Which is your Favourite now?


Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
HL2 Episode One has been out for a while now. Time for a ranking thread!

For me:
HL2, HL2: Ep1, HL1, Op4, BS
HL2, HL2: EP1, HL1, OP4, BS, Decay. :p
Is it really fair to compare Ep1 and HL2 (haven't played Ep1 yet)? Or, for the same reasons, to compare Op4 and BS to HL1? Expansions or episodes are just that, they can't give innovation. Thus they always are less likely to get high rankings. Expansions can have very good content. Op4 did. Ep1, I am sure, also has top notch content. But due to their nature, these games will never quite surprise you in the same way by innovation...
In order: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One

and Solver has a point.
Well for the op:


And taking Solvers idea into consideration:

HL2 > HL1


Op4 > EP1 > BS

Furthering Story:
EP1 > Op4 > BS

General Good Time:
EP1 > Op4 > BS
HL2 > HL

Ep1 > BS > Op4

Opposing Force was fun gameplay-wise, but extremely lousy in other terms like level design and its story.

I dunno why people hate BS so much... it was inventive, had a better story, no dumb new weapons, and much better level design than Op4. Its characteristics are rather like Ep1.
I liked Blueshift. I was only disappointed by its length (that's VERY short), and one of those damn puzzles that took forever. When you had to arrange the barrels to lift them up with water to make a bridge... given the, erm, physics of the engines back then, it was always a pain to do.

OpForce had some very fun gameplay moments, as in good fights, though I didn't particularly like the introduction of the new race. But no biggie. And, OpForce had the G-Man, while in BS he only appeared momentarily.
Well i've had BS and OP4 for many years now but never really played them, so i think i'll go complete both of them first then rank, but in order of the ones i have completed it would probably be HL2, HL1, EP1
I liked Op4's new weaponry, Hated the rope climbing bits and loved the role specific henchmen you collected along the way. Would have been nice in HL2 if there had been an engineer Resistence member who could go around turning combine turrets against the combine, And putting up defenses. Maybe in EP2 or the future.

BS I liked for the High def. pack but it really wasn't brilliant like HL and Op4.
bigburpco said:
I dunno why people hate BS so much... it was inventive, had a better story, no dumb new weapons, and much better level design than Op4. Its characteristics are rather like Ep1.
"yay! we made it to the car-park! everything is just fab!"
*fades to black*

Yeah, where was their accademy award? :P
EP1 > HL2 > HL1

I didn't play the HL expansions....
Ep1 rocks more than HL2 because of the more 'real' world, animations and humour...
I hated BS mainly for it's length.

Ep 1 took me 5 hours, BS took me 2.5 (despite being touted as an expansion).
You do the math.
Id still say Half-Life 2 but maybe that will change once all play all Episodes.
kupoartist said:
"yay! we made it to the car-park! everything is just fab!"
*fades to black*

Yeah, where was their accademy award? :P

I don't think you could do more as Barney... :P

for me. EP1 was lower for its length. I liked blue shift, but it wasnt anything too new and pretty short.
OP4 is up there because it was at a great length, story, and weapon and enemies.
best expansion pack ever made for the HL series really. but all of them are great.
Solver said:
I liked Blueshift. I was only disappointed by its length (that's VERY short), and one of those damn puzzles that took forever. When you had to arrange the barrels to lift them up with water to make a bridge... given the, erm, physics of the engines back then, it was always a pain to do.

OpForce had some very fun gameplay moments, as in good fights, though I didn't particularly like the introduction of the new race. But no biggie. And, OpForce had the G-Man, while in BS he only appeared momentarily.

since i dig all the half life stuff in general, it makes it even more a shame that i've never played them. on the other side, gunman balanced that out - it's awesome if you expect nothing, and get all. :)

even though it was the german version, what means cowboys = shiny robots. i'm shocked that i even dared to say it. ;)

hl > hl2 (> hl2: epi one, i guess. didn't play it so far)

i tend to agree with solver, that it may be unfair comparing an add-on with new game iterations. still, gameplay elements, which are the main reason for a fun game can be improved and give you a pretty refreshed experience no matter the core game design/idea is already there or not. well, unfortunately the reality doesn't back it up most of the time...
Half-life 2: Episode 1

A fantastic piece of gaming, the best FPS I've played since HL2 was released. The story is fantastic and takes everything that was up a notch. Alyx is revolutionary in that she aids instead of hinders, and the Zombines are pure awesome. It's a tight, action-packed adventure that seeps in quality and has the best opening to a game, ever.

Half-life 2

This is pretty much on par with Episode 1. Niether comes out on top. Whilst Episode 1 proves to be a more polished experience, HL2 has a number of things going for it. For starters, it's got alot more 'talky scenes', such as Black Mesa east, or in Breen's office. I was hoping for something to match the latter in Episode 1, but meh. Nova Prospekt is still my winning chapter, proving to be highly atmospheric and boasting outstanding gameplay. And it's got Breen. Look, if you don't have Breen, you don't win. Simple.

Half-life 1

Still an excellent experience, but it doesn't have the quality of say, HL2 or EP1. However, whilst HL2/EP1 prove to be the better game none of their chapters come close to matching HL1's finest - Surface Tension. It doesn't boast this quality throughout, but it's still one of the best FPS's out there.

Blue Shift

Short, but sweet. It's abit of fun, and I enjoyed it. Not oozing in quality, but hey.

Opposing Force

Worst Half-life game out there. Whilst it's got some superb chapters that are pretty goddamned good, it's completely retarded in it's inclusion of Race X. Seriously - a worm with a laser eye. WTF. A cheap copy of Blast Pit that's a cringe to play. The final boss is a joke too. Not to mention the inclusion of some of the most retarded weapons in the history of the franchise. Shephard, the story contrivances, the weapon additions and on the whole - most of it. I did think a few of the chapters were awesome though.
Did I say I hate Race-X?
Quite simply OpFor was more intense than BS, and that's what counts for me - even more than the story.

RaceX for the win :sniper:
But let's not get into that again.
Oh yeah, Opposing force was a better gameplay experience. But everything else about it pisses me off so much I stuck it at the bottom.
At least Opposing Force had some indication of effort. Blue Shift just came across as a rather poor single-player mod that cost me rather too much. Sure Opposing Force didn some things worse than Blue Shift, but it also did some things extremely well. Blue Shift was just one uniformly mediocre Death Knell to the Black Mesa continuity. Perhaps "Grey Shift" would have been more appropriate. Actually that's not fair. They had a sewer level, brought back a large unskipable Xen area and had a and a silly trainyard level too. Blue Shift was capable of moments of abject s**tness :P
Yeah, the Blast Pit rehash in OpForce was horrible. The last boss fight was very meh, despite a good build-up to it.

If Ep1 has content as good as Samon says, I'll be very, very happy. I just hope that there's at least a bit of talking involved, I want a story-advancing scene, too, not just all the action.
Nope, I haven't played it yet. I don't think the retail version has even made it here yet, and I'm going to wait until I get a HDR-capable machine anyway.

Of course, you're most welcome to lend me your PC for one day :).
Sure, it'll be with you within the next 60 - 70 years, that ok with you ?
Drackard said:
Sure, it'll be with you within the next 60 - 70 years, that ok with you ?

Hmm, the profits from selling to a museum.... YES!!
HL2 > EP1 > HL > OP4 > BS

Wasn't Decay an expansion only released on the Playstation or something? What was that about, anyway? What was the story and who did you play as?
DannyC. said:
Wasn't Decay an expansion only released on the Playstation or something? What was that about, anyway? What was the story and who did you play as?

Only on Playstation 2, yes. You played as Dr. Gina Cross and Dr. Colette Green in a co-operative mode. It took place during the Black Mesa incident and you visited different areas of Black Mesa Research Facility.


I liked it, especially because it was co-op but I never liked the fact that you played it out on missions instead of a whole play through like in all of the other Half-Life games. It was also pretty short.