Where will YOU be when HL2 comes out


Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
I was just wondering where u think u will be on Tuesday 16th of November ( presuming thats the release date) when the game comes out. Are u gonna skip work? bunk off school? spend the whole day in front of the PC? Just how much do u guys think HL2 is gonna have an affect on our lives during that week?
I personally think I wont buy the game till the following weekend, coz i know if i got it on the Tuesday I wouldnt do ANY work for the rest of the week; but I doubt ill be able to resist the temptation to buy it.
Lets hear ur opinions.
problaby home waiting for the unlock..


OMG! Im forum upgraded 150 post :D :smoking:
swiss said:
I personally think I wont buy the game till the following weekend, coz i know if i got it on the Tuesday I wouldnt do ANY work for the rest of the week; but I doubt ill be able to resist the temptation to buy it.

ill probably skip school and go buy it and since i hardly do my homework anyway i doubt it'll affect my school work but if it does deffenatly come out on tuesday ill probably just wait till the end of school cause we always finish early on tuesdays and wednesday.
At school as well, then, ive got to go to Badminton, and then im going to play Half Life 2 for a few hours
Right here at my computer, sitting in front of a Half-Life 2 loading screen.

i assume the time it comes out is when the shops open on the 16th, different shops may open earlier/later.
I didnt realise so many of u, are gettin HL2 through steam; I can see its advantages in terms of not having to move from ur computer :O But i wouldnt trust dling a massive thing like HL2, what if one file gets lost/corrupted during the download? Thatd be a bugger.
University, In the C++ Linux Lecture :(

tusedays suks.
ha ha i have all of tuesday off uni, oh shit i dont have telephone socket, no hl2 for me then
Im currently unemployed and while i am actively job searching i hope i dont find anything till ive played HL2 :p
On leave, running to the shop and camping there till I get the game, then making very sure I get home alive to play it. =3
I might skip Uni that day, I'm only there for two hours anyway!
oh man from what I gathered campuses (campii?) around the world
will be deserted and the Nasdaq will drop since nobody shows up for work that day..
At home sitting in front of my computer with a steaming hot bowl of food and a case of Bawls. I already told the people at work I'm not coming in that day.
It be 08:01 AM where i will be if it comes out at 12:01AM american time, so ill proberly be doing my dialasis, then have breakefast, then get a wash and things thenaround 10:00Am go into town and get my coppy of HL2
I´ll most likely be in school. I´m thinking of waiting until saturday of that week before buying the game. Sounds crazy? Well, that way I can get up early on Saturday and just play HL2 all day (well almost).
I'll be halfway through my end of year exams, sitting at home studing for my last two, wishing I open the copy of HL2 that will have arrived by courier. Unfortunately my self control is such that I'll suffer for the next nine days until my final exam, at the end of which I'll literally burn rubber as I drive out the gates, and proceed to set a new speed record on the (normally half hour) drive home. It's then three months of holidays and HL2 before I go off to University. Ah... good times.
If its released exactly 12:01 AM on Tuesday it would be like 6 AM here and I'll be asleep probably. Maybe when I wake up it'll be unlocked and I'll be able to play it for an hour or so before I go to school till 16:30...
Why I'll be right here, playing HL2 of course. :)

The 16th is right in the middle of a break in my Exams. Enough to allow a good 24 hours of play time, at least.
Gorgon said:
University, In the C++ Linux Lecture :(

tusedays suks.
why the sad smiley? I WISH they give us such lectures.
all the teach us at this point is pascal, which is kinda lame.

neways, I think I will be at home, although I don't know if I'll have time to play cuz it's most likely gonna be a religous holiday for me. :D
Maybe I will just be at home, only God knows, I hope I'd be home the moment it's released!
I'll be in school, run down to EB Games during one of the recesses and then I'll call my dad and say we got off an hour earlier...
Probably asleep...

Asuming it is released during US buisiness hours..if at midnight in the US, then I will be at work eating lunch :p
university of applied sciences, studying business administration, material science and operation research :/
on holiday in the US, maybe i should take my laptop with me, buy it there and hope it scales well
im getting the day off work! hehehe so spending the whole day on this game! Day of release :D cant wait
commando said:
im getting the day off work! hehehe so spending the whole day on this game! Day of release :D cant wait

just a whole Day!! :LOL: j/k
/nihilanth_mode ON

"home, I will be home, home will I beeeeeeee"
Heh....i'll only have one more exam to study for in my tee... on the 19th...... YAH!...so i'm tossing up whether to buy hl2 on the 16th then play it right up until the night before my last exam... or wait until after my last exam and make it a sort of treat for finishing year 12!!!!!!!! YAH!
I have a bloody maths exam on the 16th so i will be in school, still pondering whether to skip school, probably not.
My Day, The 16th of november.

12am-6am: Sleeping (I need to have energy to play and enjoy HL2 to it's fullest)

6am-6:30am: Shower.
6:30am-7:30am: Breakfast and watching tv, And prolly looking around the forums.
7:30am-what ever time the shop opens: Wait untill I can buy the game.

What ever the time is-When ever I fall asleep (may be days): Playing HL2!!!!!! Kicking some alien & combine butt!!!!

I don't have school the whole week! Just my luck :LOL:
I really can't wait!!!