Where's Gordon Freeman from?

Austria was his last home before Black Mesa, and if you'd have read the letter more closely you would also have picked up that he studied at MIT before moving to Innsbruck. ;)
Gordon Freeman is not a very european name. So even if he looks a bit east-european, it's more realistic to think he is from America. Maybe his parents were european immigrants and changed their names.

Or he his home is a hdd at Valve and he has no background and his name ist just because the story developer at Valve liked how it sounds...
the fact that he lived in austria makes me wonder about motives for the g-man hiring him. obviously gordons a badass but he probably knows his way round eastern-europe if he lived there, gordon's in his element :E might end up at gordons house...
Originally posted by Schmudi
city 17 is a german town

i am from germany and city 17 doesn't look like a german town

edit: technikerstr. 25 in innsbruck, austria:

edit 2:
somer german town pics:


could't find better pictures but german towns looks extremly different from city 17
I remember reading somewhere that one of the HL2 graphic artists were croatian or bosnian and that he played a big part in shaping City-17, apparently its very similar to his home town. I'll try and dig out the source.
Isn't Gordon Freeman a fictional character created by one of the creators of Half Life? Thus making him originate from the brain of an actual human being? Who was that being and where is he from?

Damn, too many unanswered questions..

And, yes, I am still not here.. just got bored of playing BF1942 DC
my best guess is that he's not real... and neither is city 17. So he could be from Indopoopalace or Quackistastical land. (Dont get me wrong i still luv the guy, and what he does!)
City-17 is an Eastern European city, the idea for it came out of various Romanian cities. Thats what was said in an interview a while back.
Hmmm... I just read the manual for the game and noticed this:

"May 5, 200-

Dr. Gordon Freeman..."

Hmmm...I never knew that Half-Life took place in the future! I mean, it was released in 1998 and I always thought it took place in 1998 aswell. Well, it's a good thing I got out of bed today since I learned something new.
I also says he's unmarried...hmmm??
Austria is not east european (more central european) and Gordon is no german name. City17 is in fact a fictive east-european city (Valve confirmend that). Gordon is an old english name and means "fruitful land". Just to clear that up.

So he could easily be an englishman, maybe with eastern european parents. Hey, he never speaks, maybe his english is not the best :)

And he is unmarried, but has some photos of a family in his locker, maybe he lost them during an accident and now he does dangerous jobs at mesa because he does not really care if he dies, too? Man, you could write tons of theories based on the very few facts Valve gave us about our "hero" :)
Gordon's a mute because he lost his tongue in a car accident including his wife and kid
Originally posted by Frank
Gordon's a mute because he lost his tongue in a car accident including his wife and kid

Then he should have at least ONE visible scar in his face...
Originally posted by FriScho
Then he should have at least ONE visible scar in his face...

No, he's also a vampire and has the ability to heal himself...
Originally posted by FriScho
why didn't he use this power in hl1?

Because he...ehm...his magic powers doesn't work in a HEV suit.
then he should have undressed.... gordon is pretty stupid :)
Originally posted by FriScho
then he should have undressed.... gordon is pretty stupid :)

No, just ignorant...
By the way, I heard he likes wearing tight suits *grrrrrrr* :naughty:
I think that City 17 is the spitting image of Dresden, but I might be seeing things. Anyone else agree?
I saw some pictures around WW2, and it looks even more similar. There's even a horse statue in front of the opera house, but I can't remember the name or if there's a man on the horse.
I did see some Dresden pics of wires hanging over the streets, for the Strassenbahnen.

It's pretty much a dead point anyway, some of the pictures just struck me as looking like Dresden. It's a generic eastern european city. Although since German was working in Austria, maybe this is the city he did his work in, and maybe the incidents at Black Mesa and his previous research has some sort of connection; you have to get your research documents back in HL-2 and put it all together so mankind is able to close the portals.

Meh, I just remembered that HL-3 is announced, and that sequence of events would completely end the possibility of another iteration.
That Dresden pic is a very good match to what we've seen so far.
The city may be located nearby.
New european architechture doesn't look at all like City XVII, so it could easily be that the place has been abandoned long ago, since it *is* fictitious. Valve can do whatever they want that way. :)
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
That Dresden pic is a very good match to what we've seen so far.
The city may be located nearby.
New european architechture doesn't look at all like City XVII, so it could easily be that the place has been abandoned long ago, since it *is* fictitious. Valve can do whatever they want that way. :)

The thing is that most of the large european cities are atleast 150-200 years old, so the cities (atleast the city core) still look the same, despite 20th century architecture. The city I live in, Gothenburg, looks alot like City 17. Even the trams resemble ours.

And horse statues, you'll find those everywhere in Europe. We've had so many conquerors and generals and such who fancied horses and statues and had a big ego.

Heck, you'll find lion statues here in Sweden.

But anyway, it's already been announced that it takes part in Eastern Europe.. and that's like, anything beyond eastern Germany (what used to be the DDR) can be counted as eastern europe.

I heard an interesting theory from some guy who was from the old Soviet Union. He told us that the governemt would just build a city in the middle of nowhere, say Siberia, and force people to move there. Those cities would often get anyonymous names, like City 10, City 18 etc etc...

you get the picture. :p
Originally posted by vetebulle
The thing is that most of the large european cities are atleast 150-200 years old, so the cities (atleast the city core) still look the same, despite 20th century architecture. The city I live in, Gothenburg, looks alot like City 17. Even the trams resemble ours.

And horse statues, you'll find those everywhere in Europe. We've had so many conquerors and generals and such who fancied horses and statues and had a big ego.

Heck, you'll find lion statues here in Sweden.

But anyway, it's already been announced that it takes part in Eastern Europe.. and that's like, anything beyond eastern Germany (what used to be the DDR) can be counted as eastern europe.

I heard an interesting theory from some guy who was from the old Soviet Union. He told us that the governemt would just build a city in the middle of nowhere, say Siberia, and force people to move there. Those cities would often get anyonymous names, like City 10, City 18 etc etc...

you get the picture. :p
Its not a theory its real.

I posted this a long time ago in a City-17 thread. I am positive that City-17 has definatly got something to do with old Soviet Union research because of its name and from the information in that article.
@The Mullinator: your link is wrong, it's showing a meaningless ad :)
When they said "east european city", I immediatly thought of Prague. I went there this summer, it's really cool looking, so I'm hoping much of the inspiration comes from there.

Perhaps Gordon will be able to taste some of the great Czech pivo (beer) :)
Originally posted by Wheresthenoose?
my best guess is that he's not real... and neither is city 17. So he could be from Indopoopalace or Quackistastical land. (Dont get me wrong i still luv the guy, and what he does!)

I think that this, "wheresthenoose?" guy is a little strange, and by the sounds of it, he doesnt respect half or gordon freeman.:flame:
I think it is some where in Bosnia.

I really don't post on these forums enough
I think a serb/muslim/croatia conflict mod would be interesting, as its one of the less known but most important conflicts of the 20th Century.

Same goes for WW1.
How about The Trenches, Over the Top, and many others for WW1 Mods.

But I do agree a Bosnia-serbian type mod would be neat, but is it too soon to make one, like Schindler's List, they never would of made a movie like that back in the 50's.