Where's Gordon Freeman from?

If anyone comes across rift just keep saying mel to him. ( long joke )
Gordon is an old english name and means "fruitful land".
"Thus, the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) was initially known as Arzamas-60, a postal code designation to show that it was 60 km from the city of Arzamas. But the "60" was considered too sensitive, and the number was changed to "16." In 1947 the entire city of Sarov (Arzamas-16) disappeared from all official Russian maps and statistical documents. "

So "City-17" is refering to that old fact from cold war and so City 17 is another secret City in russia. Valve does more research and thinking about their game locations than I thought.
Where does the G-man come from? He's obviously human, (judging by his looks) but he doesnt seem like your local Earth inhabitant. Hmmm... i think i started a whole new questoin...
Since you are unmarried and without dependents,

This is Cluj, Romania - The city Horia Dociu - 3d Environmental Artist from Valve was born and raised before he moved to the states.

I think no more searching needed. He just created City 17 the way he remembered his hometowen Cluj in Romania.
My speculation on the background of Gordon Freeman. It's obviously ficticious as he's a made up char but I think this all makes sense.

Freeman, Gordon.
Probably born in some New England city.. Boston, NY, etc.
Parents were most likely rich. Father a highly intelligent individual with a Ph.D in Astrophysics or something similar. Mother most likely a homemaker. I think he was in his late 20's during Half-Life (2005ish?). He was likely born in the later 70's.

Graduated High School at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA. Probably played Football and/or was in Track.. something athletic. He's obviously intelligent he had to have great grades to get into M.I.T.. his parents had to have been at least semi-rich.. Most students that go to M.I.T require financial aid. In fact, I think all do - and it's hard to get into.

Graduated from MIT in [insert his majors here].. went on to work in Austria for the University there. He was then recruited by the U.S. Government to work at Black Mesa..

He didn't have any prior weaon's training but... for gameplay's sake the player had to be able to use all kinds of weaponry. Same goes for his voice. We couldn't hear Gordon speak because WE WERE Gordon while playing. Anything that would have been said by the avatar would be said by you. Of course, this limits interaction verbally with NPC's but I think it was handled pretty well.

City-17? Well, it's probably as FriScho said.. the city, while not real, was modeled after one of the artist's hometown.

Story-line wise - why would they have that city in there? We'll have to wait and see.
He's Austrian! It says so in the Manual! :D