talked about it in school the days after? :|
My teachers were like "meh" and just carried on like normal :)
i was at school and it was strange cos there was an ATMOSPHERE about that day...then i think if i remember proper, a teacher came in and said that a plane had gone into the world trade centre...i actually at the time didn't think much of it, then after school just outside the school gates everyone seemed to be talking about it...so i got home, switched the telly on and it was ALL over the news...i think the second plane hit just before i got home but i saw it collapse on telly and just sat there shocked for ages