Which map?


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Which map are you most looking forward to tomorrow? Myself, I can't wait for the new version of cs_office.
Italy, kill me some chickens, change the hostage skins to hot porn stars hehe.

But I can't wait to play them all.
Office without a doubt. I don't see how it could possibly be anything less than an awesome remake.
Soundwave said:
Office without a doubt. I don't see how it could possibly be anything less than an awesome remake.

If only they would put the steel doors back in!
*jumps on bandwagon* Office. VodkA, you have issues.
militia or assault and i wanna see aztecs water in action
I want to see if the chicken is now physiced and has ai :P

Im going to go with as_oilrig, OH THATS RIGHT, ITS NOT IN :cry:
Im interested in seeing the water too, Source runs perfectly on my computer, allthough I have yet to see if water/efx while im shooting it, will kill my comp, hope not...
Militia might be nice if they put a bit of water in the sewers
Gar, I feel really cheated. I came here with the full intention of saying- cs_office , cos it rocks....

But I'd just look sad and unoriginal if I said that now..

Gar, damn you all for posting before me :bounce:

/whispers "cs_office cos it rooks" :o
I sold my soul to cs_italy a few years a go..so thats my number uno.
Havanna is a pretty good number 2!
whichever one has the most water in it. gotta love to look at that water.
lePobz said:
Militia might be nice if they put a bit of water in the sewers
I don't think militia is going to be in the update right away:(
Since cs_assault hasn't been rebuilt I'll have to go with cs_office. I can't wait to see ALL of them though. Methinks I'm going to have a LOOONG night ahead of me.