Where were you when HL2 gold was announced?



Man i was in school, checking out gamespot and halflife2.net. when i opened hl2.net, i saw "GONE GOLD" and i went "HOLY ******* ****" so loud that i almost got sent outta class for disturbance.

today rocks. where were YOU when HL2 was announced gold?
I was home checking some other board than this and saw a reply about "...now that hl2 has gone gold..." I went rightaway to hl2.net and yeash, it was true :D
At home damning MS Paint to an eternity of suffering. I had to draw those pictures for a school project. HL2 going gold and the fact that I found that CD of photoshop made my day.
I was asleep too...

Wasn't everyone??

I guess that's what I get for living in the land of Godzilla...
just signed in here to do the morning(noonish) check for new info...and was there ever!!
Probubly asleep :) I've moved house over the weekend and I wont get my cable 'net hookup for another week or so. Hence I can only post or check for news here while I am at work. Anyway: W00T!
I was shiting under a tree when I heard people scream on the streets that HL2 had gone GOLD. And then I started to dance around the tree with my pants down.
I just came in from coming home from my brothers house and went on to this site and saw the news i read it about 6 times b4 i realized that its gone gold which was about 19:50
I was randomly checking news and gamessites just before I have to go to work, so I saw it on hl2.net at 13:00 CET. that was 6 min ago.. :eek: :cheers:


>I was shiting under a tree when I heard people scream on the >streets that HL2 had gone GOLD. And then I started to dance >around the tree with my pants down.

Did Halflife 2 go gold?

Are you kidding? Does David sh*t in the woods???
I think I was jerkin and came when I saw the announcement on steam :cheese:
Valve is just that good
Walking down the street, when a bum approached me looking very familiar to Gabe. He told me half-life 2 had gone gold, i gave him some change as a reward.
I had went to bed at 8am after no annoucement, figuring it wouldnt be atleast ill 1Pm when they would annouce I fell asleep after setting my alarm clock. Once the clock rang I then rolled off my bed, blinked, reloaded the HL2.net website and boom, "GONE GOLD!" I read. I then had a orgasm and went back to bed.

True story.
I was talking to a friend on MSN (Discussing HL2 going gold, believe it or not), and he had posted a link to Yahoo PRNewswire with the simple reply of "OMG!"

First thing I did was jump over to HL2.net and then to IRC where I partied, and then back to some forums I frequent to pass on the message.

Then, back to IRC to party. Then I went and played some Rainbow Six 3. Then back to IRC to PARTY!

I felt like a schoolgirl, I did.
Just sitting down in front of my computer already happy about having finished a philosophy assignment. I sit down and go straight for HL2.net like I usually do when my eyes get blasted with the press release saying HL2 has gone gold.
I was out with my friend, and the second I went over to his house, I wanted to check HL2.net for a gold announcment. It slipped my mind, and I only found out when I got gome at about 8:30 PM PST that night. I jumped around like a freak.
I just woke up and got a phone call to inform me...i suffered many injuries in the excitement.
Dalamari said:
Too damn funny :D

Anyways, I was either masturbating or at school
I masturbated at the time of the DOOM3 gold anouncement.. but I think farting trough eyeballs is way more special. GO HL² GO!
I think I can safely say we were all sitting in front of our computers.
Untrue, just look @ the time of the press release and compare it. so no, I wasn't behind my computer.
a friend called me while i was doing... business... and i answered and he told me. i almost ran down the streets screaming in join like a retard, but i was like "nah, too cold outside." and i ran through my neighbourhood.
EVIL said:
Untrue, just look @ the time of the press release and compare it. so no, I wasn't behind my computer.

Ok, Ok. Us normal people we're behind our computers. :p
heh, i was somewhere between so-cal and arizona on the i10 listening to awesome techno and drinking bawls!!!!!1 then i got home and almost passed out. hehe i blasted teh techno and my neighbors complained. =P