Where were you when HL2 gold was announced?

  • Thread starter Thread starter klsx2001
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I was at basketball practice, came home, then read the ES2 forums and saw that HL2 gone gold, I was happy and all, but wasn't truely excited....

That fake gold announcement took all my real excitement out of me so I was like "meh, cool" when I read the announcement
No ****ing joke, was having sex in the shower (parents weren't home) and i got out after we were done, drying off, checking email and forums, and saw the announcement. We both have CCE (work program, get off early from school at 11 or so, i get to chill for like 2hrs then work, she goes later in the day after me...anyways it was the best 20 minutes of excitement EVER). :)
i was at my school and seeing as several resource thought that valve would announce monday i went and checked, i jizzed all over my computer and my teacher looked at me oddly....geez what was he thinking its hl2. i found out on gamespot and then confirmed with hl2.net
Taking the drivers test...

Needless to say I failed.

(Friend whispered to me, DUDE, HL2 WENT ****ing GOLD! Then I jumped up, ran around, then everything was black. )
I was about to take a nap, but I got up from bed and turned on the computer, not expecting any news at all.
Hahah, not much of anything interesting.. but uhh, school.. :(
I was sacrificing my pet hamsters to the sun god.
Heh, i guess it worked
About 10 mins ago..

I check hl2.net every single day but in the past 2 days i started a new job so ive been insane busy with work and girlfriend and sleep..

anyway im not as excited to hear it, cuz i figured it would come out in November but i will just be happy when my pre-order shows up at EB..

I will be throwing down some cash and pushing the gf away to get me some HL2 action.
I was at work, reading up on stuff at a danish site called newz.dk .

Luckily I have the self control not to scream ;o)

Yeah right! - Kasper (my co-worker)
I was sat at my desk, shouting at Munro on IRC to post the news story, while he was trying to get confirmation from Valve.
just finished a dawn of war 3v3 and returned to irc to find ppl talking about so came here to find it was true :D
I was out running, trying to gte physically fit, you know, certainly made SRC bearable though, and thank god for that
I tried entering Halflife2.net but it took ages and then I thought to myself:
"Oh well, it must have happened..."
I was playing CS:S and some guy said HL2 went gold. I was like oh great, another stupid CS player that thinks it's gone gold because the pinata's broken. He said the release date was Nov 16th. I was | | close to flaming him and about to swear and stuff, telling him that sites like EB and Wal Mart are estimates on release dates....then CS:S froze. I decided to go check HL2.net. Then I ruined my pants.
I think I was watching TV or something, then got up here 10 min after the gold announcement and refreshed the HL2 Dircussion forum. :cheese:
I was at army, and got so excited contemplating the option of going gold monday, I took a night off, got home an hour after announcement :D
At school... When I got home, i went on www.halflife2.net like usually and I saw the "Gone Gold!" announcement. I wasn't surprised at all. "Bah" was the perfection expression I could use.
I was on my way to PizzaHut. When I got back I found out.. and had some mighty fine pizza.
I was in my chair, on these forums, when I saw the first "Gone Gold!!" fake post. Then, Mr. Reak made his post (the real one) and I was very skeptical at first. But when I read it, and all of a sudden saw other sites with the same information, my heart went racing.
you must be kidding? sure hl2 gold is big, but its not something that will be remembered like pearl harbor, landing on the moon, JFK assassination or 9/11....sheesh.

Oh, and I was sitting here where I am now, saw it on my routine after school hl2 news check.
I was reformatting my l33t pc, and I was on my email machine, read gamespy.com :afro:
I was at NAIT ( Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) and I always check this site often while I'm there...that's when I got the gold news..around 11AM.
At Cisco in a networking class..
at my parents, trying to show my dad how to make a DVD...ol god damn n00b!!
Good post. I was at work. Stepped out for lunch, came back anticipating a gold post and sure enough, it was.
i was just waking up before work and lighting my morning smoke :smoking:
i was in my LIS class...damn 12:30 classes...or maybe i was on the bus on the way TO my LIS class? i dunno..
I wasn't at school, I never have to on Monday so I was at home and I wanted to learn for some tests I had later that week. But the content I had to learn isn't from a book but from some kind of intranet made by my school so I had to stay behind the screen. And it ended up in reading and posting on the forum all day, exactly the thing I wanted to avoid that day :P, but the GOLD going of HL2 is a valid excuse I think :). And because I was was on the forum all the time I knew the news very quickly so I was the first who could post it on http://halflife-2.nl/, a Dutch HL2 site.
i just got online, went to the shack and *bam*, there was it: "Half Life 2 GONE GOLD". it was probably just posted, because people in #halflife2 didn't know it, or just found it out. it took some time 'til the news popped up on halflife2.net.