Where were you...

I was in gym class. It was only my 8th day or so in high school. The teacher walked in and announced it to all of us freshmen. Most kids just blew it off (that is, until they saw what happened on television). I however had an Uncle how worked in the WTC, so I remember being worried mostly. When the news came that the towers had collapsed, I was just dumbfounded. The rest of the day is kind of a blur. I remember news trickling out about the Pentagon being hit, and something about a car bomb going off in DC (obviously fake, but at the time it seemed plausible). I only remember two other things. My Latin teacher said something along the lines of "Are you guys all right...I understand if you aren't, it's not a normal day". Later on (last period) in global class, some students started making jokes about it. I've never felt angrier at someone in my entire life than how I felt in global class that afternoon. The footage kept replaying on the television in the corner, and three assholes were making jokes about it all. I was so angry that afternoon, it was such an awful day.
Lil' Timmy said:
foxtrot, don't turn this into a bush thread. also, plz no one else take the bait,, stay OT plz, it's an interesting thread.

i was getting ready to leave for work. i check cnn as i was getting dressed or something and it was just after the first plane had hit. i saw the second one hit live. pretty surreal. i watched about 10 mins, then went to work, and everyone there was watching it too. after about an hour, the branch director came and tolfd all non-essential personel to go home. since it's was a government facility, it remained closed to non-essential employees for more than a week. i didn't watch much more tv about than the first two days. i mostly used that off time to hang-out with my then gf. i lived just north of dc, in maryland, and she lived just south in virginia. her mother worked at a building just across from the pentagon, and saw the explosion for the plane (she was on the side opposite the impact).

i later found out that i knew a girl who died in the wtc, but just barely. i don't even remember her name.. i went to college with her and talked to her once when i was looking for someone in her dorm or something, we shared like 3 words between us. i think her name was lindsay. anyway, about a week later i heard that she was working on one of the higher floors and never got out. also, another college/aquaintance friend of mine was about 10 minutes from his banking job in the wtc when the planes hit.
I didn't make the first comment(not that it makes my off topic statment and more valid) I was just responding to somthing that I thought needed a response.
Foxtrot said:
I didn't make the first comment(not that it makes my off topic statment and more valid) I was just responding to somthing that I thought needed a response.
fair enough.
I was on the city bus, going back home (at this point I was living with my mum still), and there were a bunch of kids- presumably schoolchildren- talking constantly about generic crap. They continued to do so even when the radio, which had mercifully been turned on by the driver, announced that the first plane had hit.

Got home in time to see the footage on the news. I was dumbstruck. My Dad was frantic because a friend had gone to NYC last week- but significantly later, we found they were okay.
Sprafa said:
And Majestic_XII, your Minister was cryed all the way till here. I'm glad they could the mother****er.

Im not really sure what you're saying. Are you un-nice to me?

Anyways, im not into politics so whatever.
I was in college. I went to class that morning in a building with a huge auditorium. I noticed the sounds of explosions and screaming coming from inside the auditorium, so I peaked my head in. They were projecting the live TV broadcast up onto the screen in the auditorium. The first thing I saw was one of the towers coming down. It was extremely confusing until I realized what had happened. Classes were canceled that day. I was in Islam at the time, so it made for some interesting discussion in the following weeks.
I was in my first period class (Grade 10 science) and at the end of the period the principal came on the PA system and said that a plane hit one of the WTC towers.

We all thought he meant a small cessna or something like that so we really didn't pay much attention to it, but by the end of second period he came on again and told us that a second plane had hit the other tower, one into the Pentagon and the other crashed into the ground, all large passenger planes.

Everyone was scared and all you could hear walking down the halls to the cafeteria for lunch were people talking about what just happened. I sat down at my usual table to each lunch with my usual mates and all we could say was "holy ****!", we sat there analyzing the situation and every once in a while someone would just say "holy ****!" again.

The school set up a TV outside the library and tuned into CNN, most of the school watched TV, looked it up on the internet, or debated it during class along with the teachers.

Then school ended and we all went home, the end.
Wow I was so stupid then, I can remember my thoughts and feelings well which i regret so no big deal anymore. I was at school and wow I was 14. It seems like such a long but short time ago.
Well I was only 13. And I had no feelings...I just watched it...was like

"Holy crap...that..sucks..."

Moved on...I didn't think about all those poor people dieing or anything like that....I just..thought about statistics and who was responsible.
I was either (supposed to be) at college or in my year-out inbetween college and university, anyway it happened early (in UK - must have been about 10am - 12pm) as i'd just got up out of bed... anyway I went on MSN Messenger (as you do) and recieved about 50 PM's telling me to put the tv on... By this time both towers had already been hit - although unfortunately I was watching in time to see both of them fall - live. I didn't realise at the time that peope were still inside the towers.

I remember the views of the NY skyline, it looked like hell on earth after the towers fell ;(
i was toasting my poptart and i rly didnt give a shit at first, infact i thought it was a bad tv movie
Pobz said:
I was either (supposed to be) at college or in my year-out inbetween college and university, anyway it happened early (in UK - must have been about 10am - 12pm) as i'd just got up out of bed... anyway I went on MSN Messenger (as you do) and recieved about 50 PM's telling me to put the tv on... By this time both towers had already been hit - although unfortunately I was watching in time to see both of them fall - live. I didn't realise at the time that peope were still inside the towers.

I remember the views of the NY skyline, it looked like hell on earth after the towers fell ;(

Unfortunately? It wasn't that disturbing....

I would of liked to see it happen live.

Especially be near the towers when they did fall (I mean with a few miles).

It's one thing to see it all unfold on TV, or see it after words, but seeing one of the most defining moments of our time first hand would be something....
It's not disturbing when you think of it as a building collapsing, but when you realise its full of people being crushed to death you kinda wish you weren't watching it. Had I been in the tower as it fell I don't think I'd want billions of people to be watching.
I remember hearing from people in higher years at my school who were in sixth form and had a radio on in their common room.

I didnt know what they were on about at first. Well I did not know what the hell was happening until I saw my brother (also at sixth form at that time) who filled me in best he could.

I remember just thinking why. Thats the first and pretty much only thing that poped into my head. Just why?

Then I just kind of felt weird. I kind of remembered that alot of people must have died in that kind of scale of destruction and I just felt sorry for them.

It was when I got back home a few hours later that I actually saw the pictures on the news. I was horrified and frankly astonished that it actually happend.

So, I was at school and did not know what to think on that fatefull day. :(
Majestic XII said:
Im not really sure what you're saying. Are you un-nice to me?


ok, I spot a spelling error that might have induced you into error.

I meant - "I'm glad they caught [instead of could] the mother****er."

I meant the guy who killed her.
As for why, I was thinking the same thing...

I didn't know that most of the world does not like the United States...I kind of just thought we were all one big happy family...

World Peace? Who needs that?

Sprafa said:

ok, I spot a spelling error that might have induced you into error.

I meant - "I'm glad they caught [instead of could] the mother****er."

I meant the guy who killed her.

Oh sorry, i thought you were happy that they killed her.

My bad.

Lets get on topic again :)