Which is better? NVIDIA or ATI

Which do you think is a better choice for games?

  • ATI

    Votes: 27 69.2%

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters
With ATI screwing there drivers now-a-days i would say nVidia have hte better advantage here, BUT my ATI has always give me good boosts in games, so i vote ATI.
I vote ATI because I haven't had any problems with them since I switched over from Nvidia. I had a geForce 2 a long time ago that didn't work very well.
I've had these questions since I joined this forum.
lePobz seems to know some shit but kind of gives vague answers.

I've only owned a computer for a couple months
`unreal or someone help clear this up for me please

I have an ATI 9250 256MB PCI card. I bought it becuase It was the highest number PCI card with the highest RAM I could find in the PCI configuration. (I don't want to buy a new computer for at least a year, but mine has no AGP slot.)

With games like Half-Life 2 and any pentium 3 games it runs quite well and is plenty fast enough for whatever tasks I use my computer for besides games.

I saw an Nvidia PCI card with 256MB at the store recently. I don't remember the model number. It keeps selling out as soon as they get them it seemed. It is $200 as compared to my 256MB PCI card that was $130. I mean, usually you get what you pay for so I figure it's alot better. I get a big discount from this store, and a friend thats interested in my ATI card if I decide to buy the NVIDIA one.

Basically I want the best PCI card for Doom3 and HL2

All I know is Half-Life2 runs faster than a mofo on my ATI, but Medal of Honor Pacific Assault and Doom3 and Deus EX2 don't run well at all, in fact Deus EX2 goes down to less than 1 frame per second during a gunfight! It's like a strobelight! lol

I don't know if those games are OpenGL but I assume they are.

It's weird becuase the people I talk to In real life say that Nvidia is the better brand, and recommend it, although I don't know enough to argue either way.

I would say 95% of the people on this forum recommend ATI, even after admiting that nvidia is better for OpenGL games like Doom3... so does this mean that Ati is superior for DirectX? but Im confused as to how ATi can be superior at DirectX when my ATi card is actually DirectX 8.1 I would think DX 9 on nvidia would be better.

Is nvidia poor at DirectX the way ATI is poor at OpenGL?

So the question of the month is:

If Nvidia is good at both then why the hell would anyone want ATI?

The next time I buy a card it will be with the info from this poll.

Thank you for voting, have a nice day. :naughty: :smoking:
nVidia and ATI base their cards on DirectX nowadays, they just have support for OpenGL also. but i thought ATI was better for this.

about your 9250 being DirectX 8.1, im positive its 9.0
the 1st number in the ATI models show the directX they are.
like Radeon 7000 is DirectX 7
Radeon 8200 is DirectX 8
and the 9100 to the 9800 is DirectX 9.0
the X800s were meant to be directX 10 (x is 10 roman) but that isnt out yet.
furiousV said:
nVidia and ATI base their cards on DirectX nowadays, they just have support for OpenGL also. but i thought ATI was better for this.

about your 9250 being DirectX 8.1, im positive its 9.0
the 1st number in the ATI models show the directX they are.
like Radeon 7000 is DirectX 7
Radeon 8200 is DirectX 8
and the 9100 to the 9800 is DirectX 9.0
the X800s were meant to be directX 10 (x is 10 roman) but that isnt out yet.

sorry but your wrong, dx9 starts with the 9500 and up
Nvidia and ATI are both good companies. I don't perfer one of the other. I look to see which company has the best cards out at the time and I get those.
Why do people bother to make these threads, its just an excuse for people to argue about the two and it just gets out of hand. Its the same with AMD and Intel threads.
I think ATI offer slightly better value for money - as well as some performance lead in Source.

There's not alot in it, and both companies offer fine cards.
If you want the absolute best performance, you get an Nvidia sli setup.

But all the Ati cards and all the Nvidia cards are pretty much the same thing, top of the ramge from both cards will give you pretty much equal performance in everything. The only thing that you should really worry about is Linux, if you use any operating system other than Windows, avoid Ati at all costs.
Razor said:
The only thing that you should really worry about is Linux, if you use any operating system other than Windows, avoid Ati at all costs.
isnt ATI the one with the open-source drivers, while nVidia just provide them but not open source.
Razor said:
If you want the absolute best performance, you get an Nvidia sli setup.

But all the Ati cards and all the Nvidia cards are pretty much the same thing, top of the ramge from both cards will give you pretty much equal performance in everything. The only thing that you should really worry about is Linux, if you use any operating system other than Windows, avoid Ati at all costs.


When you're getting th best chips that each company offers your cpu will make far more difference than which gfx card you have.
ati like 10010102301200101010 times better than nvidia
:LOL: :naughty:
If ATI and Nvidia were two guys stuck on an island, ATI would crack nvidia's head open and eat him until the boat came.


Really, ATI is the superior card
duffers20 said:
Why do people bother to make these threads, its just an excuse for people to argue about the two and it just gets out of hand. Its the same with AMD and Intel threads.

I bothered to make this thread becuase my ATI card plays HL2 fantastic, but doesnt play Doom3 very well ( some missing frames even in low quality mode)

I want a card that can play both games smoothly.

I was thinking maybe that Nvidia is a better choice if you want to play both Open Gl and DirectX games. BUT HAVE NO IDEA.

So if you read my post on the first page its some questions I have that I don't understand.

The purpose of this post is to decide If I should replace my ATI card with an Nvidia card

I just want to play D3 better, without losing any playabillity in HL2

I don't think It will get out of hand unless people post things like "Ati is 1200111010221" times better :rolleyes:
I was alittle annoyed when i made that post, didn't mean to offend anyone. I think that nvidia cards, mainly the 6600GT, 6800GT & ultra play Doom 3 better than Ati cards. When it comes to playing hl2, it has been shown in benchmarks that nvidia cards out perform ati cards, although the performance difference isn't that big. I think that if i were in your position, I would look at benchmarks for the 6800GT or Ultra, or think about a 6600GT / 6800GT SLI setup. I don't know that much about this so its best to check out benchmark results. If you live in teh UK, i can recommend a magazine, CustomPC, it reviews all teh latest hardware, mainly gfx cards, CPUs, HDs, and it will show you how good the componants will perform in games and standard tasks too. Hope this helps.
Look a high end ATI\Nvidia card will overall be able to play most top of the line games evenly.

Open Gl works better for Nvidia.
While DX works better for ATI.
It dosn't mean ATI has complete shit Open GL or Nvidia has complete shit DX.

They both have grand cards that run both great.
3*00<whatever ATI has here

Fanboysism is the fastest way to beeing poor and with a crappy card.
duffers20 said:
I was alittle annoyed when i made that post, didn't mean to offend anyone. I think that nvidia cards, mainly the 6600GT, 6800GT & ultra play Doom 3 better than Ati cards. When it comes to playing hl2, it has been shown in benchmarks that nvidia cards out perform ati cards, although the performance difference isn't that big. I think that if i were in your position, I would look at benchmarks for the 6800GT or Ultra, or think about a 6600GT / 6800GT SLI setup. I don't know that much about this so its best to check out benchmark results. If you live in teh UK, i can recommend a magazine, CustomPC, it reviews all teh latest hardware, mainly gfx cards, CPUs, HDs, and it will show you how good the componants will perform in games and standard tasks too. Hope this helps.
It helps, becuase you said that Nvidia out performs Ati in HL2 and D3. There is my answer.
A statement like that would become more solid to me if other people say something along those lines

I wasn't offended, you made a good point. I didn't start the thread to start a riot though.

I hate when I buy something and 95% of the people say I should have bought x or y. Thats all. Just looking for input.

FireCrack said:
3*00<whatever ATI has here

What does this mean?

I understand now. Nvidia on left, ATi on right, * = any number

So generally speaking since I have a 9250 ATI I would have to get a 6*00 model Nvidia to make an upgrade.

So a 5*00 would be a downgrade.
Im not sure what model the Nvidia was, so if it is a 5*00 series, even though it costs $ 80 more than mine its still not as good? It must be a 6*00. thanks!

Thanks alot FireCrack!
bryanf445 said:
sorry but your wrong, dx9 starts with the 9500 and up

sorry buy you're wrong, i have a radeon 9000 and the hardware version dx is dx9
duffers20 said:
I think that nvidia cards, mainly the 6600GT, 6800GT & ultra play Doom 3 better than Ati cards.

duffers20 said:
When it comes to playing hl2, it has been shown in benchmarks that nvidia cards out perform ati cards
For every benchmark that shows Nvidia ahead to ATI in HL2 and I'll show you 5 that show the reverse. I bet I could keep going after you can't find any more too. ;)
duffers20 said:
although the performance difference isn't that big
It can be near a tie or there can be a pretty big difference. It depends on the res, quality settings and which lvl. I will say A64 over P4 will make a much bigger difference consistantly than ATI vs Nvidia though.
I'll give you one link for now. Link
Notice how even ATI's 299$ card (X800XL) handles HL2. Granted this isn't offered just yet on AGP (it will be). The graph is averages. The table shows for different maps.
Mr.Awesome said:
sorry buy you're wrong, i have a radeon 9000 and the hardware version dx is dx9
It's compatible with DX9, as in it will run games which require DX9 to be installed. But it will only give you DX8.1 graphics. It's basicly a 8500. DX9 being displayed starts with the 9500 cards and above.
I voted Nvidia, but my Gigabyte 6800gt is pissing me off to no end.
HL2 and D3- beautiful and smooth (like never below 40-50fps on all highest settings) BUT THIS THING RUNS SO DAMN HOT!

This is the first card ive ever bought, so am really in no position to argue one or the other. All i can say is that the 6800gt AGP8x runs D3 and HL2 with absolute ease, but make sure you get a good brand- im not sure about Gigabyte's 'form over function' heatsink and fan set up.
Thats a good link you posted Asus, it really does show how the cards perform in different games.
I have a 6800 GT and it performs brilliantly, no complaints there. I also used to have a 9600 Pro and that was brilliant as well at the time. As the sensible amongst you have said, it's preference.

J_Tweedy said:
I voted Nvidia, but my Gigabyte 6800gt is pissing me off to no end.
HL2 and D3- beautiful and smooth (like never below 40-50fps on all highest settings) BUT THIS THING RUNS SO DAMN HOT!

I highly recommend the artic cooling for the 6800GT, keeps temperatures in check much better
VirusType2 said:
I want a card that can play both games smoothly.

just get a good card from either brand.

i have a 9800 xt in 1 of my systems and it runs doom3, hl2 and others flawlessly.
???Help here-Vid CARD???

Hey guys I have a choice in a ATI Radeon x800 series and ATI Radeon 9800 pro, whitch one is better because i need a new video card cuz i got here an ATI Radeon 7000 series and some of my settings in hl2 are to low some to medium but still i cant see the water crearly and the EYES on the ppl like (kleiner, barney, alyx, etc.) the eyes look like boiled EGGS lol. So I want to know witch one of the folowing vid Cards is THE BEST!!

1 -ATI Radeon x800 series (or pro -IDK-)
2 -ATI Radeon 9800 pro


--DeVL1-- :cool:
On a budget? 9800 Pro. Tons better than the 7000 series. ;)
Want the best? X800 series over the 9800Pro easy.